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Rename Filter functions #263

Closed benloh closed 1 year ago

benloh commented 1 year ago

The current naming is confusing:

We really should come up with better more understandable function names for the three selections.


One idea: Function applies to the non-matched items...

  1. "Fade" -- aka "Highlight" -- Keeps matched items, fades all unmatched items.
  2. "Hide" -- aka "Filter" -- Keeps matched items, hides all unmatched items (but keeps all relationships intact)
  3. "Remove" -- aka "Collapse" -- Keeps matched items, removes all unmatched items and recalculates all relationships

Any other ideas? Are there other terms of art?


benloh commented 1 year ago

@jdanish @kalanicraig care to chime in? You might also want to try out #264 first to see what it feels like.

jdanish commented 1 year ago

I'll let @kalanicraig note the state of the art, but for me:

1) For all 3, I agree with the implementation that the "matches" are kept, and the non-matches are "diminished" (faded in filter, hidden in filter, removed in collapse)

2) I agree on the naming issue and I think pitched somewhere that we rename the top-level to something like "View" or "Display" and include future decoration within it (e.g., changing color of what is highlighted).

3) I like fade, hide, and remove. Though it makes me think this should eventually be a template thing because that is intuitive for kids, but experts may require filter, etc? (@kalanicraig )

kalanicraig commented 1 year ago

Filter should be the tab name, and fade/hide/remove is best. Collapse usually means “take a bimodal network and collapse it to a unimodal network” which is a whole set of data changes we don’t want to do yet.

kalanicraig commented 1 year ago

Joshua points out that “filter” doesn’t address node/edge re-visualization. I’d pitch “Refine” or “refine viz” or something like that.

benloh commented 1 year ago

@jdanish @kalanicraig Sorry, another clarification: Is it correct to assume that you still want all three functions: fade, hide, and remove? e.g. that there is a functional difference between hiding and removing and that someones you'd want one view over the other depending on your purpose?

jdanish commented 1 year ago

I think yes. Technically we could do fade and just set the percentages to 0, so I'd be OK simplifying, but if it isn't an additional burden I'd leave them for now and see what folks think.

benloh commented 1 year ago

I think yes. Technically we could do fade and just set the percentages to 0, so I'd be OK simplifying, but if it isn't an additional burden I'd leave them for now and see what folks think.

Actually it would be simpler if we removed the "2. Hide -- formerly-known-as'Filter'", because of #269 -- We need to differentiate how nodes are handled when they are removed from the Node Table vs how they are handled in the graph. Keeping all three requires us to handle the views in three not-so-easily-teased-apart ways.

It's probably the difference between 1 hour and 4 hours of work. 1hr to fix #269 if we drop Hide, 4hrs if we keep all three.

jdanish commented 1 year ago

From my standpoint for pedagogical purposes, Fade and Collapse do all the work we need. So I'd say drop "hide."

@kalanicraig can you verify it's not an issue from a DH perspective?