netfishers-onl / Netshot

Network Configuration and Compliance Management
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v0.13.0 to v0.13.1 Errors #69

Closed pizu closed 4 years ago

pizu commented 4 years ago

020-06-10 16:36:13,254 INFO [main] StdSchedulerFactory: Quartz scheduler 'QuartzScheduler' initialized from an externally provided properties instance. 2020-06-10 16:36:13,254 INFO [main] StdSchedulerFactory: Quartz scheduler version: 2.2.3 2020-06-10 16:36:13,255 INFO [main] QuartzScheduler: Scheduler QuartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED started. 2020-06-10 16:36:13,263 INFO [main] Netshot: Updating the database schema, if necessary. 2020-06-10 16:36:16,635 INFO [main] JdbcExecutor: SELECT COUNT() FROM netshot01.DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK 2020-06-10 16:36:16,640 INFO [main] JdbcExecutor: SELECT COUNT() FROM netshot01.DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK 2020-06-10 16:36:16,646 INFO [main] JdbcExecutor: SELECT LOCKED FROM netshot01.DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK WHERE ID=1 2020-06-10 16:36:16,704 INFO [main] StandardLockService: Successfully acquired change log lock 2020-06-10 16:36:18,490 INFO [main] JdbcExecutor: SELECT MD5SUM FROM netshot01.DATABASECHANGELOG WHERE MD5SUM IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1 2020-06-10 16:36:18,494 INFO [main] JdbcExecutor: SELECT COUNT() FROM netshot01.DATABASECHANGELOG 2020-06-10 16:36:18,496 INFO [main] StandardChangeLogHistoryService: Reading from netshot01.DATABASECHANGELOG 2020-06-10 16:36:18,497 INFO [main] JdbcExecutor: SELECT FROM netshot01.DATABASECHANGELOG ORDER BY DATEEXECUTED ASC, ORDEREXECUTED ASC 2020-06-10 16:36:18,691 INFO [main] StandardLockService: Successfully released change log lock 2020-06-10 16:36:18,694 INFO [main] Netshot: Initializing access to the database. 2020-06-10 16:36:18,804 INFO [main] Version: HCANN000001: Hibernate Commons Annotations {4.0.5.Final} 2020-06-10 16:36:18,808 INFO [main] Version: HHH000412: Hibernate Core {4.3.11.Final} 2020-06-10 16:36:18,810 INFO [main] Environment: HHH000206: not found 2020-06-10 16:36:18,811 INFO [main] Environment: HHH000021: Bytecode provider name : javassist 2020-06-10 16:36:20,745 INFO [main] Database: Registering task class 2020-06-10 16:36:20,746 INFO [main] Database: Registering task class 2020-06-10 16:36:20,746 INFO [main] Database: Registering task class 2020-06-10 16:36:20,746 INFO [main] Database: Registering task class 2020-06-10 16:36:20,746 INFO [main] Database: Registering task class 2020-06-10 16:36:20,746 INFO [main] Database: Registering task class 2020-06-10 16:36:20,746 INFO [main] Database: Registering task class 2020-06-10 16:36:20,746 INFO [main] Database: Registering task class 2020-06-10 16:36:20,746 INFO [main] Database: Registering task class 2020-06-10 16:36:20,747 INFO [main] Database: Registering task class 2020-06-10 16:36:20,747 INFO [main] Database: Registering task class 2020-06-10 16:36:20,747 INFO [main] Database: Registering task class 2020-06-10 16:36:20,747 INFO [main] Database: Registering task class 2020-06-10 16:36:20,747 INFO [main] Database: Registering task class 2020-06-10 16:36:20,823 INFO [main] C3P0ConnectionProvider: HHH010002: C3P0 using driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver at URL: jdbc:mysql://localhost/netshot01?useUnicode=true&useJDBCCompliantTimezoneShift=true&useLegacyDatetimeCode=false&serverTimezone=Europe/Malta 2020-06-10 16:36:20,824 INFO [main] C3P0ConnectionProvider: HHH000046: Connection properties: {user=netshot, password=} 2020-06-10 16:36:20,824 INFO [main] C3P0ConnectionProvider: HHH000006: Autocommit mode: false 2020-06-10 16:36:20,834 INFO [main] MLog: MLog clients using log4j logging. 2020-06-10 16:36:20,958 INFO [main] C3P0Registry: Initializing c3p0- [built 15-March-2007 01:32:31; debug? true; trace: 10] 2020-06-10 16:36:21,031 INFO [main] AbstractPoolBackedDataSource: Initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.PoolBackedDataSource@d0250568 [ connectionPoolDataSource -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.WrapperConnectionPoolDataSource@7567e55f [ acquireIncrement -> 3, acquireRetryAttempts -> 30, acquireRetryDelay -> 1000, autoCommitOnClose -> false, automaticTestTable -> null, breakAfterAcquireFailure -> false, checkoutTimeout -> 0, connectionCustomizerClassName -> null, connectionTesterClassName -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConnectionTester, debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces -> true, factoryClassLocation -> null, forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions -> false, identityToken -> 2ukv9iaa180tcs0e5wcrs|591fd34d, idleConnectionTestPeriod -> 0, initialPoolSize -> 5, maxAdministrativeTaskTime -> 0, maxConnectionAge -> 0, maxIdleTime -> 1800, maxIdleTimeExcessConnections -> 0, maxPoolSize -> 30, maxStatements -> 50, maxStatementsPerConnection -> 0, minPoolSize -> 5, nestedDataSource -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.DriverManagerDataSource@ab19d076 [ description -> null, driverClass -> null, factoryClassLocation -> null, identityToken -> 2ukv9iaa180tcs0e5wcrs|4564e94b, jdbcUrl -> jdbc:mysql://localhost/netshot01?useUnicode=true&useJDBCCompliantTimezoneShift=true&useLegacyDatetimeCode=false&serverTimezone=Europe/Malta, properties -> {user=**, password=**} ], preferredTestQuery -> null, propertyCycle -> 0, testConnectionOnCheckin -> false, testConnectionOnCheckout -> false, unreturnedConnectionTimeout -> 1800, usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies -> false; userOverrides: {} ], dataSourceName -> null, factoryClassLocation -> null, identityToken -> 2ukv9iaa180tcs0e5wcrs|bcb09a6, numHelperThreads -> 3 ] 2020-06-10 16:36:21,150 INFO [main] Dialect: HHH000400: Using dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect 2020-06-10 16:36:21,165 INFO [main] LobCreatorBuilder: HHH000424: Disabling contextual LOB creation as createClob() method threw error : java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException 2020-06-10 16:36:21,732 INFO [main] TransactionFactoryInitiator: HHH000399: Using default transaction strategy (direct JDBC transactions) 2020-06-10 16:36:21,738 INFO [main] ASTQueryTranslatorFactory: HHH000397: Using ASTQueryTranslatorFactory 2020-06-10 16:36:22,145 INFO [main] JavaScriptRule: Reading the JavaScript rule loader code from the resource JS file. 2020-06-10 16:36:22,889 INFO [main] Netshot: Loading the device drivers 2020-06-10 16:36:22,894 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Reading the JavaScript driver loader code from the resource JS file. 2020-06-10 16:36:22,897 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Found user device driver file /usr/local/netshot/drivers/Fortinet_FortiOS.js. 2020-06-10 16:36:23,789 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Loaded driver DeviceDriver [name=FortinetFortiOS, author=NetFishers, description=Fortinet FortiOS, version=4.1-debug]. 2020-06-10 16:36:23,832 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Found Netshot device driver file /usr/local/netshot/netshot.jar (in jar). 2020-06-10 16:36:24,034 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Loaded driver DeviceDriver [name=AlcatelLucentTiMOS, author=NetFishers, description=Alcatel-Lucent TiMOS, version=1.3]. 2020-06-10 16:36:24,034 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Found Netshot device driver file /usr/local/netshot/netshot.jar (in jar). 2020-06-10 16:36:24,152 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Loaded driver DeviceDriver [name=CiscoStarOS, author=NetFishers, description=Cisco StarOS, version=1.3]. 2020-06-10 16:36:24,153 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Found Netshot device driver file /usr/local/netshot/netshot.jar (in jar). 2020-06-10 16:36:24,326 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Loaded driver DeviceDriver [name=AvayaERS, author=NetFishers, description=Avaya ERS, version=0.4.4]. 2020-06-10 16:36:24,327 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Found Netshot device driver file /usr/local/netshot/netshot.jar (in jar). 2020-06-10 16:36:24,462 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Loaded driver DeviceDriver [name=CiscoIOS12, author=NetFishers, description=Cisco IOS and IOS-XE, version=1.6.2]. 2020-06-10 16:36:24,463 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Found Netshot device driver file /usr/local/netshot/netshot.jar (in jar). 2020-06-10 16:36:24,529 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Loaded driver DeviceDriver [name=BrocadeFastIron, author=NetFishers, description=Brocade FastIron, version=1.3]. 2020-06-10 16:36:24,529 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Found Netshot device driver file /usr/local/netshot/netshot.jar (in jar). 2020-06-10 16:36:24,652 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Loaded driver DeviceDriver [name=JuniperJunos, author=NetFishers, description=Juniper Junos, version=2.12]. 2020-06-10 16:36:24,652 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Found Netshot device driver file /usr/local/netshot/netshot.jar (in jar). 2020-06-10 16:36:24,783 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Loaded driver DeviceDriver [name=CiscoIOSXR, author=NetFishers, description=Cisco IOS-XR, version=1.5]. 2020-06-10 16:36:24,784 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Found Netshot device driver file /usr/local/netshot/netshot.jar (in jar). 2020-06-10 16:36:24,892 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Loaded driver DeviceDriver [name=CheckpointGaia, author=NetFishers, description=Checkpoint Gaia, version=2.0]. 2020-06-10 16:36:24,892 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Found Netshot device driver file /usr/local/netshot/netshot.jar (in jar). 2020-06-10 16:36:24,974 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Loaded driver DeviceDriver [name=Riverbed, author=Adrien GANDARIAS, description=RiOS, version=0.3]. 2020-06-10 16:36:24,975 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Found Netshot device driver file /usr/local/netshot/netshot.jar (in jar). 2020-06-10 16:36:25,086 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Loaded driver DeviceDriver [name=CheckpointSPLAT, author=NetFishers, description=Checkpoint SPLAT, version=1.1]. 2020-06-10 16:36:25,087 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Found Netshot device driver file /usr/local/netshot/netshot.jar (in jar). 2020-06-10 16:36:25,208 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Loaded driver DeviceDriver [name=AristaEOS, author=NetFishers, description=Arista EOS, version=1.0.1]. 2020-06-10 16:36:25,208 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Found Netshot device driver file /usr/local/netshot/netshot.jar (in jar). 2020-06-10 16:36:25,304 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Loaded driver DeviceDriver [name=CiscoNXOS, author=NetFishers, description=Cisco NX-OS 5+, version=1.8.1]. 2020-06-10 16:36:25,304 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Found Netshot device driver file /usr/local/netshot/netshot.jar (in jar). 2020-06-10 16:36:25,390 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Loaded driver DeviceDriver [name=CiscoASA, author=NetFishers, description=Cisco ASA, version=1.4]. 2020-06-10 16:36:25,390 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Found Netshot device driver file /usr/local/netshot/netshot.jar (in jar). 2020-06-10 16:36:25,433 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Loaded driver DeviceDriver [name=SmartEdgeOS, author=NetFishers, description=Redback Networks SmartEdge OS, version=1.2]. 2020-06-10 16:36:25,434 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Found Netshot device driver file /usr/local/netshot/netshot.jar (in jar). 2020-06-10 16:36:25,490 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Loaded driver DeviceDriver [name=F5TMOS, author=NetFishers, description=F5 TM-OS, 11.x and newer, version=1.0]. 2020-06-10 16:36:25,490 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Found Netshot device driver file /usr/local/netshot/netshot.jar (in jar). 2020-06-10 16:36:25,594 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Loaded driver DeviceDriver [name=CitrixNetscaler, author=NetFishers, description=Citrix NetScaler, version=1.1]. 2020-06-10 16:36:25,595 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Found Netshot device driver file /usr/local/netshot/netshot.jar (in jar). 2020-06-10 16:36:25,667 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Loaded driver DeviceDriver [name=CiscoACE, author=NetFishers, description=Cisco ACE, version=1.5.1]. 2020-06-10 16:36:25,668 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Found Netshot device driver file /usr/local/netshot/netshot.jar (in jar). 2020-06-10 16:36:25,732 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Loaded driver DeviceDriver [name=Palo Alto PAN-OS, author=Adrien GANDARIAS, description=PAN-OS, version=0.3]. 2020-06-10 16:36:25,732 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Found Netshot device driver file /usr/local/netshot/netshot.jar (in jar). 2020-06-10 16:36:25,787 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Loaded driver DeviceDriver [name=FortinetFortiOS, author=NetFishers, description=Fortinet FortiOS, version=4.1]. 2020-06-10 16:36:25,787 WARN [main] DeviceDriver: Skipping Netshot device driver file /usr/local/netshot/netshot.jar, because a similar driver is already loaded. 2020-06-10 16:36:25,788 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Found Netshot device driver file /usr/local/netshot/netshot.jar (in jar). 2020-06-10 16:36:25,839 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Loaded driver DeviceDriver [name=HuaweiNE, author=NetFishers, description=Huawei NE Router, version=1.1]. 2020-06-10 16:36:25,839 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Found Netshot device driver file /usr/local/netshot/netshot.jar (in jar). 2020-06-10 16:36:25,875 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Loaded driver DeviceDriver [name=GigamonGigaVUE, author=NetFishers, description=Gigamon GigaVUE, version=1.1]. 2020-06-10 16:36:25,875 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Found Netshot device driver file /usr/local/netshot/netshot.jar (in jar). 2020-06-10 16:36:25,911 INFO [main] DeviceDriver: Loaded driver DeviceDriver [name=JuniperScreenOS, author=NetFishers, description=Juniper ScreenOS, version=1.1]. 2020-06-10 16:36:25,912 INFO [main] Netshot: Starting the Syslog server. 2020-06-10 16:36:25,912 INFO [main] Netshot: Starting the SNMP v1/v2c trap receiver 2020-06-10 16:36:25,934 INFO [main] Netshot: Starting the REST service 2020-06-10 16:36:25,956 INFO [main] Netshot: Scheduling the existing tasks. 2020-06-10 16:36:25,956 INFO [REST Service] RestService: Starting the Web/REST service thread. 2020-06-10 16:36:26,212 ERROR [REST Service] RestService: Fatal error with the REST service. org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLContextConfigurator$GenericStoreException: keystore password was incorrect at org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLContextConfigurator.createSSLContext( at Caused by: keystore password was incorrect at at at$DualFormatJKS.engineLoad( at at org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLContextConfigurator.loadBytes( at org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLContextConfigurator.createSSLContext( ... 1 common frames omitted Caused by: failed to decrypt safe contents entry: javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: pad block corrupted ... 7 common frames omitted

pizu commented 4 years ago

or can i go to 0.14.0 then 0.14.1 from 0.13.0? or maybe directly to 0.14.1?

pizu commented 4 years ago

Tried to upgrade to 0.13.1/0.14.0/0.14.1 all same issue something related to the .jks file seems to be the issue.

SCadilhac commented 4 years ago

Please follow the install guide to re-generate a .jks file.

pizu commented 4 years ago


I just tried, i don't have any errors but it just stops from booting.

==> /var/log/netshot/netshot.log <== 2020-06-12 14:42:12,191 WARN [main] Netshot: Logging to syslog datalog02.corporate.intra:514 has started 2020-06-12 14:42:12,195 INFO [main] Netshot: Enabling BouncyCastle security. 2020-06-12 14:42:12,432 INFO [main] Netshot: Initializing the task manager. 2020-06-12 14:42:12,488 INFO [main] StdSchedulerFactory: Using default implementation for ThreadExecutor 2020-06-12 14:42:12,531 INFO [main] SchedulerSignalerImpl: Initialized Scheduler Signaller of type: class org.quartz.core.SchedulerSignalerImpl 2020-06-12 14:42:12,532 INFO [main] QuartzScheduler: Quartz Scheduler v.2.2.3 created. 2020-06-12 14:42:12,534 INFO [main] RAMJobStore: RAMJobStore initialized. 2020-06-12 14:42:12,536 INFO [main] QuartzScheduler: Scheduler meta-data: Quartz Scheduler (v2.2.3) 'QuartzScheduler' with instanceId 'NON_CLUSTERED' Scheduler class: 'org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler' - running locally. NOT STARTED. Currently in standby mode. Number of jobs executed: 0 Using thread pool 'org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool' - with 10 threads. Using job-store 'org.quartz.simpl.RAMJobStore' - which does not support persistence. and is not clustered.

2020-06-12 14:42:12,536 INFO [main] StdSchedulerFactory: Quartz scheduler 'QuartzScheduler' initialized from an externally provided properties instance. 2020-06-12 14:42:12,536 INFO [main] StdSchedulerFactory: Quartz scheduler version: 2.2.3 2020-06-12 14:42:12,537 INFO [main] QuartzScheduler: Scheduler QuartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED started. 2020-06-12 14:42:12,537 INFO [main] Netshot: Updating the database schema, if necessary.

pizu commented 4 years ago

after changing the level of log from info to debug am having incorrect password, from logs on startup (it takes 3/5min). if i go back to the 0.13.0 and using the same .jks file am not having any issues.

pizu commented 4 years ago


do you have any suggestion please?

SCadilhac commented 4 years ago

What are the last logs? If you're still getting an error about incorrect keystore password, then check that the password you gave to the keystore does match the one passed via netshot.http.ssl.keystore.pass in netshot.conf. If it works with the same keystore in the same config file with 0.13.0 but not with 0.13.1 then please provide the full logs, the Java flavor and version (java -version), the outputs when you generate your keystore.

pizu commented 4 years ago

Yes but if i use the newly created jks file on the v0.13.0 works but on the v0.13.1 doesn't.. password is correct for sure I will re try again and attach all logs in debug mode next week

Thanks for your reply.

On Sat, 20 Jun 2020, 11:26 SCadilhac, wrote:

What are the last logs? If you're still getting an error about incorrect keystore password, then check that the password you gave to the keystore does match the one passed via netshot.http.ssl.keystore.pass in netshot.conf.

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pizu commented 4 years ago

Attached. netshot.log

Thanks again for your help.

SCadilhac commented 4 years ago

You didn't provide the precise Java version, the ouputs when generating the keystore, etc.

pizu commented 4 years ago

[image: image.png]

[image: image.png]



On Tue, 23 Jun 2020 at 14:22, SCadilhac wrote:

You didn't provide the precise Java version, the ouputs when generating the keystore, etc.

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe .

pizu commented 4 years ago

netshot.http.ssl.keystore.file = /usr/local/netshot/netshot.jks netshot.http.ssl.keystore.pass = mypass



On Tue, 23 Jun 2020 at 14:28, Pizu wrote:

[image: image.png]

[image: image.png]



On Tue, 23 Jun 2020 at 14:22, SCadilhac wrote:

You didn't provide the precise Java version, the ouputs when generating the keystore, etc.

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe .

SCadilhac commented 4 years ago

[image: image.png] [image: image.png] Regards, Pizu

Did you try to paste images? They are not visible here.

pizu commented 4 years ago



SCadilhac commented 4 years ago

The PKCS#12 keystore you are generating with this command is supported by Netshot 0.14.1 at minimum, as indicated in the notes. Either generate an old fashioned keystore (e.g. keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigned -keystore netshot.jks -storepass password -validity 3600 -keysize 2048) or upgrade to a more recent version.

pizu commented 4 years ago


Thanks yes that help and managed to upgrade to 0.13.1 and to 0.14.0 however then i tried to upgrade to 0.14.1 using the pkcs#12 and using the .pfx and got same same error, did a server restart and worked, something wrong with my server I believe - thanks for your help.



On Sat, 27 Jun 2020 at 22:38, SCadilhac wrote:

The PKCS#12 keystore you are generating with this command is supported by Netshot 0.14.1 at minimum, as indicated in the notes. Either generate an old fashioned keystore (e.g. keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigned -keystore netshot.jks -storepass password -validity 3600 -keysize 2048) or upgrade to a more recent version.

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe .