netvolt / LinuxRMM-Script

To help users that want to add Linux Agents to Tactical RMM, without need to pay upfront for code signed agents. Thanks to @ZoLuSs for the initial commit. If this solution works for you, consider contributing to Tactical RMM project!
MIT License
89 stars 39 forks source link

rmm agent service error #25

Open SonGon-CIS opened 2 months ago

SonGon-CIS commented 2 months ago

during the installation i have an error copying temp_rmmagent to /usr/local/bin/rmmagent because the file is not created by the installation process on my Raspberry Pi 3b+ with bookworm.

after the installation tacticalagent.service give error "code=exited, status=203/EXEC"

The mesh is working but in the tactical rmm the raspberry don't show up naturally.

I've also noted that with latest tactical update in the mesh all the machines are not in a group and to be able to see the mesh id and path i had to create a new group in order to see the button for install agent. is it possible to move in some way the machine from the group created with the others machine that are without group ? is not a big of a deal because is working.

Richiesta HTTP inviata, in attesa di risposta... 200 OK Lunghezza: non specificato [application/octet-stream] Salvataggio in: «/tmp/meshagent»

/tmp/meshagent [ <=> ] 3,15M 11,3MB/s in 0,3s

2024-06-14 11:57:01 (11,3 MB/s) - «/tmp/meshagent» salvato [3301539]

mkdir: impossibile creare la directory "/opt/tacticalmesh": File già esistente ...Checking for previous installation of "meshagent" [FOUND: /opt/tacticalmesh/meshagent] -> Stopping Service... [STOPPED] -> Uninstalling previous installation... [DONE] -> Checking for secondary agent... [NONE] ...Installing service [DONE] -> Starting service... [OK] Agent Compile begin --2024-06-14 11:57:43-- Risoluzione di ( Connessione a (||:443... connesso. Richiesta HTTP inviata, in attesa di risposta... 302 Found Posizione: [segue] --2024-06-14 11:57:43-- Risoluzione di ( Connessione a (||:443... connesso. Richiesta HTTP inviata, in attesa di risposta... 200 OK Lunghezza: 91404 (89K) [application/zip] Salvataggio in: «/tmp/»

/tmp/ 100%[============================================================================>] 89,26K --.-KB/s in 0,04s

2024-06-14 11:57:44 (2,21 MB/s) - «/tmp/» salvato [91404/91404]

Archive: /tmp/ 3e0366c43eeecb1d59aeb15cf9ec7d9f006e68a1 creating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/ creating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/.github/ creating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/.github/workflows/ inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/.github/workflows/ci.yml inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/.gitignore creating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/.vscode/ inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/.vscode/settings.json inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/ inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/ creating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/agent/ inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/agent/agent.go inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/agent/agent_unix.go inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/agent/agent_windows.go inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/agent/checkin.go inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/agent/checks.go inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/agent/choco_windows.go inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/agent/embed_darwin.go inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/agent/embed_stub.go inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/agent/eventlog_windows.go inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/agent/install.go inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/agent/install_unix.go inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/agent/install_windows.go inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/agent/patches_windows.go inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/agent/process.go inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/agent/rpc.go creating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/agent/scripts/ inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/agent/scripts/ inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/agent/services_windows.go inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/agent/software_windows_386.go inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/agent/software_windows_amd64.go inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/agent/svc.go inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/agent/syscall_windows.go inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/agent/tasks_windows.go inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/agent/utils.go inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/agent/wmi_windows.go inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/agent/wua_windows.go creating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/build/ inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/build/rmm.exe.manifest inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/build/setup.iss inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/go.mod inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/go.sum inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/main.go creating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/shared/ inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/shared/types.go inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/versioninfo.json /usr/local/go/src/internal/abi/abi.go:9:2: package unsafe is not in std (/usr/local/go/src/unsafe) /usr/local/go/src/reflect/type.go:21:2: package strconv is not in std (/usr/local/go/src/strconv) /usr/local/go/src/reflect/type.go:22:2: package sync is not in std (/usr/local/go/src/sync) /usr/local/go/src/reflect/type.go:23:2: package unicode is not in std (/usr/local/go/src/unicode) /usr/local/go/src/reflect/type.go:24:2: package unicode/utf8 is not in std (/usr/local/go/src/unicode/utf8) /usr/local/go/src/internal/fmtsort/sort.go:13:2: package sort is not in std (/usr/local/go/src/sort) /usr/local/go/src/internal/syscall/unix/getrandom.go:10:2: package sync/atomic is not in std (/usr/local/go/src/sync/atomic) /usr/local/go/src/internal/syscall/unix/at.go:10:2: package syscall is not in std (/usr/local/go/src/syscall) /usr/local/go/src/internal/poll/fd_poll_runtime.go:13:2: package time is not in std (/usr/local/go/src/time) /usr/local/go/src/flag/flag.go:95:2: package strings is not in std (/usr/local/go/src/strings) /usr/local/go/src/encoding/asn1/asn1.go:31:2: package unicode/utf16 is not in std (/usr/local/go/src/unicode/utf16) /root/go/pkg/mod/ package text/template is not in std (/usr/local/go/src/text/template) /usr/local/go/src/log/slog/handler.go:12:2: package slices is not in std (/usr/local/go/src/slices) /usr/local/go/src/html/template/context.go:9:2: package text/template/parse is not in std (/usr/local/go/src/text/template/parse) /root/go/pkg/mod/ package text/tabwriter is not in std (/usr/local/go/src/text/tabwriter) cp: impossibile eseguire stat di '/tmp/temp_rmmagent': File o directory non esistente ./ riga 234: /tmp/temp_rmmagent: File o directory non esistente rm: impossibile rimuovere '/tmp/temp_rmmagent': File o directory non esistente Tactical Agent Install is done


Brandon-Roff commented 1 month ago

Good Afternoon,

This is an issue I faced its ironically to do with incorrect mesh agent are you installing the ARMv7 client or ARM64 client, send your install command (Hide sensitive info)

Many Thanks