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Still Manta build errors #3

Open Roatandave opened 7 years ago

Roatandave commented 7 years ago

The build stops at 46% with this, Retried multiple times and it is always in the same spot.

[ 0% 43/21466] build packages/apps/F-Droid/app/build/outputs/apk/app-release-unsigned.apk FAILED: /bin/bash -c "(rm -Rf packages/apps/F-Droid/app/build ) && (mkdir -p /cm14//cm14/out/target/common/obj/APPS/F-Droid_intermediates ) && (ln -sf /cm14//cm14/out/target/common/obj/APPS/F-Droid_intermediates packages/apps/F-Droid/app/build ) && (cd packages/apps/F-Droid/app && gradle assembleRelease )"

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

I have not found any info on how to fix this.

nethunteros commented 7 years ago

Sorry I didn't include details on how to add/install SDK to your system (andd set sdk.dir/android_home in path) in the instructions. I will add documentation sometime the next week (I'm going to be out for a bit).

Roatandave commented 7 years ago

OK I'll be here. Am I the only one trying the nexus 10?

nethunteros commented 7 years ago

Actually I think you are the only person that has tried building so far other than me. I have successfully built zip files for the Nexus 10 although I haven't flashed or tried them yet.

Roatandave commented 7 years ago

Do you have a link to the zip until you add the instructions?

Roatandave commented 7 years ago

I finished the build and have a zip. It flashes without error but reboots once for supersu and then nothing. It appears to be building a kernel for Marshmallow. I put the zImage in Nethunter installer built a zip and flashed to cm13 and it booted. I tried changing and from marshmallow to nougat, are there others that I need to change? update: I can boot aosp-sooti-7.1.1-r4 from XDA-forums with the kernel. I tried to flash to flash the images separately and it fails to boot after flashing the system.img TWRP "FAILED (remote: signature verification failed!)" CM recovery "Error" E: footer is wrong E:error:21

Roatandave commented 7 years ago

project: abandoned reason: no longer supported

a7ent commented 7 years ago

im giving it aa go too... dont give up!!!!!!! either of you!!!

Roatandave commented 7 years ago

So far it builds but will not boot for me, stops at google logo. You can get a good kernel that I am using now on aosp_7.1.1-r13 from sooti. I tried to build in ubuntu and bbqlinux, I removed the nethunter part and trying to make the rom to boot. Removed the muppets blobs and now trying with the n10 factory blobs. I have luck using breakfast manta, brunch manta to get a good build. The sooti rom works, but no camera, maybe some ideas can be found there to make this boot.

a7ent commented 7 years ago

bumppppppppp.... please!!! i can go back to marsh.. need dual screan.. id prob give you a handy if you could figure out native monitor mode

a7ent commented 7 years ago
