Sorry for my lack of knowledge about statsd.
I'm using your go-statsd to count events in my logs shipper app.
Everytimes it receives an event, it increases stat.inputEvents by one.
Then, I use grafana to visualize this stat:
Data source: InfluxDB
Query: SELECT "value" FROM "stat_inputEvents" WHERE ("metric_type" = 'counter') AND $timeFilter
Since the graph is not always going up, so it is not counter from beginning.
So what does its value mean please? Events per second, events per ten seconds, ...?
Sorry for my lack of knowledge about statsd. I'm using your go-statsd to count events in my logs shipper app. Everytimes it receives an event, it increases stat.inputEvents by one. Then, I use grafana to visualize this stat:
Since the graph is not always going up, so it is not counter from beginning. So what does its value mean please? Events per second, events per ten seconds, ...?