netcreateorg / netcreate-2018

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Default to `default.template.toml`, fall back to `template-schema.js` #227

Open benloh opened 2 years ago

benloh commented 2 years ago

template-schema does not correctly generate a _default.template file.

The top level parameters do not quite match up.

benloh commented 2 years ago

We should be able to generate a new default.template.toml file from the schema. That would ensure that default template is up to date.

There isn't a single-button UI for this currently, but you CAN basically do this by:

  1. Start NetCreate with a new db, e.g. ./nc.js --dataset=newdefault
  2. Clicking "New Template" on the "More... > Edit Template" tab.
  3. Clicking "Save Changes"
  4. Copy the file to netcreate-2018/build/app/assets/templates/
  5. Renaming the saved template to _default.template.toml