netrunner-rolling / 2018.08

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Firefox window comes up after start, but is at the same time not found under systray? #2

Closed star-buck closed 6 years ago

star-buck commented 6 years ago

It should be the other way around: Found autostarted under systray but NOT coming up.

star-buck commented 6 years ago

this seems only true for the first time rolling is started right after it got installed.

NuLogicSystems commented 6 years ago

I think that might be due to one of the extensions, one of them has a tendency to open a new tab when installed/updated.

NuLogicSystems commented 6 years ago

Could also be due to Firefox still running in the background (KSysTrayCmd) when the system is shutdown. I've noticed Firefox will sometimes act as if it crashed and give you the restore window when this happens.

star-buck commented 6 years ago

Thats a good explanation! Now what to do in that case?

NuLogicSystems commented 6 years ago

I think this fixed it. browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash;false