netease-youdao / EmotiVoice

EmotiVoice 😊: a Multi-Voice and Prompt-Controlled TTS Engine
Apache License 2.0
6.63k stars 556 forks source link

用了“嗯”字会报错 #79

Open huang023 opened 6 months ago

huang023 commented 6 months ago


AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'start' Traceback: File "E:\EmotiVoice\env\lib\site-packages\streamlit\runtime\scriptrunner\", line 534, in _run_script exec(code, module.dict) File "E:\EmotiVoice\", line 209, in new_line(0) File "E:\EmotiVoice\", line 202, in new_line text = g2p_cn(content) File "E:\EmotiVoice\", line 67, in g2p_cn return g2p(text) File "E:\EmotiVoice\", line 90, in g2p py = [" ".join(split_py(_py)) for _py in py] File "E:\EmotiVoice\", line 90, in py = [" ".join(split_py(_py)) for _py in py] File "E:\EmotiVoice\", line 55, in split_py sm = py[:seg_pos.start()]

syq163 commented 6 months ago

Apologies for the delayed response. Have you had the opportunity to try using the latest code, the MAC app, or our docker image? If you are still experiencing the issue, kindly provide us with the specific text that caused the problem. This will allow us to further investigate and verify the issue.