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Index and Attempt a Fit to NMFS and DFO Surveys of Juvenile CWT Tagged Chinook Salmon #6

Open mgietzmann opened 3 months ago

mgietzmann commented 3 months ago

This paper details an analysis of two fisheries independent collection of CWT data for juvenile chinook salmon. This will hopefully represent a good starting point for working with CWT data as the sampling process is reasonably well described and consistent.

The intent of this ticket is to pull down index that data, do some initial exploratory data analysis, and then come up with a strategy for using the idea described here - Fishy Friday 2024 04 12 - to fit our current odds model to this data.

mgietzmann commented 2 months ago

Looking further into the paper they report ~1800 recoveries of juvenile Chinook across quite a large area over the course of ~20 years... This would suggest an average catch rate of 91 juveniles a year which is far too small to create any kind of density estimate from.

This is just making me more curious about how fits to this data are happening at all.

I'm going to dig into one of the reports that regularly uses this data -

Also I'm going around trying to find effort and it looks like while they capture who sampled and when there's no additional data beyond that... so I'd have to effectively guess which catches went with which programs...

mgietzmann commented 2 months ago

Alright I think I've got a strategy to try on the plane: