When installing Nethvoice, the initial step is to navigate to the application settings, configure the necessary hostnames, and press the Save button. However, Nethvoice cannot function without the proxy, and during the "Configure Module" action, the system checks if the proxy is installed. If the proxy is not present, the UI throws an unclear error.
Proposed solution
The UI should check if the proxy is installed and configured before allowing the user to begin the configuration process. This would prevent confusion and ensure a smoother setup experience.
When installing Nethvoice, the initial step is to navigate to the application settings, configure the necessary hostnames, and press the Save button. However, Nethvoice cannot function without the proxy, and during the "Configure Module" action, the system checks if the proxy is installed. If the proxy is not present, the UI throws an unclear error.
Proposed solution
The UI should check if the proxy is installed and configured before allowing the user to begin the configuration process. This would prevent confusion and ensure a smoother setup experience.
Alternative solutions
do nothing
Additional context
See also
see https://mattermost.nethesis.it/nethesis/pl/rwbc11p34tdz8q36cqugeqo83c