netdisco / snmp-info

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Siemens Scalance: no connected devices discovered #406

Open jonnycastaway opened 3 years ago

jonnycastaway commented 3 years ago

Good Morning,

after updating my Netdisco (with OUI and MIB) from 2.44 to 2.46 i see folllowing behavior:

My Scalance Systems are now correctly identified. I get a serial an os version etc. The ports are now correctly named. But, there are no connected devices anymore. they are not discovered. The complete topology is gone.

Also there are some switches (other scalance type) that are not identified.

Can anyone help to solve my problem?

inphobia commented 3 years ago

has the topology ever worked? if so; with what version of snmp::info? with "connected devices", do you mean endnodes or other switches?

jonnycastaway commented 3 years ago

Good Morning from Germany and sorry, it took me some time to test some things.

I used an old system to check the problem. On an System with Netdisco 2.39.30 and SNMP::Info 3.61 there are no special infos about the switches, firewalls etc. I think because there are no Vendor specific MIBs downloaded (no siemens mibs installed). So i see Vendor and Model as OID (enterprises.4329. But i got Systemname, Location, Contact and Description. I think because these informations comes from standard mib. I also see the ports AND the connected devices ip and port. So Netdisco builds the Topology on top of this infos.

Then i updated to the last version and deploy without downloading new MIBs and OUIs. So also no siemens MIBs were installed. Versions: Netdisco 2.46.6 & SNMP::Info 3.70 The behavior is like before. The Topology is drawn better.

Now i deploy with MIB & OUI download. The siemens MIBs are now present. After a discover i got more acurate information about the device like serialnumber and os. The portnames changed. Thats ok because they are now better to understand. But now there are no connected devices shown anymore. And now the Topology is gone. Only the device i'm "in" is shown on the map. I think it's because the devices have no FDB.

Maybe it's a problem with the mib.

jonnycastaway commented 3 years ago

Hi again, for information. I can test with following devices: Scalance XR300 Scalance XR400 Scalance XR524 Scalance XM400 Scalance X200 Scalance XC200 Scalance W Scalance S627 Scalance SC646

On the metacpan site ( the Author said he tested with an XR524. But this device is here not discovered with the mibs so it has no valid vendor/model/serial/os/port information. Only in the way i described in my last post on Block 1.

fragfutter commented 3 years ago

Author here.


The scalance switches do not provide full lldp support. The remote ip is not available. But the remote system name (myremoteswitch) is available. This is resolved to an ip address, which only works if DNS is configured and the dns domain is searched by the netdisco server (via resolv.conf).


i'm currently running with

netdisco mibs: 4.019-1.1git2ef3ed03 perl-SNMP-Info: 3.70-1.2gitfc6494c netdisco: 2.046005-1

which models xr524 (firmware 06.03.00) fine.

You can verify the model/discovery with

netdisco-do discover -DIISQR -d SWITCHNAME

it should tell at the beginning which snmp info it is using.

jonnycastaway commented 3 years ago

Hello again, it might be right what you explained but i need the Topology. An older Netdisco-Version was able to grab teh needed Infos. And i never needed and used DNS in my test. The old Version showed the IP from the Partner-Port also. Eventually with the use of other Methods but it worked. And the Problems getting more. With the latest Version and without OID and MIB Netdisco ins't willing to open an connection to my Switches over SNMP. It stictly says: discover failed: could not SNMP connect to As soon i deploy with OID and/or MIBs the connection works but the Informations are useless for me.

fragfutter commented 3 years ago

if the issue still exists it would be interesting what snmp class you where using (and how that would detect neighbours) before the scalance switches got added.

with the current snmp info please run: netdisco-do discover -DIISQR -d SWITCHNAME

it should show the scalance model and discovery. Then edit the perl code to not detect scalance switches and run it again comment/remove lines 1953 and 1954

        $objtype = 'SNMP::Info::Layer3::Scalance'
        if ( $soid =~ /\.1\.3\.6\.1\.4\.1\.4329\.6\.1\.2/i );
jonnycastaway commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your Reply. I will test it asap.

jonnycastaway commented 2 years ago

Hello again. After some months fullof other stuff to do i played with the netdisco-do discover -DIISQR -d SWITCHNAME thing and was verry surprised. First, the problem stays on the last version. But, in the debug output i see that the lldp informations are correctly readed from the switch. But on the Webinterface theses informations are not present. So snmp-info seems not beeing the problem. In both situations LLDP-MIB is used correctly. Tomorrow i'll wipe the database on the funktional system (after backed up ;-) ) and do this test with these system. Then i'll compare the logs from old/functional system and the new one.