netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed / makemyflix

Make your own Heritageflix
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Object metadata #15

Open coret opened 1 month ago

coret commented 1 month ago

There seems to be the assumption that every object has a title, just like a movie on Netflix. In the case of many image collections there is no title, there's only a description. For I constructed a title by concatenating the string "Foto " with the object ID, it's better then 'undefined' but not too user-friendly.


The publisher (why not Uitgever @nl ?) shows the ?publisherName and ?publisherURI parts of the object meta data. There's also ?publisherHomepage in the SPARQL query, but that doesn't seem to be used. I used the ?publisherURI to provide a link to the source, as I feel heritage organisations like a back link. But from a UX point of view this isn't clear.

aabelmann commented 1 month ago

Since there are multiple questions in here, I will address them one by one.

There seems to be the assumption that every object has a title, just like a movie on Netflix

You are correct, there is a requirement that every object will have a name / title. We use the name / title not just for displaying purposes but it allows us to have consistent human-readable urls and eventually will allow for deep-linking to a specific artwork. (which is currently not yet implemented). We can discuss this with a larger group if strongly believe that name / title should be optional but this will require a big change in the code (both front-end and back-end).

The publisher (why not Uitgever @nl ?)

The value you are seeing now is the default label, which was taken from HeritageFlix. You can currently only overwrite this inside the back-end, it might be a good point to add the customization step or even to the edit/delete functionality. We can always change the default for future Flixes that are being created

I used the ?publisherURI to provide a link to the source, as I feel heritage organisations like a back link

Before I get in to this remark, I would like to state that properties do support links and in the example that was provided links are working, they just are displayed as text. This was a design choice.

But to give an more in-depth answer: The following properties are supported to have links:

These properties look at their match with name in there for the link text... i.e. imageLicenseUri will use imageLicenseName, the reason we do this is to allow a form of flexibility but limit the number of properties that will be allowed to be links.

Of course, there is always an exception, which is Publisher. Here we look at PublisherURI and if this is empty, we will fallback to the publisherHomepage.