nette / utils

🛠 Lightweight utilities for string & array manipulation, image handling, safe JSON encoding/decoding, validation, slug or strong password generating etc.
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Callback - bug with closure and private/protected methods #270

Closed ncou closed 2 years ago

ncou commented 2 years ago


Nice piece of code. There is a bug in the Callback::unwrap function (, the return value could be an array and not a callable in case you have a closure using a private method. for exemple :

class MyClass
  private function myPrivateMethod() {}

  public getCallable(): callable
    return \Closure::fromCallable[$this, 'myPrivateMethod']

Callback::unwrap((new MyClass())->getCallable()); // This will raise a TypeError

I think the return typehint for the unwrap function to be 'array|callable' instead of simply 'callable'.

And by the way i have see in the toString funtion a case for "lambda" when does this "if" is used ?

Have a good day.

dg commented 2 years ago

{lamda} was used for functions created by create_function()

ncou commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the answer :+1:

dg commented 2 years ago

Thanks for report :-)