netvolt / LinuxRMM-Script

To help users that want to add Linux Agents to Tactical RMM, without need to pay upfront for code signed agents. Thanks to @ZoLuSs for the initial commit. If this solution works for you, consider contributing to Tactical RMM project!
MIT License
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Installation works once on one agent then fails with an error on the second . #28

Open 000000000000000000000000000000-dubg opened 1 month ago

000000000000000000000000000000-dubg commented 1 month ago

The error i keep facing when trying the installation command with all of the correct arguements is this " inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/go.sum inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/main.go creating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/shared/ inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/shared/types.go inflating: /tmp/rmmagent-master/versioninfo.json env: ‘go’: No such file or directory cp: cannot stat '/tmp/temp_rmmagent': No such file or directory ./ line 234: /tmp/temp_rmmagent: No such file or directory rm: cannot remove '/tmp/temp_rmmagent': No such file or directory Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /etc/systemd/system/tacticalagent.service. Tactical Agent Install is done " 2024-07-25_22-11

it says that the agent is installed but on the panel it doesnt show up , how would i go about fixing this

netvolt commented 1 month ago

Hi, this looks a user install restriction somehow. Go wasnt installed.