是否已有关于该错误的issue或讨论? | Is there an existing issue / discussion for this?
[X] 我已经搜索过已有的issues和讨论 | I have searched the existing issues / discussions
该问题是否在FAQ中有解答? | Is there an existing answer for this in FAQ?
[X] 我已经搜索过FAQ | I have searched FAQ
当前行为 | Current Behavior
2024-01-22 11:07:18,232 - asyncio - ERROR - Task exception was never retrieved
future: <Task finished name='Task-6' coro=<LocalDocQA.insert_files_to_milvus() done, defined at /workspace/qanything_local/qanything_kernel/core/local_doc_qa.py:89> exception=AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'schema'")>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/workspace/qanything_local/qanything_kernel/core/local_doc_qa.py", line 123, in insert_files_to_milvus
ret = await milvus_kv.insert_files(local_file.file_id, local_file.file_name, local_file.file_path,
File "/workspace/qanything_local/qanything_kernel/connector/database/milvus/milvus_client.py", line 136, in insert_files
data = [[] for _ in range(len(self.sess.schema))]
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'schema'
是否已有关于该错误的issue或讨论? | Is there an existing issue / discussion for this?
该问题是否在FAQ中有解答? | Is there an existing answer for this in FAQ?
当前行为 | Current Behavior
期望行为 | Expected Behavior
No response
运行环境 | Environment
QAnything日志 | QAnything logs
No response
复现方法 | Steps To Reproduce
No response
备注 | Anything else?
No response