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Add support for external Data Mapping File #182

Open aquette opened 9 years ago

aquette commented 9 years ago

NUT drivers (SNMP, XML/PDC, USB/HID, ...) hold hard-coded textual data, that maps NUT variables to the protocols-native ones. For example, each interesting SNMP OID (data) as an entry (line) in the snmp-ups driver that tells it how to retrieve and process this data:

These data should be moved out the drivers source code, into some text files, so that these data can be created and edited without the need to recompile NUT.

A specification is under writing to describe the Data Mapping File (DMF / .dmf):

aquette commented 9 years ago

@clepple , @balooloo , @zykh : specs pushed to the wiki: Calling for review and approval

jimklimov commented 9 years ago

Arno asked me to look for a small JSON parser library, and "jsmn" seems like a good fit for this use-case. It is small, so might be embedded into the NUT codebase rather than expected as an OS package (or as many projects do, pick the specific or newest variant between OS package and private copy during the "./configure" phase), and it is MIT-licensed. And extremely fast for both small and large documents, compared to others.

To start with, I was suggested to look at the detailed Russian-language blog from Lev Walkin (aka lionet) at on C JSON parsers. Note that it is from September 2012, so the projects reviewed probably have moved on and improved since then.

In the first pass the author goes over a dozen parsers and projects suggested on website. Apparently he looked carefully into the code and related files of each project, since he makes an opinion about the coding quality and test coverage (basic with valid data, invalid data, fuzz – none of these) and picks a few for the second pass – the practical comparison.

Parsers that remained in queue for his testing are: yajl, json-c, json-parser, jsonsl, jsmn, jansson, cson. All or most of these had some critical comments and drawbacks, with some the blog author hesitated whether to test at all. Those that got into finals are MIT, BSD, ISC or public-domain licensed (none of the (L)GPL ones made it through pass 1).

Ultimately, his test was a benchmark posted at which:

  1. Parses an 8MB file 100 times, to calculate MB/s performance for large documents (bigger = better)
  2. Parses a prepared 3KB file and makes a test where: 2.1 Before parsing, after the markup data there is an mprotect’ed memory region to test the parser for buffer overruns; 2.2 “Last meaningful byte of the file varies across all defined range” (whatever that meant ;) ) 2.3 As a consequence, the parser is called about half a million times, and its executions for short documents are timed (less is better)

The reviewed parsers, along with their licenses, notable features and performance results, are summarized in the table at the end of the post.

The JSMN parser initially had some anomalic behavior based on size of input; after some coordination with its author this was revised and fixed (see, and it is now consistently 2x faster than nearest competition among this bunch. Blogger’s notes about it include: • The UTF-8 column in the table is whether “\X” sequences are escaped, including “\uXXXX” codes transmuted into native UTF-8 (NO, at least at the time of blogging two years ago) • No memory allocations in the parser, the block of JSON markup must be preallocated contiguously by the caller. For the blogger’s purposes this was sufficient/good. • “Parser is a streaming one, that is it can be restarted if there was insufficient data” (meaning?..) • “Parser expects that data in the buffer are ASCIIZ (‘\0’-terminated) which is inconvenient, but a predictable idiom. It makes work with JSONP more difficult even if the JSON borders are known, and setting a ‘\0’ into the buffer from outside is idiomatically only possible with its full reallocation.” • The project includes tests for good, incomplete and bad input data. • MIT-licensed, can be used anywhere including proprietary-licensed projects (this point is also stressed on the JSMN project page). • JSMN does not use a SAX or DOM paradigm, but offers one of its own.

Summary of other reviews of JSMN:

• According to a back-and-forth discussion in the second blog (on revision of JSMN inconsistent results), it seems better suitable for embedded projects with a predefined schema, sacrificing convenience (e.g. iteration and counts of items) for projects with extensible data definitions in favor of performance which is best in the bigger class (other projects that other commenters had experience with). For some of the commenters the raw performance was a reason to migrate or consider migration onto this less programmer-friendly engine (or in their view less functional out-of-the-box). • There is also some critique e.g. at which calls jsmn rather a "tokenizer" than a "parser", in that it did not (at the moment of discussion at least) convert the detected objects into C data types e.g. regarding possible representations of numbers, or maintain hash-tables (used linked chains instead), leaving this to the application or some other wrap-around code. • Opinions varied about whether JSMN detects or ignores syntax invalidities of input. • I believe that unlike some other projects, this is only intended for read-only JSON processing (not serializations of C objects into a markup stream).

From the project’s own description this looks like a good choice, and I feel pleased that an outside benchmark proved that. I guess it takes some experimentation to see if its possible constraints are of any consequence for NUT. Since we care about approximately one predefined format in this case, we might care a bit less about universal applicability and extensibility. Possibly, some (additional?) tool to schema-validate the input markups might be useful to rule our broken files e.g. as part of a NUT driver startup script.

While following more links on JSMN (looking if its low-level inconveniences as detected in blogs from a couple of years ago have already been wrapped into something higher-level), I found some examples that could help adopt it:

• Blog and code with examples • - a project using subset of JSMN with help of the blog/code above for simple parsing ; the README also presents a simple program that covers some initial steps of making a use-case • - the answer includes some coding patterns to use jsmn

jimklimov commented 9 years ago

As another option, if needed, there are also mixed reviews for cJSON available from (BSD-licensed). Some praise it for better functionality, portability and usability while still a compact project aimed at embedded platforms. The blog from Lev Walkin referenced earlier had this project discarded it (not usable for him two years ago) due to some memory leaks and other logic and/or coding issues that might have disappeared since.

clepple commented 9 years ago

Wiki page URL seems to have changed to

I think we need to also consider how this will be rolled out. JSON is certainly a well-known, flexible format-- but one that we do not currently parse in NUT (not counting the HCL, since the browser is doing the parsing on the user side). This will also require some thought about when things get parsed-- if usbhid-ups parses the JSON file every poll interval, users are going to be upset at the added CPU usage. (It should be sufficient to reconfigure on a SIGHUP, or even by killing and restarting the driver.)

What about a parser with flex/bison? That only requires two additional well-tested dependencies on the developer side, and no additional runtime support. The resulting parser should be much more efficient than anything based on a generic format.

If JSON ends up being the best choice, we should probably take the JSON conversion as an opportunity to expand the C struct arrays into key:value pairs. Positional tuples would be confusing for end users to edit, since the positions are almost never defined nearby: Proper parsing of the data files into fixed C structures would eliminate the key:value storage overhead after the file is parsed once.

I see a DMF version number in the spec. I voiced some concerns about the NUT Network Protocol Version number, and the same concerns hold here. Using version numbers for anything other than informational purposes is being lazy about defining the specification, IMHO. In particular, you would need to define semantics for comparing version numbers. There is also the problem of assigning version numbers on branches. A much more descriptive approach is to define named capabilities, and have the DMF use something like require: [capability1, capability2]. Then it is clear what is missing if the DMF uses syntax that is newer than what the NUT binaries can parse. (This is what the Sieve mail filtering language uses.)

The introduction states "As a corollary, holding these declarations in the driver binary implies that these drivers are growing (in size) very fast. So moving these information out of the driver binary will additionally improve the driver footprint and efficiency, which is desirable."-- I agree the drivers are growing, but adding a JSON interpreter will make them grow as well, and we don't have any overall efficiency numbers to know what the break-even point is. (I have not fully read Jim's JSON library notes, but a fair comparison would involve NUT 2.current versus NUT+JSON, and we don't have that information yet.)

I would also argue against another one of the points in the introduction: recompiling drivers may be painful for users, but it also helps make the NUT developers aware of changes in hardware. If users can just tweak a file and go on with life, that solves their problem, but ensures that the next person with that hardware will have to go through the same process. I think our time would be better spent making it easier for users to recompile their distribution's packages.

In a similar vein, we need a way to know what is going on when users submit bug reports with a data-file-defined driver. At the very least, a flag to say "this file was different than the one shipped with NUT", or we could do something more clever with CRCs or hashes.

Also, since the spec raises the idea of data files under licenses other than NUT's license, the data files should have a license field that is displayed prominently in the NUT variable list. I want to be able to play the Linux kernel card, and if I am busy with other work, immediately bail out if I see a proprietary license in a bug report. (Hopefully the other licenses will be somewhat open-source in nature.)

On the subject of licenses: extensions that link directly to NUT will be GPLv2+ or compatible, by definition. I hope there is no misunderstanding on that point.

I think we have identified a few cases where a simple language to scale and shift values might be useful (and flex/bison could be used to parse that language, regardless of the rest of the data file format), but I would not want to unconditionally pull in all of Python or even Lua to get that capability. On an embedded platform, I would want the ability to compile without complex interpreters at runtime, and still have a functional driver.

A formatting aside: GitHub's wikis are too narrow for paragraph-style text in tables. Please consider reformatting the table in this section: (the other tables are much more readable due to their short line lengths)

clepple commented 9 years ago

On Mar 5, 2015, at 9:12 AM, Jim Klimov wrote:

• There is also some critique e.g. at which calls jsmn rather a "tokenizer" than a "parser", in that it did not (at the moment of discussion at least) convert the detected objects into C data types e.g. regarding possible representations of numbers, or maintain hash-tables (used linked chains instead), leaving this to the application or some other wrap-around code.

Jim, if we were to use JSON, I think we would be best served by a generic JSON tokenizer, with a parser that builds NUT-specific C structures. After all, we can afford a little extra startup time to optimize driver performance in the main event loop. I think that either the HID or the SNMP driver would take a report/packet from the device, split it into components, and use the DMF to look up each of those components. Having to search a DOM-style tree for each device event would be slower. So something between JSMN and a DOM-style JSON parser would probably be best.

jimklimov commented 9 years ago

Charles, I think your last comment coincides with my gut-feeling, that since with this DMF quest we have a fixed format (as opposed to "generic parsing of anything") and essentially an application-defined schema (some C structures into which that external data would be ultimately mapped for efficient programmatic consumption), a fast tokenizer and custom parser of those tokens into structures is an adequate choice. That parser might also take care of conversions (escape-chars or Unicode chars in strings, various number representations, etc.) and input-validation since it "knows" by virtue of coding what data types we expect to receive.

As for the previous comment - when/how the DMF file should be re-read... I think SIGHUP is a good option, as well as checking the file timestamp with possible re-parsing upon each poll as well (inode metadata from recent reads or changes should be cached, so these checks likely won't end up as slow disk IOs) somewhat like crontab or milter-greylist do it. Possibly, subscribing for inode_notify or equivalent on those OSes and FSes that support the feature is also a way to do this efficiently.

For reusability, testability and atomic switch-overs, it makes sense to store such structures and related data in instances of context. So when we have a new file, we create a new context, parse the file and fill out the structures, and when it all completes (and if it completes successfully) we near-instantly change the "current" context pointer onto the newly spawned one (and/or pass the pointer to context to the interested routines), and somehow schedule the obsolete context for de-allocation (usage counter reaches zero, if threading is involved?). This is better than taking nontrivial time to overwrite live configuration data, causing some conflicts while we parse stuff, and then finding that the input was invalid ;)

clepple commented 9 years ago

For reusability, testability and atomic switch-overs, it makes sense to store such structures and related data in instances of context.

Interesting, I hadn't considered that.

So when we have a new file, we create a new context, parse the file and fill out the structures, and when it all completes (and if it completes successfully) we near-instantly change the "current" context pointer onto the newly spawned one (and/or pass the pointer to context to the interested routines), and somehow schedule the obsolete context for de-allocation (usage counter reaches zero, if threading is involved?).

Threads? That's a dirty word around here ;-)

This is better than taking nontrivial time to overwrite live configuration data, causing some conflicts while we parse stuff, and then finding that the input was invalid ;)

Again, that is certainly a good point, but it is almost an argument against having the first implementation handle reloading of DMF files. I think it would be best to make the driver parse the file cleanly at startup (using a single context to test that code), and make sure that all of the memory allocation is handled properly before adding the dynamic reloading feature.

Users are also going to need notification of parse errors, and driver startup is probably the best time to do that (although many distribution init scripts suppress the output of upsdrvctl, but that's another story).

aquette commented 9 years ago

@clepple , @jimklimov : indeed, the aim is to parse at startup time the DMF, and push the content into our current C structs, possibly augmented for smarter behavior. That wasn't that obvious reading back the Implementation Notes chapter, but that's the intent of the provided Mapping tables (i.e. make it easy to load into these C structs).

@clepple : fully agreeing with the initial work on loading, prior to any attempt at reloading. going to answer your other points now...

aquette commented 9 years ago

@clepple : thanks for your excellent and constructive comments, as usual :) indeed, flex/bison were not considered. If you want to make a complementary proposition, please feel free. Anyhow, I'm not sure that it would be that user-friendly (though you may correct me).

On DMF version number: you're right, and this is again something I neglected. Taking the point...

On the fast growing size and improving the driver footprint and efficiency: this is something we've started to see boldly with snmp-ups, not so much for usbhid-ups. However, we expect to add more SNMP mapping. And we've already reached a limit for some time. Not much performances yet, but the footprint is going way beyond what a NUT driver is supposed to be. Although I agree that performance should be the topic of a benchmark, this was not directly the point. I'll be happy to see some however :)

On the DMF modification and reporting: right, and this is still a pain point. That's a balance between allowing users to fix issues, and ensuring that it can benefit to the wider Community. CRCs / hashes checks along with mechanisms to easily submit modifications and new DMFs is something that we'll have to check for.

On the DMF licensing:

On the simple language to extend the data processing / publication: the idea here is to allow simple processing, possibly as a transient mean while waiting for native implementation. If something makes sense for many DMF, we could push the code into the driver. Otherwise, the native extension library could solve the performance point. Finally, the scripted thing could be considered, with all the pros and cons. But again, that needs more thinking.

On the formatting aside: fully agree and scheduled... for a bit later. It took me too long to translate (manually... hem) from Confluence to GH quickly. I'm investigating automated ways for the next iteration and the next specs to be pushed...

jimklimov commented 9 years ago

In regard to lexers (yacc/bison/flex/...) as well as switchable-context reloads, I can point to "milter-greylist" as an example of user config language implementation. Not that I am fluent in that to suggest how to write it from scratch, but I expanded that by a few keywords for new features - that was quite possible even for a newbie ;)

Typos courtesy of GMail on my Samsung Android 05.03.2015 18:11 пользователь "Arnaud Quette" написал:

@clepple : thanks for your excellent and constructive comments, as usual :) indeed, flex/bison were not considered. If you want to make a complementary proposition, please feel free. Anyhow, I'm not sure that it would be that user-friendly (though you may correct me).

On DMF version number: you're right, and this is again something I neglected. Taking the point...

On the fast growing size and improving the driver footprint and efficiency: this is something we've started to see boldly with snmp-ups, not so much for usbhid-ups. However, we expect to add more SNMP mapping. And we've already reached a limit for some time. Not much performances yet, but the footprint is going way beyond what a NUT driver is supposed to be. Although I agree that performance should be the topic of a benchmark, this was not directly the point. I'll be happy to see some however :)

On the DMF modification and reporting: right, and this is still a pain point. That's a balance between allowing users to fix issues, and ensuring that it can benefit to the wider Community. CRCs / hashes checks along with mechanisms to easily submit modifications and new DMFs is something that we'll have to check for.

On the DMF licensing:

  • adding a NUT variable to display the DMF license (along with its Identifier) is indeed a good idea! Taking the point. Probably something in the driver collection, such as driver.parameter.dmf.{license,identifier} would be suitable.
  • on the "extensions that link directly to NUT will be GPLv2+ or compatible...", just to be sure we're talking the same: everything that is in the NUT scope (either current or upcoming) and shipped with NUT will be under the same license as NUT (so GPLv2+). But we (I) want to allow someone to be able to also generate proprietary extensions, that he has invested time and money to implement and test. Is that aligned with what you have in mind?

On the simple language to extend the data processing / publication: the idea here is to allow simple processing, possibly as a transient mean while waiting for native implementation. If something makes sense for many DMF, we could push the code into the driver. Otherwise, the native extension library could solve the performance point. Finally, the scripted thing could be considered, with all the pros and cons. But again, that needs more thinking.

On the formatting aside: fully agree and scheduled... for a bit later. It took me too long to translate (manually... hem) from Confluence to GH quickly. I'm investigating automated ways for the next iteration and the next specs to be pushed...

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clepple commented 9 years ago

On Mar 5, 2015, at 12:11 PM, Arnaud Quette wrote:

on the "extensions that link directly to NUT will be GPLv2+ or compatible...", just to be sure we're talking the same: everything that is in the NUT scope (either current or upcoming) and shipped with NUT will be under the same license as NUT (so GPLv2+). But we (I) want to allow someone to be able to also generate proprietary extensions, that he has invested time and money to implement and test. Is that aligned with what you have in mind?

Proprietary extensions need to be combined at arms-length, like the GIMP external program plugin approach, to not fall under the scope of the NUT license:

EmilienKia commented 9 years ago

I see an added value to consider DMF files with a layering capability in order to be able to override configuration. I take an example : GIT. Like many software, git holds a configuration in layers:

Like that, I propose to have a layered config to be able to override DMF at many levels:

In such overriding, user could be able to override a value, add a new entry mapped to an existing nut namespace variable or to a new variable out of nut namespace for specific usage. Remove an entry.

Probably the ability to override DMF for all devices (driver level) or one specific device (instance level) could be nice and useful.

For licencing (or vanilla) DMF problem, we can verify that distribution-wide files ave not been modified, and warn the user that its configuration overrides distribution-wide config. As soon as we split-out driver data definitions out from driver source code, we have the problem of reporting modifications in device specifications. But I think we can mitigate this risk. Indeed, one of the most added value of NUT is it is widely distributed with these specifications. In order to be able to use nut in an almost standard system, you have to use standard DMF. If you do not, you must repackage it in a non-community non-standard package, which will not be widely distributed. So IMHO vendors will shared their modifications on DMF (or something to help nut community to modify them).

A way to technically address this layering in an optimized way can be, at the first read need, to parse all DMF files and to generate an internal optimized hierarchical structure annotated with CRC and DMF source file modification date, dump it in a dedicated file then using it. When nut need to read them again, we can read the optimized file and compare dates instead of read DMF files and process them again. The two advantages are to be able to use an optimized structure from an computer-readable file with all added and preprocessed necessary information and easily verify if some DMF have been changed.

EmilienKia commented 9 years ago

Another point I want to discuss here and now is for long term: driver state. Depending on what the device will be used to:

To be able to achieve that, a way can be to add a categorization to each data in the form of an additional property specifying groups or tags. Tag (or group) names could be globally defined (global nut semantic and behavior) or specifically defined (for the needs of the driver). Some specific properties could be attached to these tags in dedicated configuration sections.

zykh commented 9 years ago

Just a few observations:

  1. On the version and extensions things - I was thinking about something like and modules, where:

    • : mandatory modules to have the basic status and functionalities from the device;
    • : modules that add on the previous ones to get/set auxiliary data and commands (these modules are not needed to run the driver: if you have a version of NUT without these things the basic monitoring/functionalities should still work).

    These modules could be either extension-provided or NUT built-in and should stay the same across versions (i.e. if you need a new functionality, don't edit an already existing module, but add a new one) so that older NUTs that already provide the required modules are compatible with newer DMFs (e.g. new device, old packaged version of NUT) without the need for an update or additional extensions.


     nut_xyz;    // to map data to get ups.status (module common to various DMF and/or drivers)
     eaton_zyx;  // to map data to perform shutdowns (module common to various DMF and/or drivers)
     nut_abc;    // to map voltages (module common to various DMF and/or drivers)
     nut_bca;    // to map frequencies (module common to various DMF and/or drivers)
     eaton_def;  // to map auxiliary commands (tests ...) (module common to various DMF and/or drivers)
     eaton_fed;  // to map auxiliary settings ("the all important -you can't live without- LED colour" ...) (DMF/driver-specific module)

    Then, entries that rely on an module will simply be ignored and not even translated into the corresponding C item, if that module is not available.

  2. Just a semantic thing on the JSON proposal: in my opinion the 'general' section should contain only entries that make sense in all drivers (I'm looking straight at you, "sysObjectID") - instead of pollute this section, I'd prefer to group the driver-specific entries under a common 'umbrella' (e.g. for those needed to perform the matching we could use something like "match") filled with driver-specific data/structures.
  3. As these things are going to be very big (and hopefully developed by a wide number of different people), I'd like to have a very strict mandatory coding style.

Plus, altough I can see the advantages, I confess I'm too a bit scared about the consequences of the added 'freedom' given to the user with the adoption of such a thing.

aquette commented 9 years ago

Update: I'm working on a v1.1 (considering the initial proposal as v1). It will add the various points from @clepple , @balooloo and @zykh (btw, thanks for the feedback). However, for now, we (Eaton, pinging @jimklimov) will probably start working on supporting the v1 for a PoC (proof-of-concept) and actual / practical testing through a trial-by-fire.

jimklimov commented 7 years ago

FYI, our internal team did work on this area up to the point that "it works for us" (in one target OS and by chance a few others). In the end we chose an XML format parsed by LibNEON which is already in NUT dependencies. For LTDL-capable systems, the library is only loaded when we parse the external files (into same structures as were provided statically) and unloaded afterwards, so runtime memory overhead should be negligible. Even better, you can load only one or few mapping tables rather than having them all built in and just one used for a device as is the case with current upstream snmp-ups driver.

There were a few PRs posted to show our progress, but the most comprehensive one to date is PR #305 (and the preliminary accepted bits accumulate in upstream nut/DMF branch).

The internal project's focus did not include compatibility with all OSes NUT might run on, so I volunteered to get at least 'make distcheck' pass on the NUT diverse buildbots farm (whether building these DMF-related bits or refusing to do so at the configure stage - but not crashing during 'make' phase) during my spare time. After this foundation is merged to at least nut/DMF, it might be the community members' burden to tweak the autoconfig and/or make-recipes to their environments not covered by buildbots. Or it might "just work" for them ;)

There are also a few things I wanted to refactor for this codebase to be more future-proof, but that might get my timeslots later, perhaps in some other PR.