netrusov / ZabbixDBA

Zabbix Database Monitoring Service (Oracle, Pg, MySQL, MS SQL, DB2, etc.)
MIT License
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No data received for 5 minutes #45

Closed ttamirt closed 7 years ago

ttamirt commented 7 years ago

Hey there, I'm monitoring 2 database instances. 1 is working fine, but the other one is showing this alert: "No data received for 5 minutes". What does it mean? I'm sure that both of my instances are working fine. What should I do? Do I have to restart the zabbix dba service?

netrusov commented 7 years ago



It looks like alive check doesn't work properly. Do you receive any data from this database? Does alive has data (1 or 0) on "Latest data" tab?


ttamirt commented 7 years ago

It was still throwing "PGA Almost fully committed.", "Archivelog generation is too fast" notifications. So I think it was receiving data. I've restarted "/sbin/service zdba" it's back to normal now. I didn't check the alive on Latest data. thanks anyway.