netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed / dataset-register

Components (API and crawler) for the NDE Dataset Register
European Union Public License 1.2
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Search dataset descriptions #7

Open ddeboer opened 4 years ago

ddeboer commented 4 years ago


coret commented 4 years ago

Answers (also added to design document):

  1. Search for datasets which have a SPARQL endpoint as distribution
  2. Search for SPARQL endpoint to be used in terms-network (how??)
  3. Search for datasets created/published/updated within last month
  4. Search for datasets which have “Bevolkingsregisters” in their description
  5. Search for datasets which have “wo2” as genre
  6. Search for datasets published by the “Open Archieven” organization TODO: rewrite to SPARQL

Main users are machines, like terms-network. The demonstrator can link to some (stored) example queries in TriplyDB for human consumption.

The 'Collected dataset descriptions' are based on the DCAT vocabulary. Crawled datasets are converted tot DCAT if (or other in the future), orginal is not stored. The used vocabulary is noted in the 'Registered URI’s of dataset descriptions' for statistical purposes.

ddeboer commented 3 years ago

Searching dataset descriptions is possible at

@coret Can we refer interested parties to that or does the Registry itself need to offer search capabilities?

ddeboer commented 3 years ago

Discussed this with Bob, for now we will wait whether people actually need separate search functionality.

EnnoMeijers commented 3 years ago

I suggest to use the datastory approach for further presentations of the registry data (and replace the old registry datastory until we have a clearer view on a possible UI (if any)

coret commented 3 years ago

Will investigate the datastory approach, do not known if the YASGUI component works with GraphDB. First step is enabling CORS.

coret commented 3 years ago
ddeboer commented 3 years ago

Can we consider this done for now?