networkupstools / nut

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`nut-scanner`: Fix "Old NUT" detection and clarify some log messages #2449

Closed jimklimov closed 2 weeks ago

jimklimov commented 2 weeks ago

It seems that commit 3eb96fe98f9bd75813fa243832732e61ac614726 (PR #2246 for issue #2242) released in NUT v2.8.2 broke detection that is not available (not a really practical situation breaking end-user setups, outside of some weird packaging choices on constrained systems, or builds on systems where NUT is not installed into common paths - it did fire up in test cases investigated for another issue #2431).

Also this PR takes a moment to clarify what "old nut" is about in nut-scanner context (as opposed to "new" avahi-based detection where available) so help() and codebase reading is more comprehensible.

Finally, this PR changes all flags about detected scanning methods to be zeroed initially, only set to 1 (even if always) in the nutscan_init() method, to be consistent.