netlify / cli

Netlify Command Line Interface
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Set Deploy Context / Branch from CLI #275

Closed githubjosh closed 4 years ago

githubjosh commented 5 years ago

Not sure if this is a question or a recommendation at this point.

I'm trying to create a dedicated staging (pre-prod) environment: e.g.

I am manually deploying in my GitLab pipeline using netlify deploy. However, with the CLI it seems I can only deploy to (i) my production URL or (ii) a dynamic URL.

Ideally, I'd like to specify the context similar to netlify deploy --context=staging to deploy to a dedicated URL.

Thank you for any insight.

bcomnes commented 5 years ago

It's an interesting idea and suggestion. I like it.

swyxio commented 5 years ago

just fwiw we have some concerns on our end about how this may conflict with other features and considerations we have yet to announce - so no promises on how quickly we will incorporate this. but in principle i agree this is a useful thing to have. the devil is in the details.

kirillgroshkov commented 5 years ago

We need that too!

Out use case is that we use CircleCI for everything. And we use Netlify to host our static frontend. So, effectively we're running out builds in 2 places (duplication), while it would be really nice to use CircleCI for everything and just send files over to Netlify.

While doing that we're missing "Branch deploy" feature which is really nice.

kirillgroshkov commented 5 years ago


HamidAghdaee commented 5 years ago

Very much would appreciate this functionality as well.

thundernixon commented 5 years ago

Just adding to this with my current situation...

I am making a group portfolio site for a graduating design class. I am making a site with GatsbyJS, which creates image thumbnails on build. This site has many fairly-large images, so it must sometimes be deployed with the CLI if there are updates that the cache isn't being cycled from (say, new images under the same name as old ones). Small updates tend to work okay, because I'm using gatsby-plugin-netlify-cache. This works fine, but only so long as the master branch is the one being deployed to the prod URL, so that I can deploy from the CLI if there is any issue updating the cache.

This leads to my current issue: I have now deployed a "coming soon" countdown to the main URL and put the master behind a branch deploy. Unfortunately, this means I can't find a way to deploy the master from the CLI to its branch URL. I can only deploy either a preview or to --prod. Unfortunately, deploying to --prod puts the work-in-progress master branch onto the public URL.

My current workaround is to simply update the filename of any changed image ... but this isn't a great solution, and I worry if one of the pages on the site adds a lot of images (which might exceed the Netlify build time in thumbnail creation time), I might be stuck without a way to update the master branch deploy.

This is a bit of a complex issue and maybe an edge case, but I hope it shows a scenario in which an option like netlify deploy --context=staging would be useful. I'm hoping this is something that is available (or solved by some other feature) in the future!

swyxio commented 5 years ago

acknowledged the importance of this.

MeixnerTobias commented 5 years ago

We would like to run our end-to-end tests against deploy preview URLs, so passing the context/branch into the deploy command would help us as well to automate that process.

fool commented 5 years ago

should inform customers in addition to this thread:

TjeuKayim commented 5 years ago

I'm using Gitlab CI and facing the same problem. Any status update?

kalinchernev commented 4 years ago

Got the latest version of the CLI

  $ netlify deploy

  -a, --auth=auth            Netlify auth token to deploy with
  -d, --dir=dir              Specify a folder to deploy
  -f, --functions=functions  Specify a functions folder to deploy
  -m, --message=message      A short message to include in the deploy log
  -o, --open                 Open site after deploy
  -p, --prod                 Deploy to production
  -s, --site=site            A site ID to deploy to
  --json                     Output deployment data as JSON
  --silent                   Silence CLI output
  --timeout=timeout          Timeout to wait for deployment to finish

No, no progress so far

noraj commented 4 years ago

I wrote a guide Deploy a static website to Netlify using GitLab's CI/CD pipeline.

Until now I was successfully only deploying the master branch build to the netlify production deploy:

# Official framework image. Look for the different tagged releases at:
image: node:10

  - test
  - deploy

# This folder is cached between builds
  - node_modules/

  - npm install hexo-cli -g
  - npm install

  stage: test
    - hexo generate
    - master

  stage: deploy
    - hexo generate
    - npm install netlify-cli -g
    - netlify deploy --site $NETLIFY_SITE_ID --auth $NETLIFY_AUTH_TOKEN --prod --dir public/
      - public
    - master

But now I want to create a preview deploy for any other branches, so I moved my Gitlab CI config to

# Official framework image. Look for the different tagged releases at:
image: node:10

  - test
  - deploy

# This folder is cached between builds
  - node_modules/

  - npm install hexo-cli netlify-cli -g
  - npm install

  stage: test
    - hexo generate
    # Wihthout the --prod option this deploys only a preview
    - netlify deploy --site $NETLIFY_SITE_ID --auth $NETLIFY_AUTH_TOKEN --dir public/
    - master

  stage: deploy
    - hexo generate
    - netlify deploy --site $NETLIFY_SITE_ID --auth $NETLIFY_AUTH_TOKEN --prod --dir public/
      - public
    - master

So in the test job just adding a netlify deploy without --prod so it won't be pushed to production and only generating a preview.

But unfortunately the job always end like this:

765 $ netlify deploy --site $NETLIFY_SITE_ID --auth $NETLIFY_AUTH_TOKEN --dir public/
766 Logging into your Netlify account...
767 Opening
768 ---------------------------
769 Error: Unable to open browser automatically
770 Please open your browser & open the URL below to login:
772 ---------------------------
773 You are now logged into your Netlify account!
774 Run netlify status for account details
775 To see all available commands run: netlify help
776  ›   Error: Not Found
777 ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1

$NETLIFY_SITE_ID and $NETLIFY_AUTH_TOKEN were already stuffed for the master branch but here it seems this new branch job can't use them or need to authenticate once more. The only cached path is node_modules so this is not a cache issue. I don't understand why it need to manually authenticate again, and why even when I manually open the new authorization page and accept it continue to fails. Il try to add a netlify status from the CI to see what is happening here.

Actually all preview URLs from the production are looking like and I don't care not having a custom URL. I should just be able to see a difference bewteen production and non-production deploy thanks to the --prod option from netlify CLI and could optionally add more context dependent information with the --message option.

Edit I read the only working workaround was to create a separate netlify project, see to get a proper stagging preview which is very heavy in term of process.

Also I should add I'm only using Gitlab-CI and netlify CLI, not the integrated netlify git link feature.

csvn commented 4 years ago

Nice, seems to be some movement on this issue. We're also coming from Gitlab, and would like to use similar functionality as branch deploy, but run from the Gitlab CI via the Netlify CLI. We have many other jobs we want to run (test/lint/e2e/etc), so it feels better to keep it in the same place.

RaeesBhatti commented 4 years ago

This issue has been raised internally with the API team to implement an endpoint that would allow creating branch deploys. Please hold on.

jamietanna commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the update! Is there any rough ETA - ie it'll be a matter of days/weeks/months?

RaeesBhatti commented 4 years ago

We don't have an ETA at the moment but since this is a highly requested feature we'll prioritize it and report back when we have a plan.

phaseOne commented 4 years ago

@RaeesBhatti this feature would be a blessing for our team since our code is on Bitbucket and we don't have access to deploy previews as a result. We're really stuck at the moment. Just an API endpoint would unblock us.

chaudharykiran commented 4 years ago

Any update on this issue.

austinh commented 4 years ago

Yes! This would be a life saver for projects/companies that rely on netlify but have to, for whatever business/security reasons, have complete control of their deploy pipeline/git repository.

Sceat commented 4 years ago

Right now i have to use one site per branch it kinda overflow my netlify dashboard, i'd be interested in this

jamietanna commented 4 years ago

Thank you 🎉

RaeesBhatti commented 4 years ago

netlify-cli@2.53.0 has just been released with support for branch specific deploys. Please update and try it out with netlify deploy -b test

phaseOne commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the other PR as well!

branch param also added to API docs here:

rajington commented 4 years ago

Exciting update! Now we can have nice aliases for our deploys.

I did some testing and noticed it doesn't seem to work with --trigger to trigger a branch deploy, or split-testing (when deploying to the branch in the split test).

Is that accurate? Or am I doing something wrong?

RaeesBhatti commented 4 years ago

@rajington Yes --trigger hits a different API endpoint and works differently that normal deploy. That endpoint doesn't yet have a branch parameter. I will look into this

Sceat commented 4 years ago

seems we can't yet link a domain ?


rajington commented 4 years ago

@rajington Yes --trigger hits a different API endpoint and works differently that normal deploy. That endpoint doesn't yet have a branch parameter. I will look into this

Thanks, not supporting trigger is not a huge problem or anything.

I was guessing split-testing is a whole other can of worms and not really part of this "alias" stuff, is that accurate? Also completely understand if it's not a priority, prob not many people are using split-testing with CLI deploys.

RaeesBhatti commented 4 years ago

We're considering renaming the recently introduced --branch flag to --alias since people might expect --branch to be similar in functionality to the Git branches. It isn't similar to Git branches and is only useful to pretty URL's. Please provide your feedback via up or down votes to this comment. Should --branch be renamed to --alias?

rajington commented 4 years ago

The author is considering the same thing for the GitHub Action!

malcolm-kee commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure if I understand the --branch flag correctly.

Currently I have a custom domain,, in which the redux branch will be deployed to When I execute netlify deploy -b redux, here is the GitHub Actions logs.

$ netlify deploy --dir=build --branch=redux
Deploy path:        /home/runner/work/react-ecomm-site/react-ecomm-site/build
Configuration path: /home/runner/work/react-ecomm-site/react-ecomm-site/netlify.toml
Deploying to draft URL...
- Hashing files...
✔ Finished hashing 41 files
- CDN diffing files...
✔ CDN requesting 16 files
- Uploading 16 files
✔ Finished uploading 16 assets
- Waiting for deploy to go live...
✔ Deploy is live!

Website Draft URL:

I was under the impression that it will deploy to but apparently it does not. It this behavior expected?

fool commented 4 years ago

We don't "deploy to" hostnames like that; we can show deploys at hostnames like that, once configured. You seem to have it configured correctly, here:

Does not work as you're intending? I can see it serves that site, but can't tell if it's the content you're expecting or not.

TL;DR that notification will use our internal name, but you should be able to use the other one once it is (as it is on your site) correctly configured as a branch subdomain and the SSL certificate matches, which yours does (*

On Sun, Jun 7, 2020 at 5:29 AM Malcolm Kee wrote:

I'm not sure if I understand the --branch flag correctly.

Currently I have a custom domain,, in which the redux branch will be deployed to When I execute netlify deploy -b redux, what I get is the following logs:

Logs: Website Draft URL:

I was under the impression that it will deploy to but apparently it does not. It this behavior expected?

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Sceat commented 4 years ago

@fool the ui don't allow me to have a subdomain without linking the site to a git repository :/

fool commented 4 years ago

Not entirely surprising. Shall I try unlinking the git repo to see if it still works (won't show up in the UI, but that is not the purpose of this feature request - it's to get it working :))

On Mon, Jun 8, 2020 at 1:59 PM Sceat wrote:

@fool the ui don't allow me to have a subdomain without linking the site to a git repository :/

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rajington commented 4 years ago

not sure if this where you'd like to talk about potential issues with this specific functionality, but I don't seem to be getting function output in the console even though I can run the functions. if nothing big jumps out at you i can debug more, but it seems to be related to this.

fool commented 4 years ago

You're saying that function output from the branch you deploy this way is not showing in the UI, Raj? That is likely related and not sure it's intended to work, but I know who to ask once you can confirm (and if possible give me the function name and the site's API ID from the settings page to track it down internally to confirm, since I have no functions deployable via CLI right now to test with..)

On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 6:00 AM Raj Nigam wrote:

not sure if this where you'd like to talk about potential issues with this specific functionality, but I don't seem to be getting function output in the console even though I can run the functions. if nothing big jumps out at you i can debug more, but it seems to be related to this.

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Sceat commented 4 years ago

When will alias be deployed to npm ?

RaeesBhatti commented 4 years ago

@Sceat netlify-cli/2.54.0 has been published recently that includes --alias flag for netlify deploy command.

alexjfno1 commented 3 years ago

@rajington Yes --trigger hits a different API endpoint and works differently that normal deploy. That endpoint doesn't yet have a branch parameter. I will look into this

@RaeesBhatti is there any update on getting --trigger to work with --alias? I'd like to trigger a build & deploy of a specific branch without having to upload assets (Netlify handles building and testing for us).

erezrokah commented 3 years ago

Hi @alexjfno1, I opened a new issue to track this as it will require some API changes.

alexjfno1 commented 3 years ago

Thanks @erezrokah