networkupstools / nut

The Network UPS Tools repository. UPS management protocol Informational RFC 9271 published by IETF at Please star NUT on GitHub, this helps with sponsorships!
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UPS Samurai SMART 1500 LCD #1665

Open MatejKovacic opened 1 year ago

MatejKovacic commented 1 year ago

Hi, I have UPS Samurai SMART 1500 LCD connected to Linux ARM device (OrangePi running Armbian). It seems some generic UPS device. nut-scanner -U says:

Scanning USB bus.
    driver = "nutdrv_atcl_usb"
    port = "auto"
    vendor = "MEC"

If I go to /etc/nut/ups.conf and use nutdrv_atcl_usb driver, UPS is not detected (NUT says not available). The same is with nutdrv_qx driver. upsc samurai@localhost says Error: Driver not connected.

lsusb says:

  idVendor           0x0001 Fry's Electronics
  idProduct          0x0000
  bcdDevice            1.00
  iManufacturer           1 MEC
  iProduct                2 MEC0003

In my /etc/nut/ups.conf I have:

pollinterval = 1
maxretry = 3

    driver = nutdrv_atcl_usb
    port = auto
    desc= "UPS Samurai SMART 1500 LCD"
    vendorid = 0001
    productid = 0000
    product = MEC0003
    vendor = MEC
    bus = 007

Any help?


jimklimov commented 1 year ago

No-names are hard to guess. For this "very non-random yet arbitrary" chip ID, a frequent fit might be nutdrv_qx (and then pick subdrivers).

If you can, try a custom build of modern NUT (e.g. from github).

MatejKovacic commented 1 year ago

OK, I found out that this UPS could be managed by some software called UPSilon 2000, which is also available for Linux and was developed by Software looks proprietary and really old... Have you heard of it and maybe you already reverse engineered it? If not, I will try to sniff USB communication and find out something...

MatejKovacic commented 1 year ago

OK, in /etc/nut/ups.conf I put this:

    driver = megatec
    desc = "UPS Samurai SMART 1500 LCD"

However, when I say sudo upsdrvctl start I get this:

Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.7.4
Can't start /lib/nut/megatec: No such file or directory
MatejKovacic commented 1 year ago

I tried sometning else, since I found mention of UPSilon 2000 software in In /etc/nut/ups.conf I put this:

driver = blazer_usb 
port = auto
langid_fix= 0x409 
vendorid = 0001
productid = 0000
desc = "UPS Samurai SMART 1500 LCD"

Now I run sudo upsdrvctl start:

Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.7.4
Network UPS Tools - Megatec/Q1 protocol USB driver 0.12 (2.7.4)
Supported UPS detected with megatec protocol
Vendor information unavailable
No values provided for battery high/low voltages in ups.conf

Using 'guestimation' (low: 20.800000, high: 26.000000)!
Battery runtime will not be calculated (runtimecal not set)

But nevertheless, I get this broadcast message from nut: UPS samurai@localhost is unavailable.

Any other idea?

jimklimov commented 1 year ago

Try driver = nutdrv_qx

jimklimov commented 1 year ago

Ok, so it seems the driver did recognize the device. Do you have the data server upsd (probably wrapped as nut-server service) running - and last started after you defined a samurai section?

MatejKovacic commented 1 year ago

Thanks, I did this, just replaced blazer_usb with nutdrv_qx (the other options are the same, including langid_fix), and now I get this:

Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.7.4
Network UPS Tools - Generic Q* USB/Serial driver 0.28 (2.7.4)
USB communication driver 0.33
Using protocol: Q1 0.07
Can't autodetect number of battery packs [-1/27.50]
Battery runtime will not be calculated (runtimecal not set)

However, I still get this message UPS samurai@localhost is unavailable.

P. S. I really appreciate you are helping me with this guys.

MatejKovacic commented 1 year ago

A-ha! It seems I was a little lazy. I forgot to restart everything. Now I did this (after changing configuration):

sudo service nut-server restart
sudo service nut-client restart
sudo systemctl restart nut-monitor
sudo upsdrvctl stop
sudo upsdrvctl start

And now I got message: Communications with UPS samurai@localhost established.

So, is it OK to use nutdrv_qx (and not blazer_usb), including langid_fix = 0x409?

jimklimov commented 1 year ago

The langid_fix depends on device (dialect of the protocol it implemented) so can't say - try with and without it, dump both upsc results into files, diff them...

As for blazer* - generally they are among several obsoleted drivers, a superset of which is nutdrv_qx going forward ...

MatejKovacic commented 1 year ago

OK, I did this (removed langid_fix, but using nutdrv_qx). And there is no difference in the output of upsc samurai@localhost. So I guess, i do not need this langid_fix.

Anyway, when I restarted everything, I got the "standard" message Can't autodetect number of battery packs [-1/27.50]. Battery runtime will not be calculated (runtimecal not set), but I guess that is expected.

Now I have some other question... :)

I write upscmd -l samurai and get this:

Instant commands supported on UPS [samurai]:

beeper.toggle - Toggle the UPS beeper - Turn off the load immediately
load.on - Turn on the load immediately
shutdown.return - Turn off the load and return when power is back
shutdown.stayoff - Turn off the load and remain off
shutdown.stop - Stop a shutdown in progress
test.battery.start - Start a battery test
test.battery.start.deep - Start a deep battery test
test.battery.start.quick - Start a quick battery test
test.battery.stop - Stop the battery test

Now, I try upscmd samurai test.battery.start.quick and get this:

Username (matej): monuser
Unexpected response from upsd: ERR ACCESS-DENIED

I am using username and password from the file /etc/nut/upsd.users:

  password = mypassword
  admin master

Oh, and just one additional question. I am not getting battery percentage, just battery.voltagevariable (currently 27.50 V). So I guess, I need to compute (estimate) battery percentage or running time by hand?

jimklimov commented 1 year ago

Regarding upsd.users, there are two types of entities defined there: accounts permitted to use certain (or all) "actions" and/or "instcmds", and accounts used for monitoring (with one or another upsmon role). See for example in I am puzzled how you got admin master there for example - random trying? :)

In your case, you are trying to invoke an instcmd with an account not explicitly permitted to use those.

As for the "standard message", per issue #1279 discussion and analysis (and PR #1652 attempting to address it - testing welcome) it seems that the auto-detection of battery packs amount relied on a certain voltage portion range around the detected (or assumed) nominal. Probably it considers 27.50V to be far outside the 'guestimation' (low: 20.800000, high: 26.000000) range, so it is not deemed as one pack; similar counts for other numbers also do not fit. This is rather high for PbAc typical chemistry of 12V; however if the battery is being actively charged - and depending on the UPS internals, it might be always charged and drained at the same time - the charge voltage is often 13-14V (so for two batteries, 27.5V is reasonable), up to 15V if they support active desulphurization cycles to clean the internal contacts.

A known (guessed, reported, overridden) battery pack count ("1" in your case) along with battery.voltage, in absence of a native battery.charge should cause the driver to calculate a guess. If you also request the runtimecal option, it should try to guess the remaining runtime based on load and speed of discharge.

See also (or for your older package) about the tweakables that you may need to set, possibly measure for your device to do so.

MatejKovacic commented 1 year ago

Well, I was (blindly) following some guide on the internet... :) Anyway, I really appreciate your help. Now I can stop beeping, run some battery tests, etc. I will try to play with driver options. I also noticed, that UPSilon 2000 is showing the temperature - this is something I am not getting anywhere. UPSilon is also showing battery percentage, but not battery voltage, so I guess they are estimating percentage from that info also.

I wrote a small article about that on my blog (it is in Slovenian language, but you can use Google Translate): and also send it to the company which is producing (I mean rebranding) this device. With my comment that the openness sometimes costs nothing, on the contrary, it can even bring a competitive advantage to the company. We will see if something changes... :)

jimklimov commented 1 year ago

Good to hear! For kicks, try running the driver with higher debug mode (up to 6 -D options to nutdrv_qx, with other copies of the driver stopped) so it would report the protocol lines it sees - usually there is obe with half a dozen floating-point numbers that the dialect subdriver then interprets into voltages, temps, etc.

See e.g. #1623 for a recent example.

And you can fiddle with subdriver=... option manually, to see if there is one better fit for your device than the first match that worked automatically.

jimklimov commented 1 year ago

BTW in your article screenshots, temperature is 0C (32F) so I can't say it really reports that. Did you see (but not screenshot) other values too?

jimklimov commented 1 year ago

FWIW, you might benefit from (and I linked to your article from there).

MatejKovacic commented 1 year ago

BTW in your article screenshots, temperature is 0_C (32_F) so I can't say it really reports that. Did you see (but not screenshot) other values too?

No, so it seems it does not really have support for that. It seems device is almost fully supported in NUT, just battery percentage is missing.

As I mentioned in article, there was just a small problem with HomeAssistant integration (entity name was autodetected as sensor.samurai_input_line_frequency, but after I changed that, everything started working.

MatejKovacic commented 1 year ago

Update. Yesterday a seller called me and they said they really like my article. They asked me if they can send a link to the article to their other customers (of course!). And they also have other UPS models that support SNMP and they were asking me if NUT has a support for that (of course it has).

jimklimov commented 1 year ago

Nice! Maybe they'll give one to you for a spin ;)

At least the IETF standard MIB should be supported for the basics. There are many others for advanced vendor-specific concepts like per-outlet management, metering, device daisy-chaining and whatnot.

NUT documentation details how to start generating a new subdriver, if needed. It may need custom code to convert data representation etc., not just 1:1 mapping tables from the vendor's OID subtree (which are also a good start).