netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed / requirements-datasets

Requirements for datasets
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Add specific SPARQL distribution info #76

Open coret opened 1 year ago

coret commented 1 year ago

The current specification lacks a method to better specify a SPARQL endpoint.

Some datasets (like those of the Literatuurmuseum) all have the same schema:contentUrl ( But each of the datasets is "stored" in a separate graph. A property - with working name nde:graphUri - should be defined to provide the URI of the graph.

Some datasets (like those of the KB) require a filter on the subject URIs, like ?subject schema:mainEntityOfPage/schema:isPartOf <>. A property - with working name nde:subjectFilter - should be defined to provide a piece of SPARQL select.

This information is needed for automatic processing of SPARQL-endpoints, for example to use in the Dataset Register KG. See for examples.

TODO: investigate if appropiate properties are available in VOID or DCAT.

ddeboer commented 7 months ago

Another example is, which has as its distribution access URL:

This makes it very hard for us to work with the query from the Knowledge Graph.

ddeboer commented 7 months ago

TODO: investigate if appropiate properties are available in VOID or DCAT.

From the VoID spec:

Note: In some SPARQL endpoints, named graphs are used to partition the data. Currently VoID doesn't provide a dedicated way of stating that a dataset is contained in a specific named graph. This kind of information can be provided in a SPARQL Service Description, as described below.