network-international / react-native-ngenius

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Error: Program type already present: com.reactlibrary.BuildConfig #3

Closed mak12 closed 3 years ago

mak12 commented 3 years ago

I'm getting this error when I try to build on Android Studio.

This is because of two or more libraries using same package name and it happens generally because of using generic PackageName, which in this case is com.reactlibrary.

<manifest xmlns:android=""
      package="com.reactlibrary">       //this should be something unique

Would it be possible to rename this to something less generic?


network-international/react-native-ngenius: "1.0.8"
mu1ex commented 3 years ago

Hi @mak12 thanks for that report. We will fix this and should be available in the next release.

mak12 commented 3 years ago

Hi @mu1ex that's great, can you please tell expected date of this fix, so we can schedule our release around that.

mu1ex commented 3 years ago

Hi @mak12, this issue is fixed in the latest release. Will close this issue for now.