netherspite / cc-buglist

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Players Can Mount While Looting #1237

Open netherspite opened 6 years ago

netherspite commented 6 years ago

Issue by YourNewfriend
Monday Aug 10, 2015 at 01:23 GMT
Originally opened as

Evidence: "ERR_MOUNT_LOOTING You can't mount while looting!"

I'm quite sure I've seen it in a video somewhere. I don't have a live account to go and check if it's in the game currently, but I believe that it is. It also feels quite unnatural to be summoning a mount and picking up items at the same time.

netherspite commented 6 years ago

Comment by Chulain
Wednesday Aug 12, 2015 at 23:25 GMT

add "wont fix" tag pls

netherspite commented 6 years ago

Comment by YourNewfriend
Sunday Aug 23, 2015 at 21:04 GMT "1.0.18: Updated TOC and added a toggle for mount after looting while holding a modifier (alt or control), also made it so that mount after gathering only triggers off gathering herbs, ores, or skins (also made it so it doesn't mount after pickpocketing)." "Here is a script that will automatically attempt to mount up after you loot anything:" "Simply start summoning your mount, whatever it is, and when is about to spawn right click the corpse. You will get loot being already mounted!

Very good to farm materials for non-druid classes.

Hope it helps."