Open lllyfeng opened 1 year ago
XPath VS XQuery(must simplification) original XPath:
current()< (/l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:common/l2vpn:vpws-bgp-vpns/l2vpn:vpws-bgp-vpn[l2vpn:name=current()/../../../l2vpn:vpn-instance]/l2vpn:sites/l2vpn:site[l2vpn:name = current()/../../../l2vpn:local-site]/range + /l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:common/l2vpn:vpws-bgp-vpns/l2vpn:vpws-bgp-vpn[l2vpn:name = current()/../../../l2vpn:vpn-instance]/l2vpn:sites/l2vpn:site[l2vpn:name = current()/../../../l2vpn:local-site]/default-offset) and current() >= /l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:common/l2vpn:vpws-bgp-vpns/l2vpn:vpws-bgp-vpn[l2vpn:name = current()/../../../l2vpn:vpn-instance]/l2vpn:sites/l2vpn:site[l2vpn:name = current()/../../../l2vpn:local-site]/default-offset
for $site in (/l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:common/l2vpn:vpws-bgp-vpns/l2vpn:vpws-bgp-vpn[l2vpn:name=current()/../../../l2vpn:vpn-instance]/l2vpn:sites/l2vpn:site[l2vpn:name = current()/../../../l2vpn:local-site]
where current() < ($site/range+ $site/ default-offset) and current() >= $site/default-offset
List pagination: original request:
<rpc xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="42">
<filter type="xpath" select="/es:members/es:member"
the request using xQuery:
<rpc xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="42">
<filter type="xquery“>
for $member in /es:members/es:member
where $member//stats/joined[starts-with(@timestamp,'2020')]
order by $member/timestamp descending
adaptive subscription:
original condition:
the condition using xQuery:
if (/wnd:server/wnd:rssi <-65) \
then \
return 5 \
else \
return 60 \
This is a netconf-next issue. I think a draft to augment protocol operations is already in progress.
This is not only for netconf. XQuery may be used to simplify the when/must expression.
Not NETCONF-only. E.g., List-pagination is for RESTCONF also, and it uses XPath (see Section 3.1.1)
Given that the LP-rc draft is almost in WGLC, and it is unlikely to change, and already the issue exists, it seems the only option would be to offer the possibility of optionally using XQuery.
Worth it? IDK
Seems to complex. Even Xpath is complicated sometimes. Don't support.
Rob: may be better for YANG to define a "simple" (YANGpath?) expression language
Andy: protocol-query filters != must/when expressions
Rob: Xpath 1.0 is currently dead !!!
Kent: This was importance low
, because we don't want to do it for 2.0, but it is actually an important issue!
Rob: Cisco has it's own simpler language
XPath is derived from the path language and is used to indicate paths. It is not a strong point in querying data and expressing complex logical relationships. A new language or algorithm is required to replace or strengthen XPath.