netvolt / LinuxRMM-Script

To help users that want to add Linux Agents to Tactical RMM, without need to pay upfront for code signed agents. Thanks to @ZoLuSs for the initial commit. If this solution works for you, consider contributing to Tactical RMM project!
MIT License
85 stars 37 forks source link

Insecure Install #27

Open vikramwalia opened 1 week ago

vikramwalia commented 1 week ago

Hi, Would it be possible to include a parameter for an insecure install, essentially --insecure as with the original agent install if running within the same network using local DNS records and self signed certificates ?

Original Install Agent in Windows will look like this tacticalagent-v2.7.0-windows-amd64.exe /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES && ping -n 5 && "C:\Program Files\TacticalAgent\tacticalrmm.exe" -m install --api --client-id 1 --site-id 1 --agent-type server --auth xxxxxxx --insecure

vikramwalia commented 1 week ago

Here is the error I am getting , hence asking for an insecure install

inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/main.go
creating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/shared/ inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/shared/types.go
inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/versioninfo.json
FATA[0000] Get "": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ -> /etc/systemd/system/tacticalagent.service. Tactical Agent Install is done

Brandon-Roff commented 1 day ago

Good Afternoon,

You should be able to amend the script and put --insecure, same way as with windows you need to add the silent install parameter