netromdk / slacker

Slacker - Easy access to the Slack API and admin of workspaces/teams.
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Tab-complete commands #18

Closed netromdk closed 6 years ago

netromdk commented 6 years ago

Tab-completion with no input should show something like:

> <tab>
X commands/aliases available.. Press tab again to list them all.

The commands should be shown similar to how the help command does it.

Tab-completion with some input should complete to the longest common string of all available commands/aliases, like: > he<tab> becomes > help or > set<tab> becomes > setVersion if, for instance, there are two commands "setVersionMajor" and "setVersionMinor". If tab-completing again, with several candidates available, show same message as the first message above and the second tab-completion expands to all of them.

Only tab complete if character right before tab isn't whitespace and neither if any whitespaces exist between input values, like > help <tab> and > help with this<tab>.

Maybe get some inspiration from how lldb does it.

0verbyte commented 6 years ago

This is handled #55