netvolt / LinuxRMM-Script

To help users that want to add Linux Agents to Tactical RMM, without need to pay upfront for code signed agents. Thanks to @ZoLuSs for the initial commit. If this solution works for you, consider contributing to Tactical RMM project!
MIT License
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Device not showing on Tactical #2

Closed RedGuilhas closed 1 year ago

RedGuilhas commented 1 year ago

I used this script to install the agent on a Linux machine. It's showing up on Mesh but not on Tactical. Any step thay I may have skipped?

netvolt commented 1 year ago

Hello @RedGuilhas , Looks like RMM team have updated their code (within new versions) and that break somehow the linux device adittion. You would need to remove and redo all the steaps manually to see if you get and error in the process. If you can dig into the code and help us finding it, it would be a nice collaboration. Thank you

Sarryaz commented 1 year ago

Hey, I've had the same issue. You need to take a look at the log/output of the script, after the installation is finished, and troubleshoot from there. For my maschine "unzip" was missing, despite the installation showing "INFO[0006] Installation was successfull!". Also, the script needs to output "INFO[0000] Adding agent to dashboard", otherwise the agent is not added in the dashboard of TRRM, but only to MeshCentral.

Hope this helps. :)

RedGuilhas commented 1 year ago

Thank you! It was really the unzip missing. It's working now.