Hello, I would like to improve the observability of fanout plugin by adding opentracing spans per upstream connection attempt similarly as CoreDNS forward plugin does. You can then better see the performance of each DNS upstream nameserver
Example how it looks like:
Let's have a CoreDNS instance running with Corefile
Signed-off-by: Ondrej Benkovsky ondrej.benkovsky@wandera.com
Hello, I would like to improve the observability of fanout plugin by adding opentracing spans per upstream connection attempt similarly as CoreDNS forward plugin does. You can then better see the performance of each DNS upstream nameserver
Example how it looks like: Let's have a CoreDNS instance running with Corefile
and locally running Zipkin in docker
when you do the DNS request through this CoreDNS instance
it will create a trace such as this (screen from Zipkin UI)