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TechEmPower Benchmarks and Asynchronous Processes #292

Open n0nag0n opened 3 years ago

n0nag0n commented 3 years ago

Hey Nette Team,

First off, I know that benchmarks are not the know all, end all when it comes to choosing a framework, but I still think it can give you an idea of what to expect when you dive into the framework.

I enjoy the TechEmPower Benchmarks as you can even compare across programming languages and different platforms. There's a lot of PHP Frameworks in there, and I noticed that Nette is missing, but I wasn't sure if that was on purpose or on accident. There's also which actually already has Latte benchmarked on there as #2 right behind Plates, which is raw PHP templating (Good job!). I don't feel I'm familiar enough with Nette to throw it into a benchmark lineup with all the proper settings, caching, optimizations etc. I wouldn't want to put work into something that'll make it look embarrassing for you guys.

Anyways, not super critical or anything I'm sure. I'm very interested in starting something with Nette as I've been holding out on a good framework for a few years actually. I've tried multiple frameworks:

Anything to make Laravel go down on any benchmark list would be great. I can't stand Laravel :laughing:

One other thing I've noticed. I didn't see a lot of packages on github for bridges to an asynchronous framework like swoole, Roadrunner, Workerman, ReactPHP, etc. Is Nette built in a way where it's difficult for it to integrate with these, or has no one tried just yet?


n0nag0n commented 3 years ago

In case you're interested, here's a bridge for Slim to get an idea of how it works with Swoole.

n0nag0n commented 1 year ago

Ha, I actually googled this again today cause I was curious and I found my old post XD. Questions still stand and remain! :laughing:

n0nag0n commented 1 year ago

I went ahead and just added it myself. It was a beast.