networktocode / genieparser

sub-component of Genie that parse the device output into structured datastructure
Apache License 2.0
5 stars 2 forks source link

29. show wireless stats client detail #54

Closed q28xp closed 3 years ago

q28xp commented 4 years ago
ewlc1# show wireless stats client detail
Total Number of Clients : 16

Protocol Statistics

Protcol            Client Count
 802.11b              : 0
 802.11g              : 0
 802.11a              : 0
 802.11n-2.4GHz       : 3
 802.11n-5 GHz        : 2
 802.11ac             : 11
 802.11ax-5 GHz       : 0
 802.11ax-2.4 GHz     : 0

Current client state statistics:
  Authenticating         : 2
  Mobility               : 0
  IP Learn               : 2
  Webauth Pending        : 1
  Run                    : 11
  Delete-in-Progress     : 0

Client Summary
Current Clients : 16
Excluded Clients: 0
Disabled Clients: 0
Foreign Clients : 0
Anchor Clients  : 0
Local Clients   : 14
Idle Clients    : 0

client global statistics:
Total association requests received              : 40809
Total association attempts                       : 38581
Total FT/LocalAuth requests                      : 0
Total association failures                       : 21
Total association response accepts               : 38559
Total association response rejects               : 21
Total association response errors                : 21
Total association failures due to blacklist      : 562
Total association drops due to multicast mac     : 0
Total association drops due to throttling        : 0
Total association drops due to unknown bssid     : 8
Total association drops due to parse failure     : 0
Total association drops due to other reasons     : 0
Total association requests wired clients         : 0
Total association drops wired clients            : 0
Total association success wired clients          : 0
Total peer association requests wired clients    : 0
Total peer association drops wired clients       : 0
Total peer association success wired clients     : 0
Total association success wifi direct clients    : 0
Total association rejects wifi direct clients    : 0
Total association response errors                : 21
Total 11r ft authentication requests received    : 8173
Total 11r ft authentication response success     : 8029
Total 11r ft authentication response failure     : 144
Total 11r ft action requests received            : 0
Total 11r ft action response success             : 0
Total 11r ft action response failure             : 0
Total 11r PMKR0-Name mismatch                    : 86
Total 11r PMKR1-Name mismatch                    : 9
Total 11r MDID mismatch                          : 0
Total AID allocation failures                    : 0
Total AID free failures                          : 0
Total Roam Across Policy Profiles                : 0
Total roam attempts                              : 4200
  Total CCKM roam attempts                       : 0
  Total 11r roam attempts                        : 883
  Total 11r slow roam attempts                   : 99
  Total 11i fast roam attempts                   : 1319
  Total 11i slow roam attempts                   : 1758
  Total other roam type attempts                 : 141
Total roam failures in dot11                     : 5
Total 11r flex roam attempts                     : 0

Total WPA3 SAE attempts                          : 0
Total WPA3 SAE successful authentications        : 0
Total WPA3 SAE authentication failures           : 0
  Total incomplete protocol failures             : 0
Total WPA3 SAE commit messages received          : 0
Total WPA3 SAE commit messages rejected          : 0
  Total unsupported group rejections             : 0
Total WPA3 SAE commit messages sent              : 0
Total WPA3 SAE confirm messages received         : 0
Total WPA3 SAE confirm messages rejected         : 0
  Total WPA3 SAE message confirm field mismatch  : 0
  Total WPA3 SAE confirm message invalid length  : 0
Total WPA3 SAE confirm messages sent             : 0
Total WPA3 SAE Open Sessions                     : 0
Total SAE Message drops due to throttling        : 0

Total Flexconnect local-auth roam attempts       : 0
  Total AP 11i fast roam attempts                : 0
  Total AP 11i slow roam attempts                : 0

Total client state starts                        : 41695
Total client state associated                    : 38559
Total client state l2auth success                : 23878
Total client state l2auth failures               : 4376
Total blacklisted clients on dot1xauth failure   : 4284
Total client state mab attempts                  : 18231
Total client state mab failed                    : 0
Total client state ip learn attempts             : 23511
Total client state ip learn failed               : 13582
Total client state l3 auth attempts              : 3134
Total client state l3 auth failed                : 0
Total client state session push attempts         : 0
Total client state session push failed           : 0
Total client state run                           : 11480
Total client idle state attempts                 : 227
Total client deleted                             : 23500

Total clients recovered from idle state:
Total clients intra wncd idle to run             : 3
Total clients inter wncd roam in idle state      : 0
Total clients L2 roam in idle state              : 0
Total clients L3 roam in idle state              : 0

Total add mobiles sent                           : 45386
Total delete mobiles sent                        : 27230
Total client deferred delete mobiles             : 5297
Total client deferred delete mobiles sent        : 5297
Total client deferred delete mobile timeouts     : 255
Total udn payloads sent                          : 0

Total key exchange attempts                      : 4848
Total broadcast key exchange attempts            : 486
Total broadcast key exchange failures            : 0
Total eapol key sent                             : 10583
Total eapol key received                         : 10298
Total m1 sent                                    : 4848
Total m3 sent                                    : 4758
Total m5 sent                                    : 437
Total m2 received                                : 4781
Total m4 received                                : 4968
Total m6 received                                : 342
Total m1 resent                                  : 262
Total m3 resent                                  : 82
Total m5 resent                                  : 196

Total data path client create                    : 17122
Total data path client create success            : 17122
Total data path client create failed             : 0
Total data path deplumb client create            : 0
Total data path deplumb client create success    : 0
Total data path deplumb client create fail       : 0
Total data path client update                    : 16026
Total data path client update success            : 16026
Total data path client update failed             : 0
Total data path client delete                    : 17108
Total data path client delete success            : 17108
Total data path client delete failed             : 0
Total data path client nack                      : 0
Total data path client delete nack               : 0
Total data path client unknown nack              : 0
Total DMS requests received in action frame      : 19
Total DMS responses sent in action frame         : 19
Total DMS requests received in Re-assoc Request  : 0
Total L3 VLAN Override vlan change received      : 0
Total L3 VLAN Override disassociations sent      : 0
Total L3 VLAN Override re-associations received  : 0
Total L3 VLAN Override successful VLAN change    : 0
Total PPSK key generation cache hit              : 0
Total PPSK key generation cache miss             : 0

client state statistics:
Average Time in Each State (ms)
  Associated State    : 0
  L2 State       : 0
  Mobility State : 0
  IP Learn State : 0
  L3 Auth State   : 0

Average Run State Latency (ms) : 5

Average Run State Latency without user delay (ms) : 1

Latency Distribution (ms) 
   1 - 100              : 2477
   100 - 200            : 485
   200 - 300            : 694
   300 - 600            : 358
   600 - 1000           : 582
   1000+                : 593

Webauth HTTP Statistics
  Intercepted HTTP requests   : 306834
  IO Read events              : 552102
  Received HTTP messages      : 294534
  IO write events             : 293834
  Sent HTTP replies           : 293834
  IO AAA messages             : 0
  SSL OK                      : 7812
  SSL Read would block        : 30953
  SSL write would block       : 0
  Socket opens                : 306834
  Socket closes               : 306834

Time spent in each httpd states (in msecs)
                             Total       Max        Min        Samples
IO Reading state          4654682      58788          0     294534
IO Writing state             6445          1          0     293834
IO AAA state                    0          0          0          0
Method after reading         9865          1          0     294534
Method after writing           31          1          0     293834
Method after AAA                0          0          0          0

Webauth HTTP status counts
 HTTP 200 OK                    : 293834
 HTTP 201 Created               : 0
 HTTP 202 Accepted              : 0
 HTTP 203 Provisional Info      : 0
 HTTP 204 No Content            : 0
 HTTP 300 Multiple Choices      : 0
 HTTP 301 Moved Permanently     : 0
 HTTP 302 Moved Temporarily     : 0
 HTTP 303 Method                : 0
 HTTP 304 Not Modified          : 0
 HTTP 400 Bad Request           : 0
 HTTP 401 Unauthorized          : 0
 HTTP 402 Payment Required      : 0
 HTTP 403 Forbidden             : 0
 HTTP 404 Not Found             : 0
 HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed    : 0
 HTTP 406 None Acceptable       : 0
 HTTP 407 Proxy-Auth Required   : 0
 HTTP 408 Request Timeout       : 0
 HTTP 409 Conflict              : 0
 HTTP 410 Gone                  : 0
 HTTP 500 Internal Server Error : 0
 HTTP 501 Not Implemeneted      : 0
 HTTP 502 Bad Gateway           : 0
 HTTP 503 Service Unavailable   : 0
 HTTP 504 Gateway Timeout       : 0

Webauth backpressure queue counters
Pending SSL handshakes            : 0
Pending HTTPS new requests        : 0
Pending AAA replies               : 0

Dot1x Global Statistics
RxStart = 6657 RxLogoff = 18  RxResp = 104310 RxRespID = 15453
RxReq = 0 RxInvalid = 0  RxLenErr = 0
RxTotal = 126939
TxStart = 0 TxLogoff = 0  TxResp = 0
TxReq = 117345 ReTxReq = 3909  ReTxReqFail = 11528
TxReqID = 67670 ReTxReqID = 29908  ReTxReqIDFail = 1310
TxTotal = 185057

Total client delete reasons
Controller deletes
No Operation                                                    : 0
Unknown                                                         : 0
Session Manager                                                 : 0
Connection timeout                                              : 0
Datapath plumb                                                  : 0
WPA key exchange timeout                                        : 78
802.11w MAX SA queries reached                                  : 0
Client deleted during HA recovery                               : 0
Inter instance roam failure                                     : 0
Inter instance roam success                                     : 0
Inter controller roam success                                   : 0
Due to mobility failure                                         : 0
NAS error                                                       : 0
Policy Manager internal error                                   : 0
80211v smart roam failed                                        : 0
DOT11v association failed                                       : 0
DOT11r pre-authentication failure                               : 55
SAE authentication failure                                      : 0
DOT11 failure                                                   : 0
DOT11 SAE invalid message                                       : 0
DOT11 denied data rates                                         : 0
802.11v Client RSSI lower than the association RSSI threshold   : 0
invalid QoS parameter                                           : 0
DOT11 IE validation failed                                      : 0
DOT11 group cipher in IE validation failed                      : 0
DOT11 invalid pairwise cipher                                   : 0
DOT11 invalid AKM                                               : 0
DOT11 unsupported RSN version                                   : 0
DOT11 invalid RSNIE capabilities                                : 0
DOT11 received invalid PMKID in the received RSN IE             : 21
DOT11 received invalid PMK length                               : 0
DOT11 invalid MDIE                                              : 0
DOT11 invalid FT IE                                             : 0
DOT11 AID allocation conflicts                                  : 0
AVC client re-anchored at the foreign controller                : 0
Client EAP ID timeout                                           : 4270
Client DOT1x timeout                                            : 0
Malformed EAP key frame                                         : 0
EAP key install bit is not expected                             : 0
EAP key error bit is not expected                               : 0
EAP key ACK bit is not expected                                 : 0
Invalid key type                                                : 0
EAP key secure bit is not expected                              : 0
key description version mismatch                                : 0
wrong replay counter                                            : 1
EAP key MIC bit expected                                        : 0
MIC validation failed                                           : 9
MAC theft                                                       : 0
IP theft                                                        : 14
Policy bind failure                                             : 0
Web authentication failure                                      : 0
802.1X authentication credential failure                        : 0
802.1X authentication timeout                                   : 0
802.11 authentication failure                                   : 0
802.11 association failure                                      : 0
Manually excluded                                               : 0
DB error                                                        : 0
Anchor creation failure                                         : 0
Anchor invalid Mobility BSSID                                   : 0
Anchor no memory                                                : 0
Call admission controller at anchor node                        : 0
Supplicant restart                                              : 0
Port admin disabled                                             : 0
Reauthentication failure                                        : 0
Client connection lost                                          : 0
Error while PTK computation                                     : 0
MAC and IP theft                                                : 0
QoS policy failure                                              : 0
QoS policy send to AP failure                                   : 0
QoS policy bind on AP failure                                   : 0
QoS policy unbind on AP failure                                 : 0
Static IP anchor discovery failure                              : 0
VLAN failure                                                    : 0
ACL failure                                                     : 0
Redirect ACL failure                                            : 6
Accounting failure                                              : 0
Security group tag failure                                      : 0
FQDN filter definition does not exist                           : 0
Wrong filter type, expected postauth FQDN filter                : 0
Wrong filter type, expected preauth FQDN filter                 : 0
Invalid group id for FQDN filter valid range  1..16             : 0
Policy parameter mismatch                                       : 0
Reauth failure                                                  : 0
Wrong PSK                                                       : 0
Policy failure                                                  : 0
AAA server unavailable                                          : 0
AAA server not ready                                            : 0
No dot1x method configuration                                   : 0
Association connection timeout                                  : 0
MAC-AUTH connection timeout                                     : 0
L2-AUTH connection timeout                                      : 570
L3-AUTH connection timeout                                      : 2793
Mobility connection timeout                                     : 0
static IP connection timeout                                    : 0
SM session creation timeout                                     : 0
IP-LEARN connection timeout                                     : 13582
NACK IFID exists                                                : 0
Guest-LAN invalid MBSSID                                        : 0
Guest-LAN no memory                                             : 0
Guest-LAN ceate request failed                                  : 0
EoGRE Reset                                                     : 0
EoGRE Generic Join Failure                                      : 0
EoGRE HA-Reconciliation                                         : 0
Wired idle timeout                                              : 0
IP Update timeout                                               : 0
SAE Commit received in Associated State                         : 0
NACK IFID mismatch                                              : 0
EoGRE Invalid VLAN                                              : 0
EoGRE Empty Domain                                              : 0
EoGRE Invalid Domain                                            : 0
EoGRE Domain Shut                                               : 0
EoGRE Invalid Gateway                                           : 0
EoGRE All Gateways down                                         : 0
EoGRE Flex - no active gateway                                  : 0
EoGRE Rule Matching error                                       : 0
EoGRE AAA Override error                                        : 0
EoGRE client onboarding error                                   : 0
EoGRE Mobility Handoff error                                    : 0
L3 VLAN Override connection timeout                             : 0
Delete received from AP                                         : 0
QoS failure                                                     : 0
WPA group key update timeout                                    : 95
Client blacklist                                                : 0
DOT11 unsupported client capabilities                           : 0
DOT11 association denied unspecified                            : 0
DOT11 AP have insufficient bandwidth                            : 0
DOT11 invalid QoS parameter                                     : 0
Client not allowed by assisted roaming                          : 0
Wired client deleted due to WGB delete                          : 0
Client Abort                                                    : 0
Mobility peer delete                                            : 0
No IP                                                           : 126
BSSID down                                                      : 1
DOT11 QoS policy                                                : 0
Roam across policy profile deny                                 : 0
4WAY handshake failure - M1 issue                               : 0
4WAY handshake failure - M3 issue                               : 0
Exclusion policy template fail                                  : 0
DOT11 Cipher Suite Rejected                                     : 0
Informational Delete Reason
Mobility WLAN down                                              : 0
AP upgrade                                                      : 0
L3 authentication failure                                       : 0
AP down/disjoin                                                 : 2
MAC authentication failure                                      : 0
Due to SSID change                                              : 1658
Due to VLAN change                                              : 0
Admin deauthentication                                          : 0
Session timeout                                                 : 1
Idle timeout                                                    : 0
Supplicant request                                              : 18
Mobility tunnel down                                            : 0
DOT11v timer timeout                                            : 0
DOT11 max STA                                                   : 0
IAPP disassociation for wired client                            : 0
Wired WGB change                                                : 0
Wired VLAN change                                               : 0
WGB Wired client joins as a direct wireless client              : 0
Incorrect credentials                                           : 14
Wired client cleanup due to WGB roaming                         : 0
Radio Down                                                      : 0
Mobility failure on fast roam                                   : 23
Due to IP Zone change                                              : 0
Client initiate delete
Deauthentication or disassociation request                      : 0
Client DHCP                                                     : 0
Client EAP timeout                                              : 0
Client 8021x failure                                            : 0
Client device idle                                              : 0
Client captive portal security failure                          : 0
Client decryption failure                                       : 0
Client interface disabled                                       : 0
Client user triggered disassociation                            : 0
Client miscellaneous reason                                     : 0
Unknown                                                         : 0
Client peer triggered                                           : 0
Client beacon loss                                              : 0
AP Deletes
AP initiated delete when client is sending disassociation       : 0
AP initiated delete for idle timeout                            : 158
AP initiated delete for client ACL mismatch                     : 0
AP initiated delete for AP auth stop                            : 0
AP initiated delete for association expired at AP               : 0
AP initiated delete for 4-way handshake failed                  : 0
AP initiated delete for DHCP timeout                            : 0
AP initiated delete for reassociation timeout                   : 0
AP initiated delete for SA query timeout                        : 0
AP initiated delete for intra AP roam                           : 0
AP initiated delete for channel switch at AP                    : 0
AP initiated delete for bad AID                                 : 0
AP initiated delete for request                                 : 0
AP initiated delete for interface reset                         : 0
AP initiated delete for all on slot                             : 0
AP initiated delete for reaper radio                            : 0
AP initiated delete for slot disable                            : 0
AP initiated delete for MIC failure                             : 0
AP initiated delete for VLAN delete                             : 0
AP initiated delete for channel change                          : 5
AP initiated delete for stop reassociation                      : 0
AP initiated delete for packet max retry                        : 0
AP initiated delete for transmission deauth                     : 0
AP initiated delete for sensor station timeout                  : 0
AP initiated delete for age timeout                             : 0
AP initiated delete for transmission fail threshold             : 0
AP initiated delete for uplink receive timeout                  : 0
AP initiated delete for sensor scan next radio                  : 0
AP initiated delete for sensor scan other BSSID                 : 0
AP initiated delete for AUTH-timeout and web-auth timeout       : 0
AP initiated delete for sending deauth pak to client            : 0
q28xp commented 4 years ago
ewlc2# show wireless stats client detail
Total Number of Clients : 12

Protocol Statistics

Protcol            Client Count
 802.11b              : 0
 802.11g              : 0
 802.11a              : 0
 802.11n-2.4GHz       : 0
 802.11n-5 GHz        : 0
 802.11ac             : 11
 802.11ax-5 GHz       : 0
 802.11ax-2.4 GHz     : 0

Current client state statistics:
  Authenticating         : 0
  Mobility               : 0
  IP Learn               : 0
  Webauth Pending        : 0
  Run                    : 12
  Delete-in-Progress     : 0

Client Summary
Current Clients : 12
Excluded Clients: 0
Disabled Clients: 0
Foreign Clients : 0
Anchor Clients  : 0
Local Clients   : 12
Idle Clients    : 0

client global statistics:
Total association requests received              : 584
Total association attempts                       : 531
Total FT/LocalAuth requests                      : 0
Total association failures                       : 6
Total association response accepts               : 525
Total association response rejects               : 6
Total association response errors                : 6
Total association failures due to blacklist      : 53
Total association drops due to multicast mac     : 0
Total association drops due to throttling        : 0
Total association drops due to unknown bssid     : 0
Total association drops due to parse failure     : 0
Total association drops due to other reasons     : 0
Total association requests wired clients         : 0
Total association drops wired clients            : 0
Total association success wired clients          : 0
Total peer association requests wired clients    : 0
Total peer association drops wired clients       : 0
Total peer association success wired clients     : 0
Total association success wifi direct clients    : 0
Total association rejects wifi direct clients    : 0
Total association response errors                : 6
Total 11r ft authentication requests received    : 74
Total 11r ft authentication response success     : 74
Total 11r ft authentication response failure     : 0
Total 11r ft action requests received            : 0
Total 11r ft action response success             : 0
Total 11r ft action response failure             : 0
Total 11r PMKR0-Name mismatch                    : 0
Total 11r PMKR1-Name mismatch                    : 0
Total 11r MDID mismatch                          : 0
Total AID allocation failures                    : 0
Total AID free failures                          : 0
Total Roam Across Policy Profiles                : 0
Total roam attempts                              : 77
  Total CCKM roam attempts                       : 0
  Total 11r roam attempts                        : 72
  Total 11r slow roam attempts                   : 0
  Total 11i fast roam attempts                   : 1
  Total 11i slow roam attempts                   : 4
  Total other roam type attempts                 : 0
Total roam failures in dot11                     : 0
Total 11r flex roam attempts                     : 0

Total WPA3 SAE attempts                          : 0
Total WPA3 SAE successful authentications        : 0
Total WPA3 SAE authentication failures           : 0
  Total incomplete protocol failures             : 0
Total WPA3 SAE commit messages received          : 0
Total WPA3 SAE commit messages rejected          : 0
  Total unsupported group rejections             : 0
Total WPA3 SAE commit messages sent              : 0
Total WPA3 SAE confirm messages received         : 0
Total WPA3 SAE confirm messages rejected         : 0
  Total WPA3 SAE message confirm field mismatch  : 0
  Total WPA3 SAE confirm message invalid length  : 0
Total WPA3 SAE confirm messages sent             : 0
Total WPA3 SAE Open Sessions                     : 0
Total SAE Message drops due to throttling        : 0

Total Flexconnect local-auth roam attempts       : 0
  Total AP 11i fast roam attempts                : 0
  Total AP 11i slow roam attempts                : 0

Total client state starts                        : 346
Total client state associated                    : 525
Total client state l2auth success                : 643
Total client state l2auth failures               : 74
Total blacklisted clients on dot1xauth failure   : 71
Total client state mab attempts                  : 0
Total client state mab failed                    : 0
Total client state ip learn attempts             : 404
Total client state ip learn failed               : 13
Total client state l3 auth attempts              : 0
Total client state l3 auth failed                : 0
Total client state session push attempts         : 0
Total client state session push failed           : 0
Total client state run                           : 762
Total client idle state attempts                 : 49
Total client deleted                             : 320

Total clients recovered from idle state:
Total clients intra wncd idle to run             : 16
Total clients inter wncd roam in idle state      : 0
Total clients L2 roam in idle state              : 0
Total clients L3 roam in idle state              : 0

Total add mobiles sent                           : 1162
Total delete mobiles sent                        : 234
Total client deferred delete mobiles             : 0
Total client deferred delete mobiles sent        : 0
Total client deferred delete mobile timeouts     : 0
Total udn payloads sent                          : 0

Total key exchange attempts                      : 489
Total broadcast key exchange attempts            : 102
Total broadcast key exchange failures            : 0
Total eapol key sent                             : 1105
Total eapol key received                         : 1080
Total m1 sent                                    : 489
Total m3 sent                                    : 487
Total m5 sent                                    : 102
Total m2 received                                : 490
Total m4 received                                : 486
Total m6 received                                : 98
Total m1 resent                                  : 8
Total m3 resent                                  : 3
Total m5 resent                                  : 16

Total data path client create                    : 255
Total data path client create success            : 255
Total data path client create failed             : 0
Total data path deplumb client create            : 0
Total data path deplumb client create success    : 0
Total data path deplumb client create fail       : 0
Total data path client update                    : 739
Total data path client update success            : 739
Total data path client update failed             : 0
Total data path client delete                    : 243
Total data path client delete success            : 243
Total data path client delete failed             : 0
Total data path client nack                      : 0
Total data path client delete nack               : 0
Total data path client unknown nack              : 0
Total DMS requests received in action frame      : 0
Total DMS responses sent in action frame         : 0
Total DMS requests received in Re-assoc Request  : 0
Total L3 VLAN Override vlan change received      : 0
Total L3 VLAN Override disassociations sent      : 0
Total L3 VLAN Override re-associations received  : 0
Total L3 VLAN Override successful VLAN change    : 0
Total PPSK key generation cache hit              : 0
Total PPSK key generation cache miss             : 0

client state statistics:
Average Time in Each State (ms)
  Associated State    : 0
  L2 State       : 889
  Mobility State : 0
  IP Learn State : 1264
  L3 Auth State   : 0

Average Run State Latency (ms) : 23431

Average Run State Latency without user delay (ms) : 22955

Latency Distribution (ms) 
   1 - 100              : 80
   100 - 200            : 1
   200 - 300            : 1
   300 - 600            : 64
   600 - 1000           : 18
   1000+                : 224

Webauth HTTP Statistics
  Intercepted HTTP requests   : 0
  IO Read events              : 0
  Received HTTP messages      : 0
  IO write events             : 0
  Sent HTTP replies           : 0
  IO AAA messages             : 0
  SSL OK                      : 0
  SSL Read would block        : 0
  SSL write would block       : 0
  Socket opens                : 0
  Socket closes               : 0

Time spent in each httpd states (in msecs)
                             Total       Max        Min        Samples
IO Reading state                0          0          0          0
IO Writing state                0          0          0          0
IO AAA state                    0          0          0          0
Method after reading            0          0          0          0
Method after writing            0          0          0          0
Method after AAA                0          0          0          0

Webauth HTTP status counts
 HTTP 200 OK                    : 0
 HTTP 201 Created               : 0
 HTTP 202 Accepted              : 0
 HTTP 203 Provisional Info      : 0
 HTTP 204 No Content            : 0
 HTTP 300 Multiple Choices      : 0
 HTTP 301 Moved Permanently     : 0
 HTTP 302 Moved Temporarily     : 0
 HTTP 303 Method                : 0
 HTTP 304 Not Modified          : 0
 HTTP 400 Bad Request           : 0
 HTTP 401 Unauthorized          : 0
 HTTP 402 Payment Required      : 0
 HTTP 403 Forbidden             : 0
 HTTP 404 Not Found             : 0
 HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed    : 0
 HTTP 406 None Acceptable       : 0
 HTTP 407 Proxy-Auth Required   : 0
 HTTP 408 Request Timeout       : 0
 HTTP 409 Conflict              : 0
 HTTP 410 Gone                  : 0
 HTTP 500 Internal Server Error : 0
 HTTP 501 Not Implemeneted      : 0
 HTTP 502 Bad Gateway           : 0
 HTTP 503 Service Unavailable   : 0
 HTTP 504 Gateway Timeout       : 0

Webauth backpressure queue counters
Pending SSL handshakes            : 0
Pending HTTPS new requests        : 0
Pending AAA replies               : 0

Dot1x Global Statistics
RxStart = 101 RxLogoff = 18  RxResp = 7208 RxRespID = 760
RxReq = 0 RxInvalid = 0  RxLenErr = 0
RxTotal = 8097
TxStart = 0 TxLogoff = 0  TxResp = 0
TxReq = 8198 ReTxReq = 335  ReTxReqFail = 139
TxReqID = 2025 ReTxReqID = 920  ReTxReqIDFail = 213
TxTotal = 10259

Total client delete reasons
Controller deletes
No Operation                                                    : 0
Unknown                                                         : 0
Session Manager                                                 : 0
Connection timeout                                              : 0
Datapath plumb                                                  : 0
WPA key exchange timeout                                        : 2
802.11w MAX SA queries reached                                  : 0
Client deleted during HA recovery                               : 0
Inter instance roam failure                                     : 0
Inter instance roam success                                     : 0
Inter controller roam success                                   : 0
Due to mobility failure                                         : 0
NAS error                                                       : 0
Policy Manager internal error                                   : 0
80211v smart roam failed                                        : 0
DOT11v association failed                                       : 0
DOT11r pre-authentication failure                               : 0
SAE authentication failure                                      : 0
DOT11 failure                                                   : 0
DOT11 SAE invalid message                                       : 0
DOT11 denied data rates                                         : 0
802.11v Client RSSI lower than the association RSSI threshold   : 0
invalid QoS parameter                                           : 0
DOT11 IE validation failed                                      : 0
DOT11 group cipher in IE validation failed                      : 0
DOT11 invalid pairwise cipher                                   : 6
DOT11 invalid AKM                                               : 0
DOT11 unsupported RSN version                                   : 0
DOT11 invalid RSNIE capabilities                                : 0
DOT11 received invalid PMKID in the received RSN IE             : 0
DOT11 received invalid PMK length                               : 0
DOT11 invalid MDIE                                              : 0
DOT11 invalid FT IE                                             : 0
DOT11 AID allocation conflicts                                  : 0
AVC client re-anchored at the foreign controller                : 0
Client EAP ID timeout                                           : 69
Client DOT1x timeout                                            : 0
Malformed EAP key frame                                         : 0
EAP key install bit is not expected                             : 0
EAP key error bit is not expected                               : 0
EAP key ACK bit is not expected                                 : 0
Invalid key type                                                : 0
EAP key secure bit is not expected                              : 0
key description version mismatch                                : 0
wrong replay counter                                            : 0
EAP key MIC bit expected                                        : 0
MIC validation failed                                           : 1
MAC theft                                                       : 0
IP theft                                                        : 0
Policy bind failure                                             : 0
Web authentication failure                                      : 0
802.1X authentication credential failure                        : 0
802.1X authentication timeout                                   : 0
802.11 authentication failure                                   : 0
802.11 association failure                                      : 0
Manually excluded                                               : 0
DB error                                                        : 0
Anchor creation failure                                         : 0
Anchor invalid Mobility BSSID                                   : 0
Anchor no memory                                                : 0
Call admission controller at anchor node                        : 0
Supplicant restart                                              : 0
Port admin disabled                                             : 0
Reauthentication failure                                        : 0
Client connection lost                                          : 0
Error while PTK computation                                     : 0
MAC and IP theft                                                : 0
QoS policy failure                                              : 0
QoS policy send to AP failure                                   : 0
QoS policy bind on AP failure                                   : 0
QoS policy unbind on AP failure                                 : 0
Static IP anchor discovery failure                              : 0
VLAN failure                                                    : 0
ACL failure                                                     : 0
Redirect ACL failure                                            : 0
Accounting failure                                              : 0
Security group tag failure                                      : 0
FQDN filter definition does not exist                           : 0
Wrong filter type, expected postauth FQDN filter                : 0
Wrong filter type, expected preauth FQDN filter                 : 0
Invalid group id for FQDN filter valid range  1..16             : 0
Policy parameter mismatch                                       : 0
Reauth failure                                                  : 0
Wrong PSK                                                       : 0
Policy failure                                                  : 0
AAA server unavailable                                          : 0
AAA server not ready                                            : 0
No dot1x method configuration                                   : 0
Association connection timeout                                  : 0
MAC-AUTH connection timeout                                     : 0
L2-AUTH connection timeout                                      : 41
L3-AUTH connection timeout                                      : 0
Mobility connection timeout                                     : 0
static IP connection timeout                                    : 0
SM session creation timeout                                     : 0
IP-LEARN connection timeout                                     : 13
NACK IFID exists                                                : 0
Guest-LAN invalid MBSSID                                        : 0
Guest-LAN no memory                                             : 0
Guest-LAN ceate request failed                                  : 0
EoGRE Reset                                                     : 0
EoGRE Generic Join Failure                                      : 0
EoGRE HA-Reconciliation                                         : 0
Wired idle timeout                                              : 0
IP Update timeout                                               : 0
SAE Commit received in Associated State                         : 0
NACK IFID mismatch                                              : 0
EoGRE Invalid VLAN                                              : 0
EoGRE Empty Domain                                              : 0
EoGRE Invalid Domain                                            : 0
EoGRE Domain Shut                                               : 0
EoGRE Invalid Gateway                                           : 0
EoGRE All Gateways down                                         : 0
EoGRE Flex - no active gateway                                  : 0
EoGRE Rule Matching error                                       : 0
EoGRE AAA Override error                                        : 0
EoGRE client onboarding error                                   : 0
EoGRE Mobility Handoff error                                    : 0
L3 VLAN Override connection timeout                             : 0
Delete received from AP                                         : 0
QoS failure                                                     : 0
WPA group key update timeout                                    : 3
Client blacklist                                                : 0
DOT11 unsupported client capabilities                           : 0
DOT11 association denied unspecified                            : 0
DOT11 AP have insufficient bandwidth                            : 0
DOT11 invalid QoS parameter                                     : 0
Client not allowed by assisted roaming                          : 0
Wired client deleted due to WGB delete                          : 0
Client Abort                                                    : 0
Mobility peer delete                                            : 0
No IP                                                           : 1
BSSID down                                                      : 0
DOT11 QoS policy                                                : 0
Roam across policy profile deny                                 : 0
4WAY handshake failure - M1 issue                               : 0
4WAY handshake failure - M3 issue                               : 0
Exclusion policy template fail                                  : 0
DOT11 Cipher Suite Rejected                                     : 0
Informational Delete Reason
Mobility WLAN down                                              : 0
AP upgrade                                                      : 0
L3 authentication failure                                       : 0
AP down/disjoin                                                 : 27
MAC authentication failure                                      : 0
Due to SSID change                                              : 0
Due to VLAN change                                              : 0
Admin deauthentication                                          : 0
Session timeout                                                 : 0
Idle timeout                                                    : 0
Supplicant request                                              : 18
Mobility tunnel down                                            : 0
DOT11v timer timeout                                            : 0
DOT11 max STA                                                   : 0
IAPP disassociation for wired client                            : 0
Wired WGB change                                                : 0
Wired VLAN change                                               : 0
WGB Wired client joins as a direct wireless client              : 0
Incorrect credentials                                           : 2
Wired client cleanup due to WGB roaming                         : 0
Radio Down                                                      : 0
Mobility failure on fast roam                                   : 0
Due to IP Zone change                                              : 0
Client initiate delete
Deauthentication or disassociation request                      : 0
Client DHCP                                                     : 0
Client EAP timeout                                              : 0
Client 8021x failure                                            : 0
Client device idle                                              : 0
Client captive portal security failure                          : 0
Client decryption failure                                       : 0
Client interface disabled                                       : 0
Client user triggered disassociation                            : 0
Client miscellaneous reason                                     : 0
Unknown                                                         : 0
Client peer triggered                                           : 0
Client beacon loss                                              : 0
AP Deletes
AP initiated delete when client is sending disassociation       : 0
AP initiated delete for idle timeout                            : 130
AP initiated delete for client ACL mismatch                     : 0
AP initiated delete for AP auth stop                            : 6
AP initiated delete for association expired at AP               : 0
AP initiated delete for 4-way handshake failed                  : 0
AP initiated delete for DHCP timeout                            : 0
AP initiated delete for reassociation timeout                   : 1
AP initiated delete for SA query timeout                        : 0
AP initiated delete for intra AP roam                           : 0
AP initiated delete for channel switch at AP                    : 0
AP initiated delete for bad AID                                 : 0
AP initiated delete for request                                 : 0
AP initiated delete for interface reset                         : 0
AP initiated delete for all on slot                             : 0
AP initiated delete for reaper radio                            : 0
AP initiated delete for slot disable                            : 0
AP initiated delete for MIC failure                             : 0
AP initiated delete for VLAN delete                             : 0
AP initiated delete for channel change                          : 0
AP initiated delete for stop reassociation                      : 0
AP initiated delete for packet max retry                        : 0
AP initiated delete for transmission deauth                     : 0
AP initiated delete for sensor station timeout                  : 0
AP initiated delete for age timeout                             : 0
AP initiated delete for transmission fail threshold             : 0
AP initiated delete for uplink receive timeout                  : 0
AP initiated delete for sensor scan next radio                  : 0
AP initiated delete for sensor scan other BSSID                 : 0
AP initiated delete for AUTH-timeout and web-auth timeout       : 0
AP initiated delete for sending deauth pak to client            : 0
ewlc3# show wireless stats client detail
Total Number of Clients : 31

Protocol Statistics

Protcol            Client Count
 802.11b              : 0
 802.11g              : 0
 802.11a              : 0
 802.11n-2.4GHz       : 4
 802.11n-5 GHz        : 1
 802.11ac             : 21
 802.11ax-5 GHz       : 5
 802.11ax-2.4 GHz     : 0

Current client state statistics:
  Authenticating         : 2
  Mobility               : 0
  IP Learn               : 1
  Webauth Pending        : 5
  Run                    : 23
  Delete-in-Progress     : 0

Client Summary
Current Clients : 31
Excluded Clients: 0
Disabled Clients: 0
Foreign Clients : 0
Anchor Clients  : 0
Local Clients   : 29

client global statistics:
Total association requests received              : 163907
Total association attempts                       : 130553
Total FT/LocalAuth requests                      : 0
Total association failures                       : 252
Total association response accepts               : 126939
Total association response rejects               : 252
Total association response errors                : 252
Total association failures due to blacklist      : 32969
Total association drops due to multicast mac     : 0
Total association drops due to throttling        : 0
Total association drops due to unknown bssid     : 17
Total association drops due to parse failure     : 0
Total association drops due to other reasons     : 0
Total association requests wired clients         : 0
Total association drops wired clients            : 0
Total association success wired clients          : 0
Total peer association requests wired clients    : 0
Total peer association drops wired clients       : 0
Total peer association success wired clients     : 0
Total 11r ft authentication requests received    : 12515
Total 11r ft authentication response success     : 12163
Total 11r ft authentication response failure     : 352
Total 11r ft action requests received            : 0
Total 11r ft action response success             : 0
Total 11r ft action response failure             : 0
Total AID allocation failures                    : 0
Total AID free failures                          : 0
Total roam attempts                              : 19851
  Total CCKM roam attempts                       : 0
  Total 11r roam attempts                        : 11256
  Total 11i fast roam attempts                   : 664
  Total 11i slow roam attempts                   : 3136
  Total other roam type attempts                 : 4795
Total roam failures in dot11                     : 95

Total WPA3 SAE attempts                          : 0
Total WPA3 SAE successful authentications        : 0
Total WPA3 SAE authentication failures           : 0
  Total incomplete protocol failures             : 0
Total WPA3 SAE commit messages received          : 0
Total WPA3 SAE commit messages rejected          : 0
  Total unsupported group rejections             : 0
Total WPA3 SAE commit messages sent              : 0
Total WPA3 SAE confirm messages received         : 0
Total WPA3 SAE confirm messages rejected         : 0
  Total WPA3 SAE message confirm field mismatch  : 0
  Total WPA3 SAE confirm message invalid length  : 0
Total WPA3 SAE confirm messages sent             : 0
Total WPA3 SAE Open Sessions                     : 0
Total SAE Message drops due to throttling        : 0

Total Flexconnect local-auth roam attempts       : 0
  Total AP 11i fast roam attempts                : 0
  Total 11i slow roam attempts                   : 0

Total client state starts                        : 95170
Total client state associated                    : 126939
Total client state l2auth success                : 63232
Total client state l2auth failures               : 9424
Total blacklisted clients on dot1xauth failure   : 8254
Total client state mab attempts                  : 48058
Total client state mab failed                    : 70
Total client state ip learn attempts             : 63116
Total client state ip learn failed               : 18218
Total client state l3 auth attempts              : 23037
Total client state l3 auth failed                : 0
Total client state session push attempts         : 0
Total client state session push failed           : 0
Total client state run                           : 41670
Total client deleted                             : 52152

Total add mobiles sent                           : 146287
Total delete mobiles sent                        : 76230
Total client deferred delete mobiles             : 0
Total client deferred delete mobiles sent        : 0
Total client deferred delete mobile timeouts     : 0
Total upn payloads sent                           : 0

Total key exchange attempts                      : 7229
Total broadcast key exchange attempts            : 6264
Total broadcast key exchange failures            : 0
Total eapol key sent                             : 22437
Total eapol key received                         : 19011
Total m1 sent                                    : 7228
Total m3 sent                                    : 7162
Total m5 sent                                    : 5638
Total m2 received                                : 7231
Total m4 received                                : 7164
Total m6 received                                : 4577
Total m1 resent                                  : 145
Total m3 resent                                  : 16
Total m5 resent                                  : 2248

Total data path client create                    : 41228
Total data path client create success            : 41228
Total data path client create failed             : 0
Total data path deplumb client create            : 0
Total data path deplumb client create success    : 0
Total data path deplumb client create fail       : 0
Total data path client update                    : 50362
Total data path client update success            : 50362
Total data path client update failed             : 0
Total data path client delete                    : 41199
Total data path client delete success            : 41199
Total data path client delete failed             : 0
Total data path client nack                      : 0
Total data path client delete nack               : 0
Total data path client unknown nack              : 0
Total DMS requests received in action frame      : 2557
Total DMS responses sent in action frame         : 2557
Total DMS requests received in Re-assoc Request  : 0
Total L3 VLAN Override vlan change received      : 0
Total L3 VLAN Override disassociations sent      : 0
Total L3 VLAN Override re-associations received  : 0
Total L3 VLAN Override successful VLAN change    : 0

client state statistics:
Average Time in Each State (ms)
  Associated State    : 0
  L2 State       : 0
  Mobility State : 0
  IP Learn State : 0
  L3 Auth State   : 0

Average Run State Latency (ms) : 3

Average Run State Latency without user delay (ms) : 1

Latency Distribution (ms) 
   1 - 100              : 14345
   100 - 200            : 1677
   200 - 300            : 1013
   300 - 600            : 609
   600 - 1000           : 252
   1000+                : 1679

Webauth HTTP Statistics
  Intercepted HTTP requests   : 202459
  IO Read events              : 50149
  Received HTTP messages      : 16356
  IO write events             : 7149
  Sent HTTP replies           : 7149
  IO AAA messages             : 0
  SSL OK                      : 14897
  SSL Read would block        : 293363
  SSL write would block       : 0
  Socket opens                : 202459
  Socket closes               : 202455

Time spent in each httpd states (in msecs)
                             Total       Max        Min        Samples
IO Reading state            66363       2753          0      16356
IO Writing state              179          1          0       7149
IO AAA state                    0          0          0          0
Method after reading          381          1          0      16356
Method after writing            1          1          0       7149
Method after AAA                0          0          0          0

Webauth HTTP status counts
 HTTP 200 OK                    : 7149
 HTTP 201 Created               : 0
 HTTP 202 Accepted              : 0
 HTTP 203 Provisional Info      : 0
 HTTP 204 No Content            : 0
 HTTP 300 Multiple Choices      : 0
 HTTP 301 Moved Permanently     : 0
 HTTP 302 Moved Temporarily     : 0
 HTTP 303 Method                : 0
 HTTP 304 Not Modified          : 0
 HTTP 400 Bad Request           : 0
 HTTP 401 Unauthorized          : 0
 HTTP 402 Payment Required      : 0
 HTTP 403 Forbidden             : 0
 HTTP 404 Not Found             : 0
 HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed    : 0
 HTTP 406 None Acceptable       : 0
 HTTP 407 Proxy-Auth Required   : 0
 HTTP 408 Request Timeout       : 0
 HTTP 409 Conflict              : 0
 HTTP 410 Gone                  : 0
 HTTP 500 Internal Server Error : 0
 HTTP 501 Not Implemeneted      : 0
 HTTP 502 Bad Gateway           : 0
 HTTP 503 Service Unavailable   : 0
 HTTP 504 Gateway Timeout       : 0

Dot1x Global Statistics
RxStart = 3165 RxLogoff = 47  RxResp = 548449 RxRespID = 71987
RxReq = 0 RxInvalid = 0  RxLenErr = 0
RxTotal = 623693
TxStart = 0 TxLogoff = 0  TxResp = 0
TxReq = 629508 ReTxReq = 11193  ReTxReqFail = 8897
TxReqID = 112242 ReTxReqID = 24835  ReTxReqIDFail = 6415
TxTotal = 741888

Total client delete reasons
Controller deletes
No Operation                                                    : 0
Unknown                                                         : 0
Session Manager                                                 : 0
Connection timeout                                              : 0
Datapath plumb                                                  : 0
WPA key exchange timeout                                        : 63
802.11w MAX SA queries reached                                  : 0
Client deleted during HA recovery                               : 0
Inter instance roam failure                                     : 0
Due to mobility failure                                         : 4
NAS error                                                       : 0
Policy Manager internal error                                   : 0
80211v smart roam failed                                        : 0
DOT11v association failed                                       : 0
DOT11r pre-authentication failure                               : 139
SAE authentication failure                                      : 0
DOT11 failure                                                   : 0
DOT11 SAE invalid message                                       : 0
DOT11 denied data rates                                         : 0
802.11v Client RSSI lower than the association RSSI threshold   : 0
invalid QoS parameter                                           : 0
DOT11 IE validation failed                                      : 0
DOT11 group cipher in IE validation failed                      : 0
DOT11 invalid pairwise cipher                                   : 0
DOT11 invalid AKM                                               : 0
DOT11 unsupported RSN version                                   : 0
DOT11 invalid RSNIE capabilities                                : 0
DOT11 received invalid PMKID in the received RSN IE             : 182
DOT11 invalid MDIE                                              : 0
DOT11 invalid FT IE                                             : 0
AVC client re-anchored at the foreign controller                : 0
Client EAP ID timeout                                           : 5925
Client DOT1x timeout                                            : 0
Malformed EAP key frame                                         : 0
EAP key install bit is not expected                             : 0
EAP key error bit is not expected                               : 0
EAP key ACK bit is not expected                                 : 0
Invalid key type                                                : 0
EAP key secure bit is not expected                              : 0
key description version mismatch                                : 0
wrong replay counter                                            : 1
EAP key MIC bit expected                                        : 0
MIC validation failed                                           : 1
MAC theft                                                       : 0
IP theft                                                        : 2
Policy bind failure                                             : 0
Web authentication failure                                      : 0
802.1X authentication credential failure                        : 0
802.1X authentication timeout                                   : 0
802.11 authentication failure                                   : 0
802.11 association failure                                      : 0
Manually excluded                                               : 0
DB error                                                        : 0
Anchor creation failure                                         : 0
Anchor invalid Mobility BSSID                                   : 0
Anchor no memory                                                : 0
Call admission controller at anchor node                        : 0
Supplicant restart                                              : 0
Port admin disabled                                             : 0
Reauthentication failure                                        : 0
Client connection lost                                          : 0
Error while PTK computation                                     : 0
MAC and IP theft                                                : 0
QoS policy failure                                              : 0
QoS policy send to AP failure                                   : 0
QoS policy bind on AP failure                                   : 0
QoS policy unbind on AP failure                                 : 0
Static IP anchor discovery failure                              : 0
VLAN failure                                                    : 0
ACL failure                                                     : 0
Redirect ACL failure                                            : 43
Accounting failure                                              : 0
Security group tag failure                                      : 0
FQDN filter definition does not exist                           : 0
Wrong filter type, expected postauth FQDN filter                : 0
Wrong filter type, expected preauth FQDN filter                 : 0
Invalid group id for FQDN filter valid range  1..16             : 0
Policy parameter mismatch                                       : 0
Reauth failure                                                  : 0
Wrong PSK                                                       : 0
Policy failure                                                  : 0
AAA server unavailable                                          : 47
AAA server not ready                                            : 0
No dot1x method configuration                                   : 0
Association connection timeout                                  : 0
MAC-AUTH connection timeout                                     : 0
L2-AUTH connection timeout                                      : 2334
L3-AUTH connection timeout                                      : 20703
Mobility connection timeout                                     : 0
static IP connection timeout                                    : 0
SM session creation timeout                                     : 0
IP-LEARN connection timeout                                     : 18218
NACK IFID exists                                                : 0
Guest-LAN invalid MBSSID                                        : 0
Guest-LAN no memory                                             : 0
Guest-LAN ceate request failed                                  : 0
EoGRE Reset                                                     : 0
EoGRE Generic Join Failure                                      : 0
EoGRE HA-Reconciliation                                         : 0
Wired idle timeout                                              : 0
IP Update timeout                                               : 0
SAE Commit received in Associated State                         : 0
NACK IFID mismatch                                              : 0
EoGRE Invalid VLAN                                              : 0
EoGRE Empty Domain                                              : 0
EoGRE Invalid Domain                                            : 0
EoGRE Domain Shut                                               : 0
EoGRE Invalid Gateway                                           : 0
EoGRE All Gateways down                                         : 0
EoGRE Flex - no active gateway                                  : 0
EoGRE Rule Matching error                                       : 0
EoGRE AAA Override error                                        : 0
EoGRE client onboarding error                                   : 0
EoGRE Mobility Handoff error                                    : 0
L3 VLAN Override connection timeout                             : 0
Delete received from AP                                         : 0
QoS failure                                                     : 0
WPA group key update timeout                                    : 1058
Client blacklist                                                : 0
DOT11 unsupported client capabilities                           : 0
DOT11 association denied unspecified                            : 0
DOT11 AP have insufficient bandwidth                            : 0
DOT11 invalid QoS parameter                                     : 0
Client not allowed by assisted roaming                          : 0
Wired client deleted due to WGB delete                          : 0
Client Abort                                                    : 0
Mobility peer delete                                            : 0
No IP                                                           : 0
BSSID down                                                      : 23
DOT11 QoS policy                                                : 0
Informational Delete Reason
Mobility WLAN down                                              : 0
AP upgrade                                                      : 0
L3 authentication failure                                       : 0
AP down/disjoin                                                 : 23
MAC authentication failure                                      : 70
Due to SSID change                                              : 368
Due to VLAN change                                              : 0
Admin deauthentication                                          : 3
Session timeout                                                 : 17
Idle timeout                                                    : 0
Supplicant request                                              : 47
Mobility tunnel down                                            : 0
DOT11v timer timeout                                            : 0
DOT11 max STA                                                   : 0
IAPP disassociation for wired client                            : 0
Wired WGB change                                                : 0
Wired VLAN change                                               : 0
WGB Wired client joins as a direct wireless client              : 0
Incorrect credentials                                           : 2329
Wired client cleanup due to WGB roaming                         : 0
Radio Down                                                      : 8
Client initiate delete
Deauthentication or disassociation request                      : 0
Client DHCP                                                     : 0
Client EAP timeout                                              : 0
Client 8021x failure                                            : 0
Client device idle                                              : 0
Client captive portal security failure                          : 0
Client decryption failure                                       : 0
Client interface disabled                                       : 0
Client user triggered disassociation                            : 0
Client miscellaneous reason                                     : 0
Unknown                                                         : 0
Client peer triggered                                           : 0
Client beacon loss                                              : 0
AP Deletes
AP initiated delete when client is sending disassociation       : 2
AP initiated delete for idle timeout                            : 44
AP initiated delete for client ACL mismatch                     : 0
AP initiated delete for AP auth stop                            : 443
AP initiated delete for association expired at AP               : 0
AP initiated delete for 4-way handshake failed                  : 0
AP initiated delete for DHCP timeout                            : 0
AP initiated delete for reassociation timeout                   : 19
AP initiated delete for SA query timeout                        : 0
AP initiated delete for intra AP roam                           : 0
AP initiated delete for channel switch at AP                    : 0
AP initiated delete for bad AID                                 : 0
AP initiated delete for request                                 : 0
AP initiated delete for interface reset                         : 0
AP initiated delete for all on slot                             : 0
AP initiated delete for reaper radio                            : 0
AP initiated delete for slot disable                            : 0
AP initiated delete for MIC failure                             : 0
AP initiated delete for VLAN delete                             : 0
AP initiated delete for channel change                          : 36
AP initiated delete for stop reassociation                      : 0
AP initiated delete for packet max retry                        : 0
AP initiated delete for transmission deauth                     : 0
AP initiated delete for sensor station timeout                  : 0
AP initiated delete for age timeout                             : 0
AP initiated delete for transmission fail threshold             : 0
AP initiated delete for uplink receive timeout                  : 0
AP initiated delete for sensor scan next radio                  : 0
AP initiated delete for sensor scan other BSSID                 : 0
AP initiated delete for AUTH-timeout and web-auth timeout       : 0
AP initiated delete for sending deauth pak to client            : 0
ewlc4# show wireless stats client detail
Total Number of Clients : 33

Protocol Statistics

Protcol            Client Count
 802.11b              : 0
 802.11g              : 0
 802.11a              : 0
 802.11n-2.4GHz       : 0
 802.11n-5 GHz        : 0
 802.11ac             : 33
 802.11ax-5 GHz       : 0
 802.11ax-2.4 GHz     : 0

Current client state statistics:
  Authenticating         : 0
  Mobility               : 0
  IP Learn               : 0
  Webauth Pending        : 1
  Run                    : 32
  Delete-in-Progress     : 0

Client Summary
Current Clients : 33
Excluded Clients: 0
Disabled Clients: 0
Foreign Clients : 0
Anchor Clients  : 0
Local Clients   : 33

client global statistics:
Total association requests received              : 67650
Total association attempts                       : 67650
Total FT/LocalAuth requests                      : 0
Total association failures                       : 1
Total association response accepts               : 67628
Total association response rejects               : 1
Total association response errors                : 1
Total association failures due to blacklist      : 0
Total association drops due to multicast mac     : 0
Total association drops due to throttling        : 0
Total association drops due to unknown bssid     : 0
Total association drops due to parse failure     : 0
Total association drops due to other reasons     : 0
Total association requests wired clients         : 0
Total association drops wired clients            : 0
Total association success wired clients          : 0
Total peer association requests wired clients    : 0
Total peer association drops wired clients       : 0
Total peer association success wired clients     : 0
Total 11r ft authentication requests received    : 0
Total 11r ft authentication response success     : 0
Total 11r ft authentication response failure     : 0
Total 11r ft action requests received            : 0
Total 11r ft action response success             : 0
Total 11r ft action response failure             : 0
Total AID allocation failures                    : 0
Total AID free failures                          : 0
Total roam attempts                              : 62038
  Total CCKM roam attempts                       : 0
  Total 11r roam attempts                        : 0
  Total 11i fast roam attempts                   : 0
  Total 11i slow roam attempts                   : 0
  Total other roam type attempts                 : 62038
Total roam failures in dot11                     : 0

Total WPA3 SAE attempts                          : 0
Total WPA3 SAE successful authentications        : 0
Total WPA3 SAE authentication failures           : 0
  Total incomplete protocol failures             : 0
Total WPA3 SAE commit messages received          : 0
Total WPA3 SAE commit messages rejected          : 0
  Total unsupported group rejections             : 0
Total WPA3 SAE commit messages sent              : 0
Total WPA3 SAE confirm messages received         : 0
Total WPA3 SAE confirm messages rejected         : 0
  Total WPA3 SAE message confirm field mismatch  : 0
  Total WPA3 SAE confirm message invalid length  : 0
Total WPA3 SAE confirm messages sent             : 0
Total WPA3 SAE Open Sessions                     : 0
Total SAE Message drops due to throttling        : 0

Total Flexconnect local-auth roam attempts       : 0
  Total AP 11i fast roam attempts                : 0
  Total 11i slow roam attempts                   : 0

Total client state starts                        : 11342
Total client state associated                    : 67628
Total client state l2auth success                : 119044
Total client state l2auth failures               : 0
Total blacklisted clients on dot1xauth failure   : 0
Total client state mab attempts                  : 67650
Total client state mab failed                    : 1
Total client state ip learn attempts             : 67628
Total client state ip learn failed               : 3546
Total client state l3 auth attempts              : 2176
Total client state l3 auth failed                : 0
Total client state session push attempts         : 0
Total client state session push failed           : 0
Total client state run                           : 298330
Total client deleted                             : 5372

Total add mobiles sent                           : 119265
Total delete mobiles sent                        : 67424
Total client deferred delete mobiles             : 0
Total client deferred delete mobiles sent        : 0
Total client deferred delete mobile timeouts     : 0
Total upn payloads sent                           : 0

Total key exchange attempts                      : 0
Total broadcast key exchange attempts            : 0
Total broadcast key exchange failures            : 0
Total eapol key sent                             : 0
Total eapol key received                         : 0
Total m1 sent                                    : 0
Total m3 sent                                    : 0
Total m5 sent                                    : 0
Total m2 received                                : 0
Total m4 received                                : 0
Total m6 received                                : 0
Total m1 resent                                  : 0
Total m3 resent                                  : 0
Total m5 resent                                  : 0

Total data path client create                    : 5760
Total data path client create success            : 5760
Total data path client create failed             : 30
Total data path deplumb client create            : 0
Total data path deplumb client create success    : 0
Total data path deplumb client create fail       : 0
Total data path client update                    : 125749
Total data path client update success            : 125749
Total data path client update failed             : 0
Total data path client delete                    : 5371
Total data path client delete success            : 5371
Total data path client delete failed             : 0
Total data path client nack                      : 0
Total data path client delete nack               : 0
Total data path client unknown nack              : 0
Total DMS requests received in action frame      : 0
Total DMS responses sent in action frame         : 0
Total DMS requests received in Re-assoc Request  : 0
Total L3 VLAN Override vlan change received      : 0
Total L3 VLAN Override disassociations sent      : 0
Total L3 VLAN Override re-associations received  : 0
Total L3 VLAN Override successful VLAN change    : 0

client state statistics:
Average Time in Each State (ms)
  Associated State    : 0
  L2 State       : 0
  Mobility State : 0
  IP Learn State : 0
  L3 Auth State   : 0

Average Run State Latency (ms) : 1

Average Run State Latency without user delay (ms) : 1

Latency Distribution (ms) 
   1 - 100              : 61667
   100 - 200            : 0
   200 - 300            : 0
   300 - 600            : 0
   600 - 1000           : 0
   1000+                : 221

Webauth HTTP Statistics
  Intercepted HTTP requests   : 9536
  IO Read events              : 11485
  Received HTTP messages      : 5939
  IO write events             : 2497
  Sent HTTP replies           : 2497
  IO AAA messages             : 0
  SSL OK                      : 3319
  SSL Read would block        : 12958
  SSL write would block       : 0
  Socket opens                : 9536
  Socket closes               : 9536

Time spent in each httpd states (in msecs)
                             Total       Max        Min        Samples
IO Reading state            51410       6849          1       5939
IO Writing state               67          1          0       2497
IO AAA state                    0          0          0          0
Method after reading          142          1          0       5939
Method after writing            0          0          0       2497
Method after AAA                0          0          0          0

Webauth HTTP status counts
 HTTP 200 OK                    : 2497
 HTTP 201 Created               : 0
 HTTP 202 Accepted              : 0
 HTTP 203 Provisional Info      : 0
 HTTP 204 No Content            : 0
 HTTP 300 Multiple Choices      : 0
 HTTP 301 Moved Permanently     : 0
 HTTP 302 Moved Temporarily     : 0
 HTTP 303 Method                : 0
 HTTP 304 Not Modified          : 0
 HTTP 400 Bad Request           : 0
 HTTP 401 Unauthorized          : 0
 HTTP 402 Payment Required      : 0
 HTTP 403 Forbidden             : 0
 HTTP 404 Not Found             : 0
 HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed    : 0
 HTTP 406 None Acceptable       : 0
 HTTP 407 Proxy-Auth Required   : 0
 HTTP 408 Request Timeout       : 0
 HTTP 409 Conflict              : 0
 HTTP 410 Gone                  : 0
 HTTP 500 Internal Server Error : 0
 HTTP 501 Not Implemeneted      : 0
 HTTP 502 Bad Gateway           : 0
 HTTP 503 Service Unavailable   : 0
 HTTP 504 Gateway Timeout       : 0

Dot1x Global Statistics
RxStart = 0 RxLogoff = 0  RxResp = 0 RxRespID = 0
RxReq = 0 RxInvalid = 0  RxLenErr = 0
RxTotal = 0
TxStart = 0 TxLogoff = 0  TxResp = 0
TxReq = 0 ReTxReq = 0  ReTxReqFail = 0
TxReqID = 0 ReTxReqID = 0  ReTxReqIDFail = 0
TxTotal = 0

Total client delete reasons
Controller deletes
No Operation                                                    : 0
Unknown                                                         : 0
Session Manager                                                 : 4
Connection timeout                                              : 0
Datapath plumb                                                  : 0
WPA key exchange timeout                                        : 0
802.11w MAX SA queries reached                                  : 0
Client deleted during HA recovery                               : 0
Inter instance roam failure                                     : 0
Due to mobility failure                                         : 0
NAS error                                                       : 0
Policy Manager internal error                                   : 0
80211v smart roam failed                                        : 0
DOT11v association failed                                       : 0
DOT11r pre-authentication failure                               : 0
SAE authentication failure                                      : 0
DOT11 failure                                                   : 0
DOT11 SAE invalid message                                       : 0
DOT11 denied data rates                                         : 0
802.11v Client RSSI lower than the association RSSI threshold   : 0
invalid QoS parameter                                           : 0
DOT11 IE validation failed                                      : 0
DOT11 group cipher in IE validation failed                      : 0
DOT11 invalid pairwise cipher                                   : 0
DOT11 invalid AKM                                               : 0
DOT11 unsupported RSN version                                   : 0
DOT11 invalid RSNIE capabilities                                : 0
DOT11 received invalid PMKID in the received RSN IE             : 0
DOT11 invalid MDIE                                              : 0
DOT11 invalid FT IE                                             : 0
AVC client re-anchored at the foreign controller                : 0
Client EAP ID timeout                                           : 0
Client DOT1x timeout                                            : 0
Malformed EAP key frame                                         : 0
EAP key install bit is not expected                             : 0
EAP key error bit is not expected                               : 0
EAP key ACK bit is not expected                                 : 0
Invalid key type                                                : 0
EAP key secure bit is not expected                              : 0
key description version mismatch                                : 0
wrong replay counter                                            : 0
EAP key MIC bit expected                                        : 0
MIC validation failed                                           : 0
MAC theft                                                       : 0
IP theft                                                        : 0
Policy bind failure                                             : 0
Web authentication failure                                      : 0
802.1X authentication credential failure                        : 0
802.1X authentication timeout                                   : 0
802.11 authentication failure                                   : 0
802.11 association failure                                      : 0
Manually excluded                                               : 0
DB error                                                        : 0
Anchor creation failure                                         : 0
Anchor invalid Mobility BSSID                                   : 0
Anchor no memory                                                : 0
Call admission controller at anchor node                        : 0
Supplicant restart                                              : 0
Port admin disabled                                             : 0
Reauthentication failure                                        : 0
Client connection lost                                          : 0
Error while PTK computation                                     : 0
MAC and IP theft                                                : 0
QoS policy failure                                              : 0
QoS policy send to AP failure                                   : 0
QoS policy bind on AP failure                                   : 0
QoS policy unbind on AP failure                                 : 0
Static IP anchor discovery failure                              : 0
VLAN failure                                                    : 0
ACL failure                                                     : 0
Redirect ACL failure                                            : 0
Accounting failure                                              : 0
Security group tag failure                                      : 0
FQDN filter definition does not exist                           : 0
Wrong filter type, expected postauth FQDN filter                : 0
Wrong filter type, expected preauth FQDN filter                 : 0
Invalid group id for FQDN filter valid range  1..16             : 0
Policy parameter mismatch                                       : 0
Reauth failure                                                  : 0
Wrong PSK                                                       : 0
Policy failure                                                  : 0
AAA server unavailable                                          : 0
AAA server not ready                                            : 0
No dot1x method configuration                                   : 0
Association connection timeout                                  : 0
MAC-AUTH connection timeout                                     : 0
L2-AUTH connection timeout                                      : 0
L3-AUTH connection timeout                                      : 1597
Mobility connection timeout                                     : 0
static IP connection timeout                                    : 0
SM session creation timeout                                     : 0
IP-LEARN connection timeout                                     : 3546
NACK IFID exists                                                : 0
Guest-LAN invalid MBSSID                                        : 0
Guest-LAN no memory                                             : 0
Guest-LAN ceate request failed                                  : 0
EoGRE Reset                                                     : 0
EoGRE Generic Join Failure                                      : 0
EoGRE HA-Reconciliation                                         : 0
Wired idle timeout                                              : 0
IP Update timeout                                               : 0
SAE Commit received in Associated State                         : 0
NACK IFID mismatch                                              : 0
EoGRE Invalid VLAN                                              : 0
EoGRE Empty Domain                                              : 0
EoGRE Invalid Domain                                            : 0
EoGRE Domain Shut                                               : 0
EoGRE Invalid Gateway                                           : 0
EoGRE All Gateways down                                         : 0
EoGRE Flex - no active gateway                                  : 0
EoGRE Rule Matching error                                       : 0
EoGRE AAA Override error                                        : 0
EoGRE client onboarding error                                   : 0
EoGRE Mobility Handoff error                                    : 0
L3 VLAN Override connection timeout                             : 0
Delete received from AP                                         : 0
QoS failure                                                     : 0
WPA group key update timeout                                    : 0
Client blacklist                                                : 0
DOT11 unsupported client capabilities                           : 0
DOT11 association denied unspecified                            : 0
DOT11 AP have insufficient bandwidth                            : 0
DOT11 invalid QoS parameter                                     : 0
Client not allowed by assisted roaming                          : 0
Wired client deleted due to WGB delete                          : 0
Client Abort                                                    : 0
Mobility peer delete                                            : 0
No IP                                                           : 0
BSSID down                                                      : 0
DOT11 QoS policy                                                : 0
Informational Delete Reason
Mobility WLAN down                                              : 0
AP upgrade                                                      : 0
L3 authentication failure                                       : 0
AP down/disjoin                                                 : 0
MAC authentication failure                                      : 1
Due to SSID change                                              : 0
Due to VLAN change                                              : 0
Admin deauthentication                                          : 24
Session timeout                                                 : 148
Idle timeout                                                    : 0
Supplicant request                                              : 0
Mobility tunnel down                                            : 0
DOT11v timer timeout                                            : 0
DOT11 max STA                                                   : 0
IAPP disassociation for wired client                            : 0
Wired WGB change                                                : 0
Wired VLAN change                                               : 0
WGB Wired client joins as a direct wireless client              : 0
Incorrect credentials                                           : 0
Wired client cleanup due to WGB roaming                         : 0
Radio Down                                                      : 0
Client initiate delete
Deauthentication or disassociation request                      : 0
Client DHCP                                                     : 0
Client EAP timeout                                              : 0
Client 8021x failure                                            : 0
Client device idle                                              : 0
Client captive portal security failure                          : 0
Client decryption failure                                       : 0
Client interface disabled                                       : 0
Client user triggered disassociation                            : 0
Client miscellaneous reason                                     : 0
Unknown                                                         : 0
Client peer triggered                                           : 0
Client beacon loss                                              : 0
AP Deletes
AP initiated delete when client is sending disassociation       : 0
AP initiated delete for idle timeout                            : 6
AP initiated delete for client ACL mismatch                     : 0
AP initiated delete for AP auth stop                            : 16
AP initiated delete for association expired at AP               : 0
AP initiated delete for 4-way handshake failed                  : 0
AP initiated delete for DHCP timeout                            : 0
AP initiated delete for reassociation timeout                   : 0
AP initiated delete for SA query timeout                        : 0
AP initiated delete for intra AP roam                           : 0
AP initiated delete for channel switch at AP                    : 0
AP initiated delete for bad AID                                 : 0
AP initiated delete for request                                 : 0
AP initiated delete for interface reset                         : 0
AP initiated delete for all on slot                             : 0
AP initiated delete for reaper radio                            : 0
AP initiated delete for slot disable                            : 0
AP initiated delete for MIC failure                             : 0
AP initiated delete for VLAN delete                             : 0
AP initiated delete for channel change                          : 30
AP initiated delete for stop reassociation                      : 0
AP initiated delete for packet max retry                        : 0
AP initiated delete for transmission deauth                     : 0
AP initiated delete for sensor station timeout                  : 0
AP initiated delete for age timeout                             : 0
AP initiated delete for transmission fail threshold             : 0
AP initiated delete for uplink receive timeout                  : 0
AP initiated delete for sensor scan next radio                  : 0
AP initiated delete for sensor scan other BSSID                 : 0
AP initiated delete for AUTH-timeout and web-auth timeout       : 0
AP initiated delete for sending deauth pak to client            : 0