netconf-wg / restconf

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RC Review of draft-ietf-netconf-restconf-09 #41

Closed abierman closed 8 years ago

abierman commented 8 years ago

From Rodney Cummimgs

abierman commented 8 years ago

AB: changed MAY to SHOULD; s/resource/data resource/

AB: not changed; server not required to have all-or-none YANG modules available for retrieval. Each entry will have a schema leaf if is is available for retrieval

AB: clarified this text

AB: If the server has only ordered-by system data then these query parameters are not allowed to be used. The server will just return an error. The real issue is that modules with ordered-by user have to be fully supported. (no text changed)


AB: s/resource/data resource/

AB: rewritten

AB: clarified text

AB: done

AB: done

AB: used PUT as template

Section 5.3: In "If there was no request input, then the default output encoding is XML or JSON, depending or server preference.", replace the 2nd "or" with "on".

AB: done

abierman commented 8 years ago

closed in draft-10