netherspite / cc-buglist

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Free Action Potion Doesn't Work Against Most Spells #1287

Open netherspite opened 6 years ago

netherspite commented 6 years ago

Issue by YourNewfriend
Tuesday Aug 11, 2015 at 04:17 GMT
Originally opened as

[Fail = Chingeru was affected / Pass = Chingeru was immune] Cone of Cold: Fail Frost Nova: Fail Blizzard (3/3 Chilled): Pass Frost Bolt: Fail Kidney Shot: Pass Cheap Shot: Pass Charge Stun: Pass Hamstring: Fail Intercept Stun: Fail


netherspite commented 6 years ago

Comment by darkcranio
Tuesday Aug 11, 2015 at 18:42 GMT

Probably same as with Hand of Freedom

netherspite commented 6 years ago

Comment by Liesara
Tuesday Sep 15, 2015 at 18:24 GMT

Tested it today against a priests Mind Flay and mages Frost Nova, Frostbolt, Cone of Cold, Blizzard and Water Eles Frostnova. The potion does not break the Mind Flay at all, neither damage/channeling nor the slow only (which is correct) but it does provide immunity to it after that. It also does provide immunity to the mages slows and snares. It does NOT provide immunity to sheep however, which I would assume is correct as it's neither a stun nor a slow/snare. Gonna search for evidence on that.