The usage in the README is great for basic things, and for getting started, but there's a lot more in the API client that could be used. Currently (afaik) those methods are undocumented. However, I would suggest adding ESDoc tags to allow IDEs such as Visual Studio Code to offer documentation for required parameters and a quick description on each method when you're writing your code. ESDoc tags is a great way to improve understanding when you're writing code for me, and I think this library should totally use it (manually reading code to see what it does and how to use it is boring).
The usage in the README is great for basic things, and for getting started, but there's a lot more in the API client that could be used. Currently (afaik) those methods are undocumented. However, I would suggest adding ESDoc tags to allow IDEs such as Visual Studio Code to offer documentation for required parameters and a quick description on each method when you're writing your code. ESDoc tags is a great way to improve understanding when you're writing code for me, and I think this library should totally use it (manually reading code to see what it does and how to use it is boring).