Would it be possible to include a simple offset or two-point calibration value for temperature and humidity calibration in the menu? There's quite a sample variation in BME280 and SHT30 factory calibration values. If it's in the advanced menu there will already be a warning that you need to know what you're doing.
Would it be possible to include a simple offset or two-point calibration value for temperature and humidity calibration in the menu? There's quite a sample variation in BME280 and SHT30 factory calibration values. If it's in the advanced menu there will already be a warning that you need to know what you're doing.
Adafruit made a nice writeup about how to implement two-point calibration: https://learn.adafruit.com/calibrating-sensors/two-point-calibration
My suggestion would be to add two-point to humidity sensors and a simple offset to temperature sensors, since their response is very linear.