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Feature: Edge Weights #285

Closed benloh closed 1 year ago

benloh commented 1 year ago

Addresses #245

This adds a new parameter weight to edges.


See also user input data flow whimsical diagram for system architecture.

Migrating Data

server-database.js will now "migrate" graph data as it opens the project file. It uses parameters defined in the template to determine if migration is necessary and can automatically define missing fields and set default values. It currently does not do more sophisticated migration (e.g. change a property from one name to another), but these can be easily added.

Currently this is primarily being used to add the "Weight" to any project that has "Weight" defined as set as "isRequired" and has a defaultValue defined.

The basic check is this:
1. If the TEMPLATE property `isRequired`
2. ...and the TEMPLATE propert has `defaultValue` defined
2. ...and the node/edge property is currently undefined or ``
3. ...then we set the property to the defaultValue

The key parameters:

If `isRequired` or `defaultValue` is not defined on the property, we skip migration..

You can use this technique to auto-populate data on a project. Just add isRequired and defaultValue to the projects' *.template.toml file. e.g. this will set all node types to Person if the node type was not previously set when the project is opened:

isRequired = true
defaultValue = "Person"

color = "#eeeeee"
label = ""
color = "#ff0000"
label = "Person"

NOTE the migration does NOT save the changes until you do something to modify the database and trigger an autosave.

jdanish commented 1 year ago

Can we change the default display name and export name for Weight to be Weight?

jdanish commented 1 year ago

Maybe in the Edge table make Weight slightly smaller and Comments slightly wider?

jdanish commented 1 year ago

To avoid confusion, when creating a new edge, if weights are visible can we add the weight number to it? It displays the edge correctly as 1 but having the field blank feels potentially confusion.

jdanish commented 1 year ago

I created two edges in opposite directions between the same set of nodes and it seems to have done some weird things - making the edge suddenly REALLY thick and also coloring it red in the table. I tried switching direction and that did not fix it. Deleting the second edge it looks fine.

Note upon further experimenting the issue with size always happens with 2 edges: 2 edges of weight 1 each are much thicker than one edge of weight 2.

I'm guessing the red is because you picked an edge color? I like the idea, but 2 things there: 1) I think choosing the color of the thickest edge makes sense if possible, and 2) turning it red is confusing. I'm inclined to suggest either fading it, or just leaving it normally displayed. Or maybe indicating it is hidden with some symbol in the table? Leaning towards normal display but will ponder and am open to suggestions.

Screenshot 2023-06-10 at 6 44 41 AM
jdanish commented 1 year ago

By the way I tested adding a letter to the edge weight and it was fine - it just left the prior number it seemed. However, given the long-term goal of using more validation it'd be nice if this required an integer like the focus field does (assuming its easy to use the same code - if not, this can wait since I imagine that if we are validating numbers we'll eventually want a range to be something we can identify in the template? though this can have a range similar to focus of 1-infinity so long as it is a positive integer?).

benloh commented 1 year ago

Can we change the default display name and export name for Weight to be Weight?

Ooops. Sorry, victim of copy and paste.

Maybe in the Edge table make Weight slightly smaller and Comments slightly wider?


To avoid confusion, when creating a new edge, if weights are visible can we add the weight number to it? It displays the edge correctly as 1 but having the field blank feels potentially confusion.

How do you want to handle the case where an old project is converted to add weight? Do we respect the fact that the old project did not define weight and leave it blank? Or do we always insert 1 if it wasn't defined? And should we do that when the project is opened (applies to all edges), or when an EdgeEditor is opened (applies only to opened+edited edges)?

By the way I tested adding a letter to the edge weight and it was fine - it just left the prior number it seemed. However, given the long-term goal of using more validation it'd be nice if this required an integer like the focus field does (assuming its easy to use the same code - if not, this can wait since I imagine that if we are validating numbers we'll eventually want a range to be something we can identify in the template? though this can have a range similar to focus of 1-infinity so long as it is a positive integer?).

We can spec a number input field for now and force a min of 1. If the value is outside of the range, we show a red border for the input field, but otherwise we allow the value. Adding customizable min/max values and more sophisticated validation will be something we'll add in the future when we go to the completely flexible data architecture.

weight calculation

Hmm...checking my algorithms...

jdanish commented 1 year ago

Forcing all to 1 on open works for me since they’ll be hidden until someone makes them visible.The red box to define a range of 1 but more robust layer works great.Thanks!! 

benloh commented 1 year ago


Migrating Data

server-database.js will now "migrate" graph data as it opens the project file. It uses parameters defined in the template to determine if migration is necessary and can automatically define missing fields and set default values. It currently does not do more sophisticated migration (e.g. change a property from one name to another), but these can be easily added.

Currently this is primarily being used to add the "Weight" to any project that has "Weight" defined as set as "isRequired" and has a defaultValue defined.

The basic check is this:
1. If the TEMPLATE property `isRequired`
2. ...and the TEMPLATE propert has `defaultValue` defined
2. ...and the node/edge property is currently undefined or ``
3. ...then we set the property to the defaultValue

The key parameters:

If `isRequired` or `defaultValue` is not defined on the property, we skip migration..

You can use this technique to auto-populate data on a project. Just add isRequired and defaultValue to the projects' *.template.toml file. e.g. this will set all node types to Person if the node type was not previously set when the project is opened:

isRequired = true
defaultValue = "Person"

color = "#eeeeee"
label = ""
color = "#ff0000"
label = "Person"

NOTE the migration does NOT save the changes until you do something to modify the database and trigger an autosave. (copied to main PR description for reference)

jdanish commented 1 year ago

Two minor issues, but I'll accept and then add those. They are: 1) If you delete the number in weight field it now makes a 0 and you cannot delete that. Which is weird. Also 2) It'd be nice to show the color on an edge of the edge with the highest weight (e.g., if I have a->b (green) and a->d (blue) but c-d is weight 2 and a-b is weight 1, it should be displayed green.

jdanish commented 1 year ago

Note: issues and have been created.

jdanish commented 1 year ago

Looks good!

benloh commented 1 year ago

288 and #289 should be addressed.