netguycode / citaq

My knowledge repository for my research on Citaq H10-3 Android All-in-one (Menulog Order Device/JustEat/GrubHub Order Device)
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Investigate existing efforts that could be adapted #15

Open mofosyne opened 1 year ago

mofosyne commented 1 year ago - uses web intents and android intents to more easily integrate website with the printer. This could potentially be a low fat way to add support to internal and led printer.

Depending on how responsive they are, we could either fork or push in directly a change to add an extra capability to it.

Edit: Ah its not open source or on F-Droid so we would need to make our own custom app... well I guess we could instead create an app that does something similar but is for any POS system with internal hardware (including CITAQ). But focused on web intents

   Your App Backend Server
       |             |
       |             |
              | HTTP GET/POST API
              |       Pos Printer Driver 
              |          Cloud Server         device 1  
              |              |         .-------------.                                       
              |              v         | your app    |                            
              |         .---------.    | |           |       Bluetooth
              .-------> |         |--> | .--> driver | ----------------> ESC/POS printer 1
                        |         |    |             |
                        |         |    .-------------.
                        |         |                               
                        |         |                               WIFI
                        |         |--> device 2 -----------------------> ESC/POS printer 2
                        |         |                               
                        |         |                               
                        |         |                                USB
                        |         |--> device N -----------------------> ESC/POS printer N
                        |         |                               
                        |         |                               
                        |         |                                CITAQ H10-3 Internal Serial Port (And LED for kicks?)
                        |         |--> device X -----------------------> ESC/POS printer N
mofosyne commented 1 year ago

Other possible option (read up on Print Service intent


netguycode commented 1 year ago

I will attempt to make a rudimentary app today. I have a few ideas on how I would like to implement this, I'm thinking making the printer available to the network and have the application run in the background.