Closed adc-nerd closed 3 months ago
Hey @adc-nerd I see the above link for API docs, there is only one property named "hostname". There is no attribute named "hypervisor_hostname". Do you mean "hostname" itself?
No - docs are not current. There is an attribute "hypervisor_hostname". example GET response: SVM GUI - Configuration - System -> Change Hostname API-URL: https://my-sdx-svm/nitro/v1/config/current_hostname
{ "errorcode": 0, "message": "Done", "operation": "get", "resourceType": "current_hostname", "username": "-removed-", "tenant_name": "-removed-", "tenant_id": "-removed-", "resrc_total_count": 0, "resourceName": "", "current_hostname": [ { "hypervisor_hostname": "my-sdx-xen", "hostname": "my-sdx-svm" } ] }
This is a request to add support of "current_hostname" ressource especially property "hypervisor_hostname".
API Reference is not up2date -
There are two properties "hostname" & "hypervisor_hostname".