networkservicemesh / cmd-nsmgr

Network Service Manager
Apache License 2.0
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Memory leaks in nsmgr #675

Open ljkiraly opened 2 months ago

ljkiraly commented 2 months ago

Increased memory usage of nsmgr pods can be detected. On some environment the memory usage reaches it's limit (400M) and leads to OOMKill.


With the following example I was able to reproduce a considerable memory increase by scaling out and scaling in the NSCs.

The test ran on kind cluster with 4 nodes and NSM v1.13.0 was deployed.

Sample output of kubectl top command

deployment.apps/nsc-kernel scaled
deployment.apps/nsc-kernel scaled
2024. 04. 23. 13:34:31 CEST
NAME          CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)   
nsmgr-5s65v   102m         32Mi            
NAME          CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)   
nsmgr-fms9q   16m          26Mi            
NAME          CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)   
nsmgr-s7gz8   16m          27Mi            
NAME          CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)   
nsmgr-vtd9q   33m          25Mi 


2024. 04. 23. 14:09:02 CEST
NAME          CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)   
nsmgr-5s65v   391m         84Mi            
NAME          CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)   
nsmgr-fms9q   36m          45Mi            
NAME          CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)   
nsmgr-s7gz8   126m         65Mi            
NAME          CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)   
nsmgr-vtd9q   145m         42Mi
szvincze commented 2 months ago

I tried the instructions that @ljkiraly attached above but added scaling of NSEs too. From my test it seems that by creating NSEs NSMgr exhausts more memory than with scaling NSCs.

ljkiraly commented 2 months ago

Description updated with version information. Also might be important that I was tested on a kind cluster with 4 nodes.

ljkiraly commented 2 months ago

Another important detail, that I tested with nsmgr pod without exclude prefixes container and the same behavior can be seen, the memory increase still present. Edited the issue slogan.

NikitaSkrynnik commented 2 months ago

Hello! I think I managed to reproduce the leak. I tried several setups:

NSEs with CIDR

NSEs with CIDR

It looks like we have a leak when there are no enough NSEs for all NSCs. After scaling NSEs and NSCs 10 times nsmgr consumes 116M of memory. After several hours it still consumes the same amount of memory even though NSCs and NSEs scaled to zero.


goroutines.pdf memory.pdf block.pdf mutex.pdf threadcreate.pdf

Profiles doesn't show any leaks. Memory profile tells only about 4.5M memory used by nsmgr. The number of goroutines is also reasonable. Usually nsmgr has about 50 goroutines running when there are no clients and endpoints.

Maybe there is a problem with the logs. Trying to check it now.

szvincze commented 2 months ago

Hi Nikita,

Thanks for sharing your results. Does "no leak" mean that the memory consumption of the nsmgr container goes back to the original value when you scale NSCs and/or NSEs to zero? In my tests nsmgr consumes 14-15M memory before I deploy the endpoint and client. The nsmgr container on the node where the NSE runs start consuming 21-23M, on the other node where the NSC is nsmgr consumes around 20M. When I scale NSE and NSC down to 0 then the first nsmgr still shows 20M, nsmgr-kind-worker2 the second one 17M consumption, nsmgr-kind-worker and it does not really change in time.

So, I cannot really reproduce a situation when the memory consumption goes down or at least near to the original level.

szvincze commented 2 months ago


I created a heap profile during a long running test. After 10 hours this is the memory situation in nsmgr: overnight-test1 overnight-test2

I used tinden/cmd-nsmgr:v1.13.0-fix.5 and tinden/cmd-forwarder-vpp:v1.13.0-fix.5 images. Right now one nsmgr uses 108M, the other 78M. The increase is much slower than before. It seems the runtime uses less than 30M in both cases.

It seems that metrics-server also counts if we are talking about memory increase.

However I haven't monitored the registry-k8s pod, but it was OOMKilled few hours ago.

szvincze commented 1 month ago

Here I add three heap profiles I created during my tests. The first one is from an idle state, then one after scaling of NSCs and NSEs started and another one from a later phase of scaling.

ljkiraly commented 1 month ago

Hi @denis-tingaikin,

I created an nsmgr image based on the following commits: eefee38ab907156eafc3d7f2a69552c4779af393 - tmp disable connectionmonitor authroization 7202075a97e5bf1874afec4268fb38d9f063f199 - fix linter ce37208c0b9ea9bee8bf9b0cfe68752445288f86 - fix mem leak in authorize

ccf42a564dce826dd7e0b5647393c70037643447 - fix memory leaks

Asked to test it in a customer like environment with more then 80 endpoints and traffic running. The result was better than before (with NSMv1.13).

Still there was a memory increase, especially in one of the nsmgr container:

After install: 13.3 MB
UTC 11:38: 93.9MB
UTC 23:38: 97.2MB
UTC 03:38 (after trffic test): 109MB
UTC 05:38 (after uninstalling the application using NSM): 84.5 MB

Find the collected memprofiles attached.


As you can see at the slice from May7 2:38am (CEST), the profiling tool shows that the memory used by nsmgr was 38428.29kB (~40MB). It is strange that kubelet's metrics server showing a higher RSS that time (around 90MB-100MB).

File: nsmgr
Type: inuse_space
Time: May 7, 2024 at 2:38am (CEST)
Showing nodes accounting for 38428.29kB, 100% of 38428.29kB total
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
 7922.50kB 20.62% 20.62%  7922.50kB 20.62%  bufio.NewReaderSize (inline)
 6866.17kB 17.87% 38.48%  6866.17kB 17.87% (inline)
 3076.16kB  8.00% 46.49%  3076.16kB  8.00%  fmt.Sprintf
 3073.31kB  8.00% 54.49%  3073.31kB  8.00%  runtime.malg
 1538.03kB  4.00% 58.49%  1538.03kB  4.00%  bytes.growSlice

Hope that helps.