netoptimizer / IPTV-Analyzer

Fast MPEG2 Transport Stream Analyzer, based on Netfilter kernel module
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Collecting multicast traffic #25

Closed dsuded closed 7 years ago

dsuded commented 7 years ago


How do I collect multicast traffic? I used rule iptales -t mangle -I PREROUTING -p udp -m mpeg2ts. PC ethernet port is plugged in wall jack where the st was plugged in. iptv-collector daemon starts normally without error msgs. Output from /var/log/mysql/mysql.log looks like this:

36 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 36 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 36 Query select count(*) into @discard frommysql.user 36 Quit 160723 13:41:24 37 Connect tvprobe@localhost on tvprobe 37 Query set autocommit=0 37 Query SELECT * FROM probes WHERE ip = '' AND input = 'rule_in_eth0' AND shortloc = 'alb' AND switch = 'albcr3' LIMIT 1 37 Query INSERT INTO probes (input, ip, name, shortloc, switch, description, location, address, distance, input_ip, input_dev, procfile, switchport, switchtype, hidden ) VALUES ('rule_in_eth0', '', 'tvprobe-dev2', 'alb', 'albcr3', 'Main signal', 'Serverrum A', 'Herstedvang 42, 2620 Albertslund', '2', '', 'eth0', '/proc/net/xt_mpeg2ts/rule_1', 'e1/4', 'HP9300', 'no') 37 Query commit

/proc/net/xt_mpeg2ts/rule_1 is this:

info:version module:xt_mpeg2ts version:0.9.4 info:time created:1469272777.927941168 now:1469274206.454475226 delta:1428.526534058 info:dynamic rule_id:1 streams:0 streams_check:0 max_list_search:0 rnd:0 info:config htable_size:100 max-streams:0 list_search_warn_level:20

IP address in collector.conf is from pc. Any help appreciated. Thanks.

Raifeg commented 7 years ago

Try enabling promisc mode on the interface.

dsuded commented 7 years ago

Thanks, it's solved. Reloading iptables did the trick.