netdata / kernel-collector

Linux Kernel eBPF Collectors
61 stars 15 forks source link

Symplify tests #365

Closed thiagoftsm closed 8 months ago

thiagoftsm commented 8 months ago

This PR brings changes in the tester source code that will be used in netdata/netdata.

Test Plan
  1. Get binaries according to your C library from this link and extract them inside a directory, for example: ../artifacts. You can also get everything for glibc [here](UPLOAD FILE WITH ALL BINARIES TO SIMPLIFY REVIEWERS).

  2. Extract them running:

    $ for i in `ls *.zip`; do unzip $i; rm .gitkeep ; rm $i; done
    $ for i in `ls *.xz`; do tar -xf $i; rm $i* ; done
  3. Compile branch an run the following tests:

    # make clean; make tester
    # for i in `seq 0 3`; do ./kernel/legacy_test --netdata-path ../artifacts --content --networkviewer --iteration 1 --pid $i --log-path file_pid$i.txt; done
  4. Every test should ends with Success, unless you do not have a specific target (function) available.

Additional information

This PR was tested on:

Linux Distribution Environment Kernel Version Real Parent Parent All PIDs Without PIDs
Slackware current Bare metal 6.6.15 slackware_pid0.txt slackware_pid1.txt slackware_pid2.txt slackware_pid3.txt
Arch Linux Libvirt 6.7.4-arch1-1 arch_pid0.txt arch_pid1.txt arch_pid2.txt arch_pid3.txt
Ubuntu 23.04 Libvirt 6.2.0-39-generic ubuntu_pid0.txt ubuntu_pid1.txt ubuntu_pid2.txt ubuntu_pid3.txt
Ubuntu 22.04 libvirt 5.15.0-76-generic file_pid0.txt file_pid1.txt file_pid2.txt file_pid3.txt
Alma 9 Libvirt 5.14.0-362.18.1.el9_3.x86_64 arch_pid0.txt arch_pid1.txt arch_pid2.txt arch_pid3.txt
Debian 11 Libvirt 5.10.0-22-amd64 debian_pid0.txt debian_pid1.txt debian_pid2.txt debian_pid3.txt
Alma 8 Libvirt 4.18.0-513.11.1.el8_9.x86_64 alma_pid0.txt alma_pid1.txt alma_pid2.txt alma_pid3.txt
Slackware current Qemu 4.14.290 slackware_4_14_pid0.txt slackware_4_14_pid1.txt slackware_4_14_pid2.txt slackware_4_14_pid3.txt
CentOS 7.9 Libvirt 3.10.0-1160.108.1.el7.x86_64 centos_3_10_pid0.txt centos_3_10_pid1.txt centos_3_10_pid2.txt centos_3_10_pid3.txt