netconf-wg / restconf

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TP review of restconf-11 #60

Closed abierman closed 8 years ago

abierman commented 8 years ago

I like it!

That said, one substantive comment and some editorial quirks

s.11.4 The new registry needs a policy; suggest 'IETF Review'

s.6.3.1 "The YANG encoding MUST be converted to URL-encoded string for use in the request URI. "

The I-D uses a mix of URL and URI and I am unclear if there is intended to be a difference - I would use URI throughout.

More basically, I struggle to see YANG as an encoding, rather a (data) definition - most of the rest of the I-D has 'YANG defining' or 'YANG definition' so I suggest

NEW "The YANG definition MUST be converted to a URI-encoded string for use in the request URI "

and with a reference back to 3.5.1 where all the details are specified. I note that 3.5.1 has 'URL encoded' not 'URL-encoded'; I prefer the hyphenated form and URI not URL.

In 3.6.1, in the same vein, I would also

OLD In YANG, data nodes are named with an absolute XPath expression,

NEW In YANG, data nodes are identified with an absolute XPath expression,

'named' does not seem right. 'identified' or 'defined'.

s.4.8.8 ' If the "replay-support" leaf is present in the "stream" entry (defined in Section 9.3) then the server MUST support the "start-time" and "stop-time" query parameters for that stream.'

this leaf is defined as a boolean so I think it better as

NEW If the "replay-support" leaf has the value 'true' in the "stream" entry

unless false booleans are elided, which is not what I understood to happen.

s.7.1 " body and hence Accept headers are typically not passed."

Is that meant to be 'parsed'?

Tom Petch

abierman commented 8 years ago

think all comments are addressed

abierman commented 8 years ago

issues addressed in restconf-12