netlify-labs / react-netlify-identity

a tiny (4kb) React hook for using Netlify Identity, no UI. SEEKING MAINTAINERS
156 stars 25 forks source link

'./dist/' does not exist, did you mean './dist/react-netlify-identity.cjs.production.min.js'?' #48

Closed KubukaH closed 2 years ago

KubukaH commented 2 years ago

I am using Windows 10 OS, running a project using parcel@latest and yarn init -2 and deploying the project to Netlify. My challenge is that I cannot use react-netlify-identity library for Identity strategy. The code crashes with the above stated error.



  "name": "kubuka-sub",
  "packageManager": "yarn@3.2.1",
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    "react": "17",
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    "react-netlify-identity": "^0.2.5",
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  <title>Kubuka Space PBC - Scouting the hidden genius</title>
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import { useEffect, useState, createContext, useContext } from 'react';
import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom';
import { useNetlifyIdentity } from "react-netlify-identity";

const ApiContext = createContext();

export const ContextProvider = ({ children }) => {
  const [url] = useState("");
  const identity = useNetlifyIdentity(url);

  return (
    <ApiContext.Provider value={identity}>

export const useCtx = () => {
  return useContext(ApiContext);

How it is behaving

  1. yarn init -2 - Successful
  2. yarn install - Successful
  3. yarn start - xBuild failed =>
    × Build failed.

@parcel/core: Failed to resolve 'react-netlify-identity' from './src/.../context/index.js'

C:\Users...\src\components\context\index.js:3:36 2 | import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom';

3 | import { useNetlifyIdentity } from "react-netlify-identity"; | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

@parcel/resolver-default: Could not load './dist/' from module 'react-netlify-identity' found in package.json#module

C:\Users....yarn__virtual__\react-netlify-identity-virtual-92217ec8e4\0\cache\\node_modules\react-netlify-identity\package.json:10:13 9 | "umd:main": "dist/react-netlify-identity.umd.production.js",

10 | "module": "dist/", | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ './dist/' does not exist, did you mean './dist/react-netlify-identity.cjs.production.min.js'?' 11 | "typings": "dist/index.d.ts", 12 | "jsnext:main": "dist/",

I hope this is not too long. It's my first time to post an error so I don't know the standard way of doing it or whether there are templates used.

Thank you

Skn0tt commented 2 years ago

Hi! I'd love to look into this. Could you share a reproduction repository with how you set up, and some steps for how to reproduce the error? That'd make it a lot easier for me to find out what's causing this.

KubukaH commented 2 years ago

Hi @Skn0tt , I edited the post in order to add the issues you requested.

Thank you

Skn0tt commented 2 years ago

Thanks for updating! I think you missed some files (e.g. index.js) - it might be easier to do this as a Github repository, and link it here.

KubukaH commented 2 years ago

@Skn0tt I have added you as a collaborator to my repo [kubuka-sub]( If you would want some additional info I am available on email also

Thank you

Skn0tt commented 2 years ago

The steps you outlined are working fine for me - I cannot reproduce the error you're seeing locally. I'm not on Windows, though, so that might be a reason.

I see you're using Yarn 2, is there a specific reason for that? Yarn 2 does non-standard things to your module resolution, which might cause the problem you're seeing. Please try using NPM instead, and see if the error persists.

KubukaH commented 2 years ago

I am using Yarn 2 because I work with my code offline most of the time due to Data Bandwidth issues I am facing. Therefore I use Yarn 2 to be able to copy new files into a flash drive to my offline work environment, A desktop computer (if it was a laptop I wouldn't be doing this). Actually before I migrated to Yarn 2, I was using NPM and everything worked so fine.

But anyway, thank you for looking into this issue for me. I had thought perhaps there was a way I could bypass that error and continue using Yarn 2. I will try to raise an issue with Yarn for assistance on dependency resolution. It seems Yarn is looking for but Netlify is providing react-netlify-identity.cjs.production.min.js. However, in this instance, react-netlify-identity.cjs.production.min.js is installed but not being read correctly, and the code end up falling back to, a non existent module. The question would therefore be, does Netlify provide this module or this react-netlify-identity.cjs.production.min.js one.

Thank you

Skn0tt commented 2 years ago

Thanks for elaborating! I think I see the problem, now: package.json has a typo in the module field. It says .es.production, but the buildstep produces .esm.production 🤦 I'll open a PR and see how we can get this fixed.

KubukaH commented 2 years ago

Noted with thanks. I can't wait for the fix because I can't proceed to the next step in my development process.

Skn0tt commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure how fast this PR will land, btw - talking to @sw-yx (former maintainer) about how we're publishing a new version. So this could take a week or two.

Skn0tt commented 2 years ago

published on 0.2.6!

KubukaH commented 2 years ago

published on 0.2.6!

Thank you, let me update right away!

KubukaH commented 2 years ago

The error was fixed, however I think the there's another module again which needs to be fixed the same way. Here is the new error.

     9 |   "umd:main": "dist/react-netlify-identity.umd.production.js",
  > 10 |   "module": "dist/react-netlify-identity.esm.production.js",
  >    |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ './dist/react-netlify-identity.esm.production.js' does not exist, did you mean './dist/react-netlify-identity.cjs.production.min.js'?'
    11 |   "typings": "dist/index.d.ts",
    12 |   "jsnext:main": "dist/",

If you check, this time it's the .esm. vs .cjs..

Skn0tt commented 2 years ago

Could you try 0.2.7? 😅

KubukaH commented 2 years ago

Thank you @Skn0tt problem solved. 🤩