netgen / TagsBundle

Netgen Tags Bundle is an eZ Platform bundle for taxonomy management and easier classification of content, providing more functionality for tagging content than ezkeyword field type included in eZ Platform kernel.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Synonyms are not found in the search #116

Open bjko opened 4 years ago

bjko commented 4 years ago

Tag synonyms are not found in tghe search.

Add a synonym to a tag. Tag a content with this tag. Try to find this content by searching the synonym.

mauricios commented 3 years ago


I'm having the same issues with synonyms in searches. What is the purpose of the tags Synonyms?. It seems they are not included in searches unless the synonyms are explicit selected in the tags field.

I think a good improvement (or a configurable option) would be to index the main tag instead of synonyms when synonyms are used in the content. In this way, the search results will be the same for the main tags and all synonyms tags. Also, the facets returned by the search aggregation API will only return the main tags, not the synonyms avoiding redundancy in the tags facets list.