netrusov / ZabbixDBA

Zabbix Database Monitoring Service (Oracle, Pg, MySQL, MS SQL, DB2, etc.)
MIT License
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Template #44

Closed sergiyuvarov closed 7 years ago

sergiyuvarov commented 7 years ago


I can't import template Template_Oracle.xml. I receive a such error:

Invalid tag "/zabbix_export/templates/template(1)/discovery_rules/discovery_rule(1)/item_prototypes/item_prototype(1)": unexpected tag "application_prototypes".

netrusov commented 7 years ago



Which version of Zabbix do you use? I'm afraid that it might be incompatible with newer versions (didn't check for long time).


sergiyuvarov commented 7 years ago


we are using 3.2.3

netrusov commented 7 years ago


Can you please remove those 2 lines (line numbers: 2296, 2340) and try again? If it works, I'll add this fix to the next release.


sergiyuvarov commented 7 years ago

To import template I removed all lines: application_prototypes and dependencies.

When I configured zabbix agent I set the hostname in zabbix_agentd.conf. This hostname points to the host in the zabbix server configuration. I can't find the same parameter in your plugin. How can information from this plugin be connected to the host in zabbix server?

netrusov commented 7 years ago


Thanks, I'll test template compatibility across different versions of Zabbix and include fix into the next release.

I'm sure that the issue is with names. They must be the same at Zabbix server and zdba. Please refer to this comment and this section at configuration docs.

sergiyuvarov commented 7 years ago

Thanks. It is working now.