networked-aframe / naf-valid-avatars

Example of using realistic animated avatars in networked-aframe.
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How can I integrate the Valid Avatar A-Frame project with the Networked A-Frame project? #10

Closed Mohammad-JBM closed 6 months ago

Mohammad-JBM commented 6 months ago

Hello, I aim to customize the Networked A-Frame project and integrate the Avatar project into it. Kindly guide me in this area on how to accomplish this. Additionally, I would like to provide you with more detailed information about the project. I intend to combine the Chat project with this one.

I would appreciate your guidance in this matter.

Thank you.

vincentfretin commented 6 months ago

Hello, what do you mean by integrating the Networked A-Frame project and integrate the Avatar project into it? This example is a naf project already with a UI written with solidjs. If you want to add the chat to it, that's really easy, mostly add the ChatButton and ChatPanel solidjs components from naf-nametag-solidjs. The two repo are mostly in sync, you can compare the two repo.

Mohammad-JBM commented 6 months ago

I have encountered some difficulties along the way, and the project is not functioning properly for me. Please guide me through the entire process, as I am in need of assistance to identify and address the issues and find a suitable solution for the project.

vincentfretin commented 6 months ago

I generally give my time for free replying to persons that are willing to be precise of the things they tried and what issues they encountered. What you call "guide me through the entire process" is simply free development or training here. What you're asking here is paid support, I do 1h or 2h session via my sponsors page if you're interested. You can find me on discord.

vincentfretin commented 6 months ago

I also did a web components for chat if you didn't see it