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[Mage] Clearcasting #1473

Open netherspite opened 6 years ago

netherspite commented 6 years ago

Issue by blazingsolos
Sunday Aug 23, 2015 at 01:15 GMT
Originally opened as

This might need more research, but I'm pretty certain that Clearcasting should only have a chance to proc off the FIRST hit of channeled spells, and not every single hit.

In this video, you can see that casting blizzard on a very large amount of mobs will essentially make the subsequent blizzards completely mana free.


I'm also not certain as to whether or not the Clearcast proc is affected by the amount of enemies it strikes, as opposed to just a flat 10% chance on the damaging spell cast; Proccing a clearcast every time you hit a large amount of enemies with CoC, Nova, or Arcane explosion is not something I recall during my extensive aoe grinding sessions.

This is difficult to confirm however, as you can't really get a look at people's talents in tbc aoe videos.

The most evidence I can scramble together for this are these posts:

Clearcasting proccing only on the first tick of channeled spells:

"Only the first tick of AM can proc Clearcasting or Netherwind Focus. "

"-Clearcasting can only proc on arcane missiles at the moment before the first missile where the mana is consumed, NOT on each missile individually."

netherspite commented 6 years ago

Comment by Aprics
Sunday Aug 23, 2015 at 03:57 GMT

"The arcane missiles you cast after an arcane missiles that procced clear casting will ALSO get the increased critical strike chance, in addition to not costing mana. Therefore, assuming a mage was spamming arcane missiles, and one procced clear casting, his next TEN missiles (two volleys of five missiles) will have a 30% higher crit chance, and cost the price of five missiles (one volley.)"

two sentences after the quote of your last link. I think it is correct to work on the whole cast.

netherspite commented 6 years ago

Comment by koboltti
Sunday Aug 23, 2015 at 07:23 GMT

As much I'd like to have clearcasting working as intended as it is currently, I was also thinking if it should proc on every Blizzard/AM tick and that if the game should calculate the 10% chance from the very first damaging attack alone or calculate it for every enemy the spell strikes. I have no clear memory from retail.

@Aprics: I believe your quoted sentence talks about the AM when the clearcasting is consumed. That's why he talks about having a mana free AM and one with manacost(the first one that procced clearcasting). The 30% crit buff is applied (and can be seen in the character panel) while in clearcasting state while the AM that procced clearcasting is still being channeled and is once again consumed (but benefits the spell) once clearcasting is used on the next volley.

netherspite commented 6 years ago

Comment by Chulain
Sunday Aug 23, 2015 at 11:20 GMT


netherspite commented 6 years ago

Comment by blazingsolos
Sunday Aug 23, 2015 at 11:59 GMT

Clearcasting as it is now would make every single aoe pull for mages completely mana free; If you take a look at some videos of mages AOE pulling, you can see that the clearcasting proc is rather rare in actuality.

March 12 2008:

"Unlike "on spell hit" effects, Arcane Concentration cannot proc off each hit of an Arcane Missiles' bolt, but only off the initial hit of AM itself."

Changed in 3.3.0:

"Arcane Concentration: The interaction of this talent with Arcane Missiles has been restructured. Instead of an Arcane Missiles cast triggering the talent, each missile has an independent (but reduced) chance to trigger this talent. In addition, the talent will no longer sometimes be triggered from misses by Arcane Missiles, Arcane Blast, and Blizzard."

netherspite commented 6 years ago

Comment by koboltti
Sunday Aug 23, 2015 at 12:09 GMT

Clearcasting as it is now would also create a problem of mages abusing rank 1 blizzard for clearcasting procs.

netherspite commented 6 years ago

Comment by nullv0id
Sunday Aug 23, 2015 at 15:01 GMT

Playing mage from 05 to 09 I can confirm clearcasting should not be proccing from every tick of channeled spells. Will try to find a video of Blizzard usage, should be pretty obvious.

Kentamentiu commented 6 years ago

Clearcasting, aswel as any other proc had exactly 6 chances of proccing on Arcane Missiles, prior to 3.0. First procchance was on start of channel, followed by 5 chances for every bot that lands. This was used to quickly ramp up the darkmoon trinket for example. It did not work on Blizzard.