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Originate to Janus doesn't work if "From" field in INVITE is missing #6184

Closed Stell0 closed 1 year ago

Stell0 commented 1 year ago

When an originate is done with only a string in CallerID field, like in the case of System Recording, the INVITE has the From field empty and Janus refuse to send the call to its extension

[Fri Oct 14 16:25:24 2022] [ERR] [plugins/janus_sip.c:janus_sip_sofia_callback:5108]    Invalid request (missing From or To)

Probably this is a consequence of Janus update to 0.12.3.

This is because Asterisk puts in From field the string delimited by "<" and ">" like "System Recordings " That means that CalleID: "System Recordings" has From field empty and isn't delivered by Janus CalleID: "System Recordings " or "" has From field correct and is delivered

Steps to reproduce

Expected behavior

Actual behavior

Stell0 commented 1 year ago

Stell0 commented 1 year ago

in 7.9.2009/nethesis-updates: