netherspite / cc-buglist

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Hellfire breaking Crowd Control #1560

Open netherspite opened 6 years ago

netherspite commented 6 years ago

Issue by Peonstomperx
Sunday Aug 30, 2015 at 18:01 GMT
Originally opened as

Couldn't get it working on corecraft testing for 30min, maybe it's very precise. My theory of why it would've worked on retail is stopcasting would happen after crowd control was applied.

Sources: I remember my friend telling me about this trick back in tbc and next page too 2 comments (ctrl+f: break)

netherspite commented 6 years ago

Comment by Peonstomperx
Monday Aug 31, 2015 at 18:30 GMT

Confirmed by snutz: 1 more thread: claims it should work with bloodrage/lifetap too: 1 claim it was fixed in tbc:

netherspite commented 6 years ago

Comment by Peonstomperx
Thursday Sep 03, 2015 at 03:44 GMT

theory seems incorrect, stopcasting happens before cc applies; hydra 3(s2?) kidney shot while casting s4 cyclone while casting s4 charge while casting

netherspite commented 6 years ago

Comment by ccshiro
Tuesday Sep 22, 2015 at 18:16 GMT

Would be nice with some videos where this happens, so we could get some indication why it happens.

netherspite commented 6 years ago

Comment by Peonstomperx
Wednesday Feb 24, 2016 at 21:15 GMT

I can't find a single video of it in action so here's my final theory; notice how the ticks from hellfire seem off-beat from this I'd assume the damage from hellfire is delayed with spell delay

the way you would break cc would be the damage tick has to happen in the same batch but before the cc is successfully casted

visual representation: hellfiredelay

netherspite commented 6 years ago

Comment by SuddenDeath
Wednesday Feb 24, 2016 at 23:39 GMT

The reason for this and many other weird bugs from retail is because retail was(and still is to some degree) inconsistent. I've looked at and tried to analyse different things in a lot of videos from TBC and honestly almost every video things act differently. Sometimes you'll see stopcasting happening way after a stun/cc has been applied, other times before, sometimes interrupts will be delayed, while other times it is consistently instant.

Debuff stun & the stun effect itself will not appear at the same time, debuff will most of the time be delayed

examples: 12:46 & 12:52(stopcasting happens at the same time as the stun effect, the debuff is just delayed & when the debuff becomes visible the timer has already passed a few hundred ms(can be seen more clearly when you're the one casting spells on enemies))

netherspite commented 6 years ago

Comment by Ainulatac
Friday Apr 22, 2016 at 10:49 GMT

I think I agree with SuddenDeath but will expose my opinion.

I definetly cycloned many warriors that were charging me, therefore they casted and between that time and the stun/stopcasting which is relatively fast after the cast, I still was able to end my spell. IMHO it's the same thing for the famous double sap/stun where both players stun the opponent like here: (excuse me if they are different mechanics, just seemed to me that they're at least related).

But what I think is even more similar is the famous action of stunning a tauren after he used his stomp, therefore wasting the cd and end up both stunned. As for scripting and when happens what my knowledge is limited but like macros I'd just switch the order till works as intended :P. Proof: (here he kicks his spell while being stomped, can do the same with gouge).

Could look for more proof because indeed it affected all classes, spells, etc. But is time consuming to find the plays but ofc I will if needed because IMHO is an essential mechanic for retail scripted PvP (the only good one).

Hope this helps!

Edit: Brain fart.