networkx / networkx-metis

NetworkX Addon to allow graph partitioning with METIS
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Added setup requirements #4

Closed OrkoHunter closed 9 years ago

OrkoHunter commented 9 years ago

This adds python and .gitignore

chebee7i commented 9 years ago

Aside: You can use check-manifest to help find these things:

$ check-manifest -v
listing source files under version control: 93 files and directories
building an sdist: UNKNOWN-0.0.0.tar.gz: 91 files and directories
copying source files to a temporary directory
building a clean sdist: UNKNOWN-0.0.0.tar.gz: 91 files and directories
lists of files in version control and sdist do not match!
missing from sdist:
suggested rules:
  recursive-include src *.cc

After adding the suggestions from @ysitu, it now shows:

listing source files under version control: 93 files and directories
building an sdist: UNKNOWN-0.0.0.tar.gz: 93 files and directories
copying source files to a temporary directory
building a clean sdist: UNKNOWN-0.0.0.tar.gz: 93 files and directories
lists of files in version control and sdist match

Note that the UNKNOWN probably needs fixing too.

OrkoHunter commented 9 years ago

@chebee7i Yes, thank you for that. and the namespace packaging are yet to be finalized.

OrkoHunter commented 9 years ago

I added the name in as networkx.addons.metis. I'll send a follow up PR with the minor tweak in networkx core. I think we have always discussed the prototype as

>>> from networkx.addons import metis

But as of this, it's going to be

>>> from networkx.addons.metis import metis

This is because we can't put all the modules into the networkx.addons namespace which in future would raise conflicts with other addons.

chebee7i commented 9 years ago

Is this because of the namespace package? E.g. everything is actually put into networkx/addons/metis/*?

OrkoHunter commented 9 years ago

Yes, virtually.

chebee7i commented 9 years ago

Honestly, I think that import statement will be confusing to users. But perhaps documentation can help.

OrkoHunter commented 9 years ago

Yes that would feel a little confusing for this addon. But, I think it'd more generous to put networkx-metis related stuff inside networkx/addons/metis rather than just networkx/addons. Yes definitely, documentation will help.

chebee7i commented 9 years ago

Just so I'm clear though, if we didn't go with the namespace route, this would not be an issue at all right? Then, users can just do: from networkx.addons import metis.

OrkoHunter commented 9 years ago

Yes. In that case metis would just be a dummy module to import everything from a proper networkx_metis. @chebee7i I think we should step up and use namespace packages. Addons like features take very great use of it. And it's in good culture too. I just found an example for matplotlib. We should resolve the import issue some other way.

chebee7i commented 9 years ago

I think I'd be okay doing that, I just don't really understand what is gained by using the namespace package. If you can explain, that would help me quite a bit. But yes, let's just continue b/c that is an easy decision to change if we do at all.

chebee7i commented 9 years ago

I guess the value is that people can create addons without having to update networkx. Helpful.

OrkoHunter commented 9 years ago

Yes , totally agree with you! And if you consider both the designs too, then the namespace package way looks better than the simple-hackish inside it.

OrkoHunter commented 9 years ago

For the namespace package to be installed in networkx.addons.metis, don't we need the with the one liner in networkx/addons/metis? I think the one in networkx/addons won't suffice.

ysitu commented 9 years ago

Wouldn't your install an

OrkoHunter commented 9 years ago

Even if we don't have it in this package? I've found examples on namespace packages which only deal with top level eg. zope.interface or matplotlib.basemap. Here we have networkx.addons.metis to install stuff in.

ysitu commented 9 years ago

Maybe this will help:

chebee7i commented 9 years ago "Namespace packages cannot contain an"

ysitu commented 9 years ago

You need this directory structure:

$ find networkx -name *.py

networkx/ and networkx/addons/ each contain just one line:


I have the following in my dummy networkx/addons/metis/

def foo():
  return 3.14

Then I can do:

$ python
Python 2.7.6 (default, Mar 22 2014, 22:59:56) 
[GCC 4.8.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import networkx.addons.metis
OrkoHunter commented 9 years ago

@ysitu So, the networkx/metis/ need to be there in the core? Because networkx-metis will probably not install any there.

If networkx/metis/ does not contain


how can networkx-metis install it's modules and everything into it?

OrkoHunter commented 9 years ago

Oh I see, this directory structure is for networkx-metis, isn't it?

chebee7i commented 9 years ago

Yes, I think that is correct @OrkoHunter

SanketDG commented 9 years ago

pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv could be helpful, if you want both python2 and python3 support in your projects.

OrkoHunter commented 9 years ago

Pretty much complete, I guess. Changes might be made because of the issue mentioned in #16.